Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2253 2257 [Vodka: I was just passing by]

Akai Shuichi obviously had no intention of waiting for him to come back after renting the motorcycle as Jiang Xia said.

After all, he was not a real ordinary citizen, and he did not need the protection of Jiang Xia, a detective. On the contrary, Jiang Xia followed him to find the kidnapper, which was even more worrying.

——Compared to leading an unarmed high school student with only a stick to break into the kidnapper's lair, Shuichi Akai, a lone wolf, is more accustomed to solving problems on his own.

Jiang Xia went to get a motorcycle nearby. When he returned to the bus terminal, he glanced into the office through the window and found that Shuichi Akai, who was supposed to be waiting there, was missing.

Jiang Xia: "..." Well... normal operation.

Just when he was looking around, a passerby on a bus parked on the parking lot ran out in shock: "Kidnapping, someone has kidnapped!!"

Jiang Xia skillfully reassured: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

The passerby driver wiped cold sweat: "How can we not be anxious! The tall guy who came with you was caught, right next to my car! When he was pulled into the car, the back of his head was hit by the edge of the car. , a 'boom' sound - I was afraid that he would be killed on the spot."

Jiang Xia: "..." Being tall also has a problem...but you don't have to worry about being killed. Shuichi Akai has a very hard head.

But he still showed a serious expression immediately: "Where was the kidnapper's car parked? Take me there and have a look."

The passerby driver had long heard that this was a famous detective and took him to his car.

Jiang Xia glanced at the ground, and as expected saw a small group of murderous aura that had been knocked away.

He squatted down and pretended to check the traces, but in fact he picked up the murderous aura and put it into his arms.

Then he said to the enthusiastic driver: "I will chase him and have a look. Please help call the police and explain the situation to the police."

The driver nodded quickly. While touching his phone, he looked down at the ground where Jiang Xia had just checked.

...Looking horizontally and vertically, it is just an ordinary section of cement floor, without any strange traces.

He scratched his head in confusion, and when he looked up again at Jiang Xia's decisively walking away figure, he couldn't help but reveal deep admiration in his eyes.

——As expected of a famous detective, he was able to identify such tiny traces!

...Although he didn't know what traces there were on the ground, Jiang Xia's unhesitating look and calm expression all showed that the detective already knew the whereabouts of the kidnapper!

"The detective profession really depends on talent." The driver sighed and whispered curiously, "So what clues did he see?"

Jiang Xia didn't see any clues, but just picked up a little harvest from the ground.

But this does not mean that he has lost track of Akai Shuichi - in order not to miss this wonderful time together, his ghost is still on the FBI. Jiang Xia can find him as long as he follows the ghost. whereabouts.

So soon, a motorcycle rushing to rescue people rushed out of the bus terminal.

...Then after driving out of the monitoring range, reduce the speed and drive slowly.

Jiang Xia: "..." It's not a delay, it's just that there are a lot of forks here. As a psychic who has to disguise his identity, of course he has to act like he is thinking and reasoning, and cannot go straight to the target - anyway, the kidnappers can't do anything to Akai Shuichi, so they will wait a little longer.

He was carefully and slowly searching for clues when suddenly his phone vibrated and a call came in.

Jiang Xia took out her phone and took a look and found that it was Conan.

Jiang Xia: "..." Although there is no evidence, he feels that something good will happen.

He picked it up without hesitation.

"Ahem, I heard that you encountered a kidnapping case?" Conan's curious voice came from the receiver.

This mini detective hasn't recovered from his cold yet, but when he heard about the case when he went to Dr. Ali's place for lunch, he immediately entered detective mode.

Jiang Xia didn't mind him working while sick, and briefly introduced the situation: "I don't know why, but the client didn't wait for me in the office, but went to the parking lot where there were few people. Now he has been kidnapped. I'm trying to find him."

"Going to find the kidnappers alone to rescue people? It's too dangerous." Conan condemned calmly, and then demanded, "I'll go too, take me with you! So there are two of us - do you have a rough guess about the kidnappers' den? ? There is a traffic jam in the city right now. My skateboard is faster than the police car. We will cover them from both sides and we will definitely be able to rescue the two poor hostages."

Jiang Xia glanced in the direction of Akai Shuichi from a distance: "This area is relatively remote, the land is cheap, there are many factories, and there are also some companies with average economic conditions. I am investigating and I will tell you if I find it."

the other side.

A silent street.

Vodka looked at his watch, yawned, and muttered: "Although coming earlier can help you grasp the surrounding situation in advance and avoid being ambushed by the other side, the waiting time is really boring... Having said that, this kind of small transaction is necessary. Are you so cautious?"

Today, Gin went to check out a psychiatrist according to the email sent by Boss, and Vodka went to complete a small transaction alone.

He glanced at his notebook, eager to open it and watch Miss Yoko's show tonight.

However, thinking about it, Vodka did not dare to wait for the time of the transaction and make such an obvious fishery without authorization - after all, he felt that since Uzo joined the organization, his living environment has become much more difficult than before, and he must always focus. To maintain life.

"Especially now that Brother Gin is away, that little bastard might take advantage of me and sneak in. Although he doesn't know where I am at all, but...well, I'd better be cautious."

Vodka had no choice but to silently suppress his love for Miss Yoko, put the show behind him for the time being, and decided to check out the subsequent recordings after the transaction was completed.

Just then, he heard an engine roar - a car was approaching quickly.


Vodgarten was alert and his ears pricked up.

"This area is basically full of abandoned factories and abandoned office buildings. No one should be here at this time." He thought quickly in his mind, "Is my transaction partner here? But there is no need for him to drive so fast... Or maybe it's just someone. Passing by?"

He wanted to hack into the nearby surveillance cameras to check the situation, but unfortunately, few people came to this area. Various office buildings and factories were also in a semi-deactivated state, and the surveillance cameras had been broken for a long time.

And the monitor he installed himself only monitors the transaction site and does not cover this area.

After hesitating for a moment, Vodka picked up his briefcase and quietly got out of the car like an ordinary social animal, intending to pretend to be passing by and check the situation.

He arranged for peripheral members to respond nearby. If there was any danger, he would just sneak through the narrow alley and run away quickly.

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