Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1423 1423 [Ireland is here to settle the score]

As she spoke, Officer Sato's voice dropped. It seemed that she did not fully agree with the reliability of her colleagues in the forensics department.

Jiang Xia thought of the dedicated forensic police officers and interrupted her thoughts: "It is really difficult to miss such an important item as a mobile phone. If there is really no one at the scene, it may be that the deceased took the initiative to throw away the mobile phone before falling. In the distance.”

"That's it!" The eyes of the police officer who was watching the scene lit up, and everything suddenly became clear.

He immediately called the people who were still at the scene, "Before the deceased fell, he may have actively thrown his mobile phone far away - please determine the possible throwing range and investigate as soon as possible. That is very important physical evidence and must be recovered. Come!"

After hanging up the phone and rereading what Jiang Xia had just said, he was startled and said, "Wait a minute, why did the deceased throw away his cell phone? He deliberately did such a thing before he died. Could it be that he was actually doing something like this?" The fall was premeditated… so it was actually suicide”?

"..." Jiang Xia cast a look with hidden condemnation: Don't link all abnormalities to suicide. How can you let the unlucky shikigami end their obsession...

The Mu Mu Police Department was stunned by him and cleared their throat: "Ahem, of course, this is just a speculation. Maybe he didn't commit suicide."

Jiang Xia looked at her watch and felt that the time was a bit late. He had already pretended to go through the clues he should hear in his ears at this time. Even if he immediately helped the police get off work now, it shouldn't be too sudden.

With this in mind, Jiang Xia kindly ignored the topic of "suicide" from the Mumu Police Department and calmly led the conversation back to the physical evidence.

"You have to look for a cell phone anyway. In addition to the abandoned building, why not also look for it in this building - in the surveillance, when Reiji Himuro made the call, the cell phones he used were different."

The surveillance just now showed that after arriving at the corner of the stairs in this building, Himuro Reiji made two phone calls: in the first phone call, he first said something to the person opposite, and then turned around and went to the bathroom.

After he came back, he made a second call to Mouri Kogoro.

When Mouri Kogoro heard this, he scratched his head in confusion. He actually didn't pay much attention to what the cell phone used by Himuro Reiji looked like in the surveillance.

However, a mature detective does not need to care about the details. He quickly nodded in agreement and said solemnly: "That's right! And after all, when doing such an important thing as sending a death notice to the famous detective Mouri Kogoro, that guy Himuro He even ran to the bathroom on the way... This is so suspicious! He must not be simply going to the bathroom, but has another agenda!"

Conan held it in all night and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He moved next to Jiang Xia and corrected him: "What you are doing does not conflict with whether you want to go to the bathroom, and some people will want to go to the bathroom when they are nervous - of course, I also think it is better. For this reason, he actually had another agenda when he went to the bathroom. But this was not entirely because he went to the bathroom at the wrong time, but because there was an unnatural wet stain on the hem of his clothes. Judging from the location and shape, it didn't look like it was splashed when he washed his hands. It’s more like he moved his hands on the toilet tank, or somewhere of similar height…”

Before he finished speaking, someone punched him on the head.

Mouri Kogoro took back his hand and snorted: "You are the only one who talks a lot!"

Conan: "…"

He covered the big bag on his head and looked silently at Jiang Xia beside him: ...They have already moved to you, why don't you help stop him!

Jiang Xia also stared back silently: "Your head is so hard. Uncle Maoli is mortal. If you knock it on, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Jiang Xia"..." In addition, if you think about it carefully, Mouri Kogoro's movement of knocking someone just now was very fast. He moved to Conan's side in a flash like lightning, and punched out in a flash. He couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

Thinking of this, his conscience, which was wavering between Detective Mori and Detective Kudo, suddenly stabilized again.

While Mouri Kogoro went to discuss his reasoning with the Megure Police Department, Jiang Xia touched Conan's head and said in a deep voice: "Go and learn karate, little detective - there will always be times when neighbors feel tired, and a man's head , after all, you have to rely on yourself to protect it.”

"...Where did you learn those hot-blooded comic lines?" Conan was used to the occasional nonsense from his neighbors. He pushed Jiang Xia's hand away and hummed.

He said, "I still prefer football to karate - and it's too late to improvise. Is it possible that if you practice karate, you can be as powerful as Uncle and Xiaolan?"

Thinking this, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan was keenly aware of the movement here and turned to look over.

Seeing this scene of ostensibly respectful brotherhood, she couldn't help but smile: "Conan's reasoning just now was great! It's worth it that you wander around the crime scene every day - if you like the detective industry, you must do it Learn from brother Jiang Xia well."

"..." Conan forced a smile, "Okay, Sister Xiaolan."

Jiang Xia"..."Actually, you said the opposite...

As police scrambled to find the phone.

At the same time, in an apartment in the distance.

Reiji Himuro thought about his experience today and couldn't help laughing out loud: "Stupid police officers and those detectives, haha, they all boasted so powerfully in the newspapers, but in fact they can only follow my script. They left, and were forced to watch a "good guy" who fell to his death after being forced to watch a prodigal return, unable to capture the real murderer right in front of them. "

After feeling proud, Himuro Reiji was silent for a moment, thinking of Jiang Xia's past case history, thinking about it, and finally he was a little concerned about it.

After a while, he took out his mobile phone and planned to search the news to check the progress of related cases.

I had just read a few lines when the doorbell suddenly rang.

----somebody is coming.


Feeling guilty about being a thief, Himuro Reiji stood up quickly: as soon as he thought of Jiang Xia, someone came to the door, which made him feel a twitch in his heart, worried that the detective had found some irrefutable evidence against him.

But then I thought about how a smart person like me could be caught so easily.

Himuro Reiji "..." At this time, if you back down, you will lose. After planning for so long, he must not show his cowardice in front of the police and detectives when things come to pass!

With this thought in mind, Himuro Reiji shouted "Here we come!" with great enthusiasm, and strode towards the entrance.

On the way, he straightened his expression and smoothed his hair.

Standing in the entrance hall, he opened the door elegantly. He was about to taunt the police and detectives who came to the door.

But before speaking, Himuro Reiji was suddenly startled when he saw the person outside the door.

——The person who came to him turned out not to be the policeman or detective he had imagined. But a strange man.

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