Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 90 How to safely distribute lunch boxes

Xichuan Suimei suddenly panicked when she realized that Jiang Xia had entered the secret passage.

At that time, she actually did not burn the Madam to death together, but imprisoned her in a secret passage so that she could have plastic surgery in the likeness of the True Madam.

In other words, the body of the wife is still placed in the secret passage.

And the position of the body happened to be very close to where Jiang Xia entered. According to the insight of the detectives, Jiang Xia had probably seen it...

Xi Chuan Suimei thought about it, and gradually became murderous.

So she locked herself in the room on the pretext of wanting to rest, then took a wooden stick and opened the entrance to the secret passage in the room, planning to use her familiarity with the secret passage to sneak attack Jiang Xia and kill the detective who knew too much.

However, Xi Chuan Suimei wandered in the secret passage for a long time, but still could not find Jiang Xia. Several times, she felt as if someone was passing by, but when she looked over, she couldn't see anything.

……what happened?

Could it be that Jiang Xia has actually gone out? Or have you been hiding in a corner without moving?

Xi Chuan Suimei gradually felt a little shaken, and she tightened her grip on the wooden stick.

As soon as Xi Chuan Suimei entered the secret passage, Jiang Xia immediately locked her position.

——Although the souls who were burned to death by Nishikawa Suimei were very confused and did not try to steal her. But Nishikawa Suimei killed more than these people, she also killed Mrs. Zhen.

Mrs. Tai knew very well who her murderer was, so the shikigami she transformed into after her death was firmly on Nishikawa Suimei's legs, becoming Jiang Xia's locator.

When Nishikawa Suimei entered the secret passage, Jiang Xia had already picked up all the shikigami. He was about to start eliminating his obsessions in batches and sign contracts when Nishikawa Suimi came to his door.

After Jiang Xia saw her figure clearly, her expression softened slightly - just come, and she even sent a wooden stick. How embarrassing.

However, no matter how caring and sensible Xi Chuan Sui Mei is, Jiang Xia will not change her original plan. This woman is an important tool to help ghosts eliminate their obsessions.

Jiang Xia stood in the darkness, watching Nishikawa Suimei passing in front of him, and then whispered the truth about the castle fire to the shikigami in the paper bag who died in vain.

Only when the shikigami have clear goals can they know where their obsession lies, and it will be easier to eliminate them in batches.

These souls do not have much thinking ability, but are very sensitive to the cause of their death and the murderer who killed them. At this time, they were spoiled by Jiang Xia, and the originally messy and scattered obsessions gradually converged, and the target was precisely aimed at the fake old woman in the secret passage.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jiang Xia originally wanted to go over and beat the person up as usual.

However, when Jiang Xia walked quietly behind Xi Chuan Suimei and was about to take the stick in her hand, Jiang Xia thought of something and made a move.

... Nishikawa Suimi killed so many people at once in order to seize the treasure. If she just beat her up, the resentment of the shikigami might not be subsided.

Not only humans, but shikigami also emphasize that the more souls, the greater the power. Souls with the same cause of death gather together, interfere with each other, and superimpose each other, which will give rise to more powerful obsessions.

The disembowelment murderer at Izu Beach last time only had four shikigami on him, but after he was beaten like that, the shikigami didn't loosen up at all. It was after he fell off the cliff that Miyano Akemi successfully tore out his soul.

And now, more people are dying in vain...

After Xi Chuan Suimei walked a little further, Jiang Xia opened the paper bag, lowered his head and counted carefully, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... a total of eighteen souls.

Count again, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven...still eighteen.

When Jiang Xia was counting, Xiaobai and Miyano Akemi looked up and saw his movements, and were slightly startled.

After a while, the two ghosts skillfully climbed up Jiang Xia's legs and came to the paper bag, trying to get to the back of the line and help Jiang Xia count.

The Tengu Ghost had never experienced this kind of "ordering troops" scene. It flew up unsteadily, observed the situation with confusion, and tentatively lined up behind Miyano Akemi.

Jiang Xia clicked on the three ghosts with his fingertips. After clicking, he almost wanted to release the other shikigami in his heart... But in the end, he realized that now was not the time to count these things, so he had to stop with regret and do business first. .

In short, with so many innocent souls gathered together now, it will be difficult for the matter to end without delivering a lunch to the murderer.

Even ordinary death may not be able to eliminate the obsession of shikigami.

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment and decided to do a small experiment first.

He picked up a stone, weighed it silently in his hand, and quickly caught up with Nishikawa Suimei, who had already walked out.

When Xichuan Suimei passed by a step, Jiang Xia raised his hand and threw it. The woman landed and stepped on a stone. The sole of her foot tilted and she rolled down the stairs.

The steps here were relatively steep. After Nishikawa Suimei rolled to the bottom, she fainted for a while before getting up with a groan all over her body.

Jiang Xia lowered his head and observed the shikigami in the bag, feeling that they were not less resentful at all. On the contrary, there is a vague trend of intensification, and there is quite an emotion like "We died so miserably, but this is what happened to her?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

A group of souls, there are quite a lot of things to do.


Jiang Xia touched the paper bag, and her eyes quickly returned to kindness. Forget it, who made them so easy to pick up? There are still many, and some requirements are not unsatisfactory.

Having said that, Jiang Xia had no intention of killing anyone.

For ordinary people, death is the end. But for psychics, death may be just the beginning of trouble.

After the death of most people, they cannot generate very strong souls. However, the aura of the psychics themselves is quite special. There are many examples in history of people who died at the hands of psychics, and then became overly blackened and became the bosses when they fell.

For Jiang Xia, the situation of being killed by the black soul after killing someone is roughly equivalent to "randomly rolling a number from 1-100,000, and if the number is '64541', he will die suddenly on the spot" - this is an extremely low probability. event, but as long as there is a probability, it means that the situation is likely to happen. And the best way to avoid it is not to shake it at all.

...So, you definitely can't strangle people to death directly.

Even if you have to send a lunch box, you should use euphemistic and tortuous methods to make the soul confused for a while, and first figure out whether its death has anything to do with the psychic. In this way, if you really accidentally shake the boss-level blackened soul that will die at the first touch, you can take appropriate life-saving measures before its obsession takes shape.

While Jiang Xia was thinking, Xi Chuan Suimei covered her head and got up from the ground.

She stood up suddenly, rushed to the wall, slammed down a trap, and left the secret passage as if running away.

Jiang Xia looked at the place where she disappeared, recalled part of the tunnel layout he had observed when picking up ghosts before, and walked around to the other side.

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