Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 96 Picked up a bottle of sherry. Please vote for me (〃)

Toru Amuro had just finished a business trip and had a lot of work piled up. He came to the office, gave Jiang Xia a few part-time jobs, and left soon after.

The part-time job as a substitute starts tomorrow.

Jiang Xia was sitting on the sofa in the office. Next to him, Miyano Akemi looked a little restless.

Jiang Xia raised her hand and rubbed her head, which felt good, and decided to go out to see the situation.

When she abducted Miyano Akemi and signed a contract with her, her request was to let Eka take care of her sister as much as possible - Miyano Shiho, codenamed "Shirley".

Jiang Xia thought, since she guessed that Ginjiu's phone call just now was related to Shirley's defection, of course she should take a look.

If you can, do your best to save her. If you really can't save her... you can at least wait for an opportunity to pick up her soul and raise it. Since your elder sister has the talent to become a ghost fetus, my younger sister should be the same.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia let the main body sit on the sofa and hang up, while the shikigami flew through the wall outside the house and gathered in the alley next to the office.

Currently, Jiang Xia has a total of three ghost fetuses that can only be used to support puppets.

Among them, the foggy dog's wings are too big, and there is no comic exhibition nearby. If you drive it around, it will easily be watched by the crowd.

Miyano Akemi's puppet has been photographed by many people on the Shinkansen and has been registered with the police station and the organization. Now the organization is looking for Shirley everywhere. Driving her out at this juncture may easily cause trouble.

So Jiang Xia chose Xiaobai’s puppet, the little boy.

Although this puppet had been in contact with Gin before, Jiang Xia had covered its face at that time - when he stuffed Xiaobai into the bag, he deliberately pressed his head down, so the puppet's posture was so distortion. And Gin did pay attention to the puppet's broken neck, and did not turn Xiaobai's head over to see his face.

In addition, Gin seems to have said that he does not remember the people who died at his hands.

And the little white puppet was shot twice by Ginjiu, and was even thrown into the incinerator by his own hands... Rounding it off, it should be considered a homicide. I hope Ginjiu will be more dedicated and respect the equipment he added to himself. Certainly.

The puppet's initial clothing is fixed and will be generated based on the puppet's preferences.

However, as the number of shikigami increased, Jiang Xia was able to make some changes to her clothes. He made Xiaobai's clothes look a little different from when he bombed the hotel.

Afterwards, Jiang Xia wrapped herself in a scarf and walked to the end of the alley. He dug out a brick from the wall, took out the money he had hidden inside and put it into his pocket to use it as travel expenses.

Shirley stopped her research after learning that her sister was killed by the organization. The organization put her in a room to wait for retribution. Shirley was disheartened and felt that she had no choice but to die, so she ate the APTX4869 hidden in her body.

She originally wanted to commit suicide with poison, but luckily she became a child.

In the spoilers Jiang Xia has read, Shirley successfully slipped away from the garbage chute after becoming smaller. After that, she didn't know where to go. When she was confused, she suddenly remembered that Kudo Shinichi was suspected to have been made smaller by the drug, so she subconsciously ran away to this fellow sufferer's house - Gin fed Kudo Shinichi APTX4869 and left. But as a drug developer, Shirley must continue to be responsible. She once sneaked into Kudo Shinichi's house late at night to investigate the situation, so she guessed that Kudo Shinichi had become smaller and also knew the address of Kudo Shinichi's house.

But now, the situation is different from the spoilers - in Shirley's eyes, near Kudo's house, Jiang Xia lives near Kudo's house, who hates her very much and knows her appearance well.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia thought for a moment. Instead of going home, she got on the bus and came to a pharmaceutical building.

This is one of the organization's strongholds and also Shirley's workplace. This is where she escaped.

Jiang Xia walked around the area covertly and quickly found a few small footprints, and they were all bare.

This must have been stepped on by Shirley - after she became smaller, her shoes and clothes no longer fit her. I can barely put on my clothes, but I can't wear my shoes anymore. Apart from her, it was hard to imagine a child running around in a place like this with bare feet.

Jiang Xia stared at the footprints and thought for a while, then released Miyano Akemi's soul.

Although the ghost fetus is not good at finding living people, they are still sisters after all, and they may have the same mind...

In Jiang Xia's imagination, Miyano Akemi should come close to the footprints at this time, stretch out her little hand to touch the footprints, smell the breath, then think seriously for a moment, and quickly lead him to Shirley's side.

However, things deviated from Jiang Xia's script.

——After being placed next to the footprints, Miyano Akemi looked down at the muddy ground beneath her, then turned around and crawled back onto Jiang Xia's clean shoes, and skillfully hugged his legs.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Well, it seems that there is something wrong with the telepathy between these sisters, maybe the signal between humans and ghosts is not good. Judging from her reaction, let alone looking for the breath, Miyano Akemi didn't even recognize who left the footprints.

Thinking about it, now Miyano Akemi probably only knows that her sister escaped from the clutches of the organization, but she doesn’t know that Shirley has become smaller...

Jiang Xia sighed silently. He wiped away the traces on the ground, recognized the surrounding scenery, and walked towards his home.

The footprints are facing that way.

In addition, Shirley took the poison with the thought of death, but not only did she not die, she also escaped from the organization and is probably still in a daze now.

In this state, it is difficult for her to make a careful escape plan, and she is more likely to act on instinct.

Regardless of whether Shirley wanted to find Kudo Shinichi, a fellow patient, or she ran in the opposite direction because Jiang Xia was also there, it was easier to handle, because she only needed to find two directions.

At present, the most likely scenario is...

Jiang Xia started from the place where he found the mud footprints and walked towards his home, looking for a convenient hiding place one by one.

Judging from the existing traces, Shirley did run towards Kudo Shinichi.

If she reaches her destination smoothly and Dr. A Li takes her there, it won't be a big problem.

And if she ran halfway and didn't dare to go over because of Jiang Xia... then she would have no place to go.

In this case, Shirley is more likely to find a place to hide than to run aimlessly and bump into members of the organization. Moreover, when the body shape is changed by APTX4869, the whole person will be very tired, and Shirley cannot run too far.

After walking nearly a kilometer or two, Jiang Xia's eyes fell on a pile of building materials waiting for use in the corner.

A corner of white was vaguely revealed between the gaps in the building materials. The space there was very small, not enough for an adult to hide, but it was just enough to hide a child.

Jiang Xia looked around and found no suspicious cannon fodder in black clothes. Members of the organization may have searched the area and left now.

Jiang Xia then went around behind the building materials and lifted up a corner of the tarpaulin covering it. He looked inside and met a pair of frightened eyes.

Sure enough, it's here.

Jiang Xia was very satisfied with his efficiency and luck in finding people.

He looked at Shirley, who was huddled under the tarp with her knees in her arms: "Come out."

At first, Shirley was trembling.

But after seeing the little boy in front of her clearly, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly calmed down.

...I can actually feel the aura of the organization from a child. I must be too nervous.

Shirley looked at the neatly dressed, young and handsome child in front of her. After hesitating for a moment, she touched the pocket of her white coat and successfully found a coffee candy.

She pushed the candy into Jiang Xia's hand and said perfunctorily: "Be good, go play somewhere else."

Then he raised his hand, grabbed the corner of the rain cloth that Jiang Xia was holding, and slowly wrapped it up again.


Update time: 8:30 am

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