Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2269 2273 [Uzo looks at me! 】

No matter how Conan felt, the case ended like this.

After calling the police, the police arrived quickly.

Under Kamekura Yuuji's blank gaze, the number of police cars that far exceeded his expectations surrounded the area, and cordon tape was pulled up.

A group of fierce and imposing police officers got out of the car and entered the house.

The police officer looked serious. He pinched his nose and looked into the pit left after the tatami was lifted. Then he was stunned: "Where is the body?"

After a pause, he asked belatedly: "Are there only ashes left?"

Kamekura Yuji: "...huh?"

He was also stunned, and after a moment he understood, and said quickly: "I didn't kill anyone!"

"Okay, okay, we'll talk about this later. It's not time for you to defend yourself yet." Megure Police Department interrupted him and followed the process he was familiar with. "First, where is the body hidden?"

——No one will go directly to the sophistry stage. They have to collect evidence first, otherwise they will not be able to refute them one by one.

Kamekura Yuji became anxious: "I didn't kill anyone, so where would there be corpses!"

Jiang Xia came back to her senses and looked at the familiar group of policemen: "This is a theft case, and it seems that it is not under your control."

Mumu Police Department: "..."

Sato Miwako: "..."

As soon as the operator heard that the reporter was Jiang Xia, he recorded the address and transferred the case to them. The response was quick and the handling was orderly... The only problem was that he forgot to ask what type of case it was.

As for the Forced Criminal Investigation Section 3 of the Investigation Section 1 of the Megu Police Department, they are responsible for incidents such as murder and injury.

"...Forget it, I'm here now, let's check first."

After a brief moment of embarrassment, the Memu Police Department breathed a sigh of relief: compared to a bloody murder case that was yet to be solved, a confused robber who had surrendered was obviously much more relaxed.

While calling the corresponding colleague to come over, he handled the scene skillfully.

The bag of jewelry on the ground was quickly counted and taken away.

Maya Hashimoto glanced at it, and her eyes suddenly stagnated.

This gem...why does it look fake?

It doesn’t seem to be in line with the value of jewelry worth 500 million.

He was confused at first, then thought of something, and looked away as if nothing had happened, pretending that he didn't notice anything.

"I'm still too naive. How could there be no hidden secrets in Uzo's case?" Maya Hashimoto felt a little scared and muttered in her heart, "I was completely confused by his appearance of teaching children and regarded it as a conspiracy. Teaching on the sidelines ignores the danger behind."

"Speaking of which, what's going on with these fake jewelry?"

Maya Hashimoto was curious, but immediately restrained herself after noticing the change in her mentality: Don't meddle in Uzo's business! ...Well, at least don't take the initiative to explore. Uzo would probably give him orders if necessary.

He took a deep breath and hid behind Jiang Xia, keeping a cautious distance away from the police and the confused and stupid thief.

Although the police's ability to solve crimes is worrying, the closing efficiency has always been very high.

Not long after, the stolen goods and Kamekura Yuuji were brought back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and the corresponding personnel also went there to take notes.

Kamekura Yuji's bedroom returned to silence.

In the socket behind the potted plant, an inconspicuous bug returned to peace.

The other end of the bug.

Vodka: "..." Use lottery tickets to lead the target to the corresponding location... Isn't this method proposed by Edogawa Conan the method commonly used by Uzo!

If I remember correctly, that guy Uzuo had already let his cute female classmate win countless lottery tickets. Behind almost every travel package that symbolized warmth and relaxation, there were several bloody lives connected to it.

"Poor female high school student, you haven't noticed any clues until now. You still simply think that you can travel everywhere just because you are very lucky... Hehe, your wonderful luck is actually the arrangement of a certain devil. . However, it cannot be ruled out that she has become an accomplice."

Vodka sighed in his heart: "And that brat Conan has studied various criminal and civil retroactive periods so clearly. This is knowledge that many adults would be confused about.

"This child's preference for cases is also evident. He is indeed the seedling of evil that Uzo watered with his blood. At such a young age, he actually despises other people's rough methods of committing crimes.

"And many of his suspicions seem to be just unreasonable outbursts of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but in fact they are all true... Fortunately, this guy is young. If he were more than ten years older, I am really afraid that I would not be able to help but find someone to assassinate him. To avoid another terrible disaster in Tokyo."

I was mentally on guard against this very talented Uzo minion. At this moment, a voice came from outside the earphones: "How are you doing?"

Vodka suddenly came back to his senses: "That guy was arrested by the police!"

After a pause, he whispered again: "The ones who 'solved' the case were the children around Uzo. Uzo and Maya Hashimoto were also present."

Gin chewed his cigarette butt with his fingers.

Vodka instinctively rejected contact with Uzo, not wanting his mission to intersect with that scary guy. He whispered: "We haven't found what we lost yet. If we let that guy get involved now, things will get serious. The news may be detrimental to our search."

Gin silently exhaled a puff of smoke, as if thinking.

Seeing this, Vodka was about to add another fire, but at this moment, there was a slight noise on the other side of the earphone connected to the bug.


The tips of Vodka's ears twitched, and he instinctively held his breath to distinguish the sounds on the other side and judge the changes on the other side of the bug.

The cabinet in front of the bug was moved away, followed by the sound of fine scraping of clothing - as if someone had squatted down and was carefully looking at the place where the bug was hidden.

The next moment, a familiar voice gently sounded in his ears. It was obviously a question, but it was full of certainty: "Vodka?"

Vodka: "?!!!"

He yanked off the earphones, and his body instinctively jumped back, as if he was avoiding something terrible: Uzo, Uzo actually returned to the scene again!

How did he know there was a bug there?

How did he know someone was really listening behind the bug?

How do I know it's me who's listening? !

In an instant, huge terror struck, and Vodka felt that his actions were completely seen through. He couldn't help but immediately began to reflect on himself, worrying that he had been hinted by Uzo without knowing it, and had set up some terrible death flag.

Gin was alerted by his considerable movement and glanced at him suspiciously while pressing the handle of the gun.

After a moment, this keen cadre glanced at Vodka's expression of horror, and vaguely understood something.

After thinking about it, Gin took the headphones that were thrown away by Vodka, wiped them and put them on himself.

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