Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1261 1260 [Abominable instigator]

Chapter 1260 1260 [Abominable instigator]

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

It seems more difficult to get the elderly to change their minds. In addition, it is easier for them to believe in those "ancient legends", so until now, Terai Huangnosuke is still wary enough about the matter of "dogs eating people in the foggy sky".

Kuroba Kaito sighed: "Take off your equipment. There is no need to drive Kiritengu. Let's take the Shinkansen."

On the other side, Jiang Xia and Suzuki Sonoko also made an appointment to go to Osaka - since Conan ran away with Hattori Heiji in advance, Mao Lilan went to chase him, and this time only the two of them could go together.

Jiang Xia prefers to take public transportation, and Suzuki Sonoko also feels that private cars are boring. The two hit it off and decided to go alone, not with the Suzuki family.

Although Jiang Xia's sleep was disturbed by Kuroba Kaito on the way, he stubbornly fell asleep and then woke up to the vibration of the alarm clock.

He glanced at the time, remembered something, and called Suzuki Sonoko just to be on the safe side: "Are you up?"

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko's voice was confused at first, but it took a few seconds to wake up, "Of course!"

Jiang Xia: "..." I always feel that she is actually speaking in the present continuous tense.

...But forget it, I can catch up anyway.

At around 5:40, the two of them all arrived at the station, planning to take the less crowded tram to a station where they could take the Shinkansen.

As I was stretching and waiting for the bus, two people suddenly came next to me.

One old and one young are none other than the Phantom Thief and his support.

Suzuki Sonoko glanced over there casually, suddenly froze, and blurted out: "It's you again!"

"?" Kuroba Kaito looked at them and was also startled when he heard this, "...What a coincidence."

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but take a few more glances at this Kudo-faced guy, and her eyes fell on Kuroba Kaito's considerable luggage: "Don't you want to go to Osaka too?"


Kuroba Kaito tried his best to keep a smile and said as if he was having a normal chat: "Yes, I heard that Kidd will be making moves in Osaka in the near future. As his fan, of course I also want to visit Osaka."

Jiang Xia laughed from the side.

Kuroba Kaito's smile froze: "..." Damn it, it was originally a very natural sentence, but with an insider like Jiang Xia standing next to him, I don't know why, but I always feel a little embarrassed... This detective actually laughed at him!

Fortunately, the main audience member, Suzuki Sonoko, knew nothing about the truth.

Instead, she was a little surprised: "Are you also a fan of Kidd-sama? - Haha, even though you have such a face, you are surprisingly discerning."

Kuroba Kaito: "...huh?" What's wrong, why can't this face have vision?

When two people were having an awkward chat without much tacit understanding.

Next to him, Terai Kinosuke recognized Jiangxia and nodded to him: I heard that Jiangxia had just helped the young master last night. Although he didn’t know why Kaito was always hostile to others, he actually thought Jiangxia was a good person. Children, at least they are more reassuring than the foggy dogs whose recipes include human flesh.

in addition……

After saying hello to Jiang Xia, Terai Huangnosuke turned his eyes and fell on Suzuki Sonoko.

——As a support staff member of Kaitou Kidd, although he is not a professional intelligence agent, it is impossible not to know the Suzuki family. After all, this family is often targeted by Kidd.

Terai Kinosuke: "..." Speaking of which, the target in Osaka this time also belongs to the Suzuki family. I feel a little guilty when I think about it...

Suzuki Sonoko noticed his gaze and looked over. Finding that the old man seemed hesitant to speak, she suddenly became curious and approached him to chat.

While they were chatting briefly.

Kuroba Kaito walked next to Jiang Xia as if nothing had happened.

Looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, he asked in a low voice: "Why didn't you bring Wu Tiangu with you?"

The foggy dog ​​floating next to Jiang Xia twitched its ears, retracted its gaze from the distance, and looked over in confusion.

Jiang Xia also glanced at it: "He has his own ideas."

Kuroba Kaito: "..." Do you want Kiritengu to find a way to get to Osaka on his own?

He suddenly felt that this detective was not reliable: "What should I do if I encounter poaching?"

Jiang Xia thought for a while: "Then add one more dish."

Kuroba Kaito: "!!"

...This detective actually instigated monsters to eat human flesh!

Jiang Xia glanced at his expression and showed a friendly smile: "I'm just kidding, you don't really think Wutian Dog eats people, do you?"

Although Kuroba Kaito did think so, how could he admit it at this time?

He said against his will: "Of course not. How could a foggy dog ​​eat people?"

After a pause, he couldn't help but ask: "So how did he get there?" Or did he not plan to go?

Jiang Xia casually joked: "He mixed up with the crew and hitched a ride away - a persistent actor who refused to put down his props and was always in the role. How about it, it fits his serious character."

"Hmm..." Kuroba Kaito imagined that scene and found that it was surprisingly suitable. Jiang Xia is indeed a detective with a flexible mind. This method is worth learning. "This is indeed a method."

...I just hope that the crew members who are traveling with me can be more polite and don't grab others' wings out of curiosity.

At five fifty, the tram pulled into the station.

As soon as he got in the car, he found that there was no one in the car. Suzuki Sonoko stretched out comfortably: "Haha, it's equivalent to booking the whole place."

Kuroba Kaito carried his luggage and got into the car. He wanted to take his companion and find a seat away from the detective: "Terai-san..."

Before he finished speaking, he turned around and saw Suzuki Sonoko and Terai Huangnosuke chatting animatedly.

As Suzuki Sonoko sat near the door, Terai Kinosuke also sat there with her.

——Both of them can be regarded as fans of Kidd. Compared with Sonoko Suzuki, who has many fans, Kinosuke Terai can be called a fan of "Kidd". He not only knows the story of the current Kidd, but also knows a lot about the previous Kidd. Suzuki Sonoko was bored, so she simply listened to him attentively.

Jiang Xia also sat down next to him.

Kuroba Kaito: ...Tsk.

Just when he was debating whether to sit alone in the corner alone or join in generously.

There was a sound of footsteps at the door, and other guests got into the car.

It was a male college student wearing a baseball cap backwards. He had headphones hanging on his ears and seemed to be on the phone with a friend: "Horii is always late. I'm used to this, but Shimizu didn't come. Alas, these two guys, if I had known I would make excuses like you But come."

Just as he was talking, the driver poked his head out from the front. He seemed to know the passenger: "Mr. Kawasaki, are you alone today?"

Kawasaki Tetsuta scratched the back of his head and said uncertainly: "There should be two more."

The conductor nodded after hearing this: "It's okay if you want to take pictures, but there are other guests in the car today, so don't cause trouble to them."

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