Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1204 1203 [Gin’s social death scene]

Chapter 1203 1203 [Gin’s social death scene]

The original email should look like this.

But now, Gin took a closer look at the contents in the middle. Then he discovered that although many keywords in the sent email overlapped with what he wanted to say, in fact, what he sent was actually——

[Just now, Belmod, Uzo and Vodka and I went to get a pair of high-tech glasses. The doctor said it could help me improve the recognition problem I'm currently having.

Nowadays, medical progress is getting faster and faster. After I checked with professionals, I learned that there was indeed no big problem with the pair of glasses. In addition, I don’t know why, but I always feel that there is a shadow of Shirley in this treatment plan, and it has some overlap with her research field.

I hope you can investigate the origins of this glasses treatment. I think Shirley may have infiltrated their development team and led this research-I will call a few other people at your disposal immediately. ]

This is a messy email, although it doesn't have a preface that doesn't match the post. But it doesn't look like something a sober Gin could write.

——It’s more like something you inadvertently send out when you’re so tired that you’re sleepwalking, symbolizing the obsession deep in your heart.

"..." Gin was in a daze for a moment as he read those words - if what happened just now wasn't too real, he would have suspected that he was sleepwalking.

He deleted the nonsense and rewrote the email he really wanted to write.

This time, Gin's hand speed was much slower, his eyes were fixed on the screen like a prey, and he was reading while writing.

Then he discovered with a slight cold sweat that every time he wrote key information, he would unconsciously forget what he originally wanted to write, just like forgetting the words when picking up a pen, and instead write a sentence of indifferent nonsense.

This hypnotic state will undoubtedly make the person involved feel horrified.

Gin suddenly remembered what the unknown boss said just now when he was poaching Uzo in front of them - "Don't worry about these people next to you, they have promised to keep it secret and will not leak it."

When he heard this sentence just now, Gin's attention was still focused on "how to cut the unknown boss into pieces", and he only felt that it was an empty promise to coax Uzo.

But now it seems...

Gin: "..." Before entering the game, what exactly was written in the "user confidentiality clause"? !

And that is actually a rule that must be followed?

How did Anonymous do it? Could those weird gaming glasses also have the function of assisting with hints?


Regardless of the cause, the result is certain.

——It seems that he is unable to report this matter to the boss for the time being.

We have to find a way to get rid of this weird state first.

In addition, the other three people...

Ginjiu remembered something, cleared the information, exited the mailbox interface, and dialed Jiang Xia again.

"Hello?" Gin asked, were you also affected by that suggestion? "How was your night's rest?"

The breathing on the other side of the phone paused slightly.

After a while, Ginjiu heard Jiang Xia laugh and say as if he had seen through everything: "You have a good rest - what's wrong, are you envious?"

"..." Two veins popped out of Gin's forehead. You know I was asking you about the game. "I'm well rested, too."

“… # ”

Gin couldn't stand this kind of conversation with negative efficiency.

He resisted the urge to smash his phone: "...Go to the Hegson Bar, right now."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Then he came to his senses and realized that he might have chosen the wrong person to communicate with.

——Among the three "teammates" tonight, Gin really agrees with Uzo's analytical ability the most.

But if you think about it carefully, when faced with such a bizarre thing, Uzo's first reaction is probably to "find it interesting". He may not really cooperate with him to figure out the situation. Instead, he will play tricks on others, and the efficiency of exchanging information is very low... Perhaps a more honest teammate is needed at this time.

With this thought in mind, Gin headed to the meeting place and called Vodka and Belmod to give them a try.

After a few minutes, Gin finally confirmed something.

——Vodka and Belmode will also suddenly switch to some commonplace topics when mentioning things related to "holographic games".

From this point of view, the reason why I couldn't express myself correctly about the "holographic game" was because of the so-called "user confidentiality clause".

"..." Gin's face couldn't help but become a little ugly when he thought about the frustration of having a lot of important information but being unable to express it.

What's more, this is not a simple matter - Anonymous has mastered such a terrifying technology without knowing it. At this time, perhaps in addition to the four of them, there are others who have also been pulled into this game, and are unintentionally promoting the unknown and terrifying plan of Anonymous...

We must find a way to report this kind of thing to the organization.

Gin drove towards the meeting point while trying to find a way to crack it.

the other side.

Jiang Xia held the phone and looked down at the call that was hung up by Gin Jiu: "..." Gathering at the bar?

You have to be twenty years old to enter the bar, especially the Hegson Bar. There is an organization behind you and the management is always very strict. I don’t know if Gin was busy and forgot, or if he was worried that other meeting places would not be open at this time.

But Jiang Xia thought about it and felt that the problem was not big:

Gin can bring people in through facial recognition, and Belmode is good at disguise. He will never be stopped at the door. It’s just a chance to experience the atmosphere of a bar in the real world openly - this is something that Noah’s kind of virtual bar can’t experience. The joy of arriving.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia quickly changed her clothes and went out, covering her appearance, and went straight to the bar she had been to once before.

When we arrived at the place, we happened to meet Belmod who had just gotten off the car.

Belmode is proficient in disguise, and often imitates other people's gaits and postures. He has always been very observant in this regard.

Although Jiang Xia pretended to be wearing a mask, she quickly recognized the person and waved to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia walked towards her and looked up at the commercial building.

Then he was slightly surprised to find that even though it was already early in the morning, the lights were still bright here, and many shops had lights on, which was completely different from what he imagined as "only bars open".

The two people soon met at the door of the building and walked side by side to the elevator.

At this time, midnight had passed a long time, but it was still far away from dawn. There were not many guests, and they were the only two people taking the elevator.

Belmode was closest to the button. She was about to press the down button and drive to the bar, but suddenly she remembered something, turned her head and glanced at Jiang Xia, and started to move her hand up.

——In my impression, there is a sushi restaurant that is also an industry owned by the organization, and it maintains good confidentiality.

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