The two of them were caught by Yeyue, and Kidd could only use the Golden Cicada Escape Technique. The red evening dress fell off his body, and he changed his clothes instantly, becoming the standard outfit of Kaito Kidd in white clothes and white hat.

Yeyue looked at the evening dress in his hand, and then looked at Kidd opposite him, and blurted out, "So you still have clothes inside, I thought you were going to run naked after taking off your clothes."

"How is it possible! I'm not a pervert!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you broke my camera last time, hurry up and pay me!"

"Pay me? Catch me, if you catch me, I'll pay!"

Kaito saw the police outflanking him, so he threw a few smoke bombs, and the smoke immediately sprayed out.

At the same time, smoke rose from all over the banquet hall, accompanied by bursts of screams. It turned out that the black star brooches on the chests of some guests were smoking. Obviously, this was also arranged in advance by Kaito Kid.

"Quick! Ventilate, take out all the smoke!" Inspector Nakamori shouted loudly.

In the smoke, Conan did not rush to Kid, but to Suzuki Tomoko.

Kaito Kid's voice sounded, "I will accept the black star! Goodbye!" At the same time, accompanied by Suzuki Tomoko's screams.

The police were terrified, but Conan was overjoyed, because when Kid grabbed the black star in the chaos, although he failed to catch Kid, he successfully attached the transmitter to Kid's pants. This is the height advantage!

"Kaito Kid! You can't escape!" Conan pressed his glasses and rushed out following the cursor on it.

When the smoke cleared, the black star on Suzuki Tomoko's chest had long disappeared, and there was no sign of Kaito Kid at the scene, and even Ye Yue had disappeared.

"Kid must still be on the boat, hurry up, find him!" Nakamori rushed out of the banquet hall with his men.

Maori Kogoro collapsed and shouted, "It doesn't matter whether it's Kid or not! Who can tell me where Xiaolan is?"


After Conan left the banquet hall, he went after Kid, but Ye Yue sneaked into the bathroom and summoned Chun Sanshi Niang. It can't be considered a summoning, because Chun Sanshi Niang had been hiding in his body in the form of a spider, and now she just turned into a human form.

"Do you remember what I said to you?" Ye Yue confirmed.

Chun Sanshi Niang replied respectfully, "I remember it clearly."

"Okay. Let's start."

Next, Chun Sanshi Niang dressed up as Ye Yue, and the mask used for disguise was prepared by Ye Yue in advance - although the skills obtained from Kaito Kid will disappear, the effects of the skills will not disappear. The disguise mask is made of materials obtained in reality, so it can always exist.

"It's just as I thought. Fortunately, I wore loose clothes today." Yeyue was glad that she was prepared, otherwise Chun Sanshi Niang's disguise would definitely cause others to wonder: Why are your chest muscles so developed?

Even with a corset, it can't be covered at all, so it is a wise move for Yeyue to wear a loose top in advance.

"Does the master really like me?" Chun Sanshi Niang looked down at her chest.

Yeyue almost fell down, "No! Don't talk nonsense!"


Kaito Kid was chased by Conan. After running for a long time, he found a strange thing on his trouser legs, "Is this... a transmitter? So that's it, no wonder I can't get rid of this kid."

"Kid, who are you?" Kid asked while running.

Conan was overjoyed, and he could finally say his lines! He immediately said in a arrogant tone: "Edogawa Conan, a detective!"

"Okay! I'll remember you!"

Kid threw a smoke bomb, and Conan passed through the smoke and could no longer see Kid. Looking at the cursor in the glasses again, it ran out of the ship. It was obvious that Kid noticed the transmitter and threw it into the sea.

"Damn, it escaped!" Conan clenched his fist unwillingly, and suddenly caught a glimpse of something on the deck. When he got closer, he found that it was a card pressed by the Black Star.

There was a sentence written on the card, [The Black Star is not what I'm looking for, I'll give it back to you. ]


After getting rid of Conan, Kid avoided the searching police and came to a remote corner of the cruise ship deck. There is a cellar-like space under the deck here, where his hang glider is hidden.

Because the evening dress he wore when pretending to be Xiaolan was too close-fitting, one more layer of clothes was the limit, and there was no way to hide the hang glider on his body, so Kid could only hide the hang glider on the ship in advance.

"We've been busy for so long, it's time to go back." Kidd said.

After opening the deck, he was dumbfounded because there was nothing in the cellar, and there was no hang glider at all. "What's going on?"

An extremely ominous premonition came to his mind, and he immediately wanted to escape. But at this moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and a familiar voice came from behind, "Are you looking for this thing? Kaito Kidd!"

Kid turned his head stiffly and saw Yeyue with one hand on his shoulder and the other holding the hang glider, standing there straight and looking down.

Damn, it was taken away by someone.

Kidd couldn't escape from the cruise ship without a hang glider, unless he jumped into the sea and swam. However, Kidd would never do this unless he had no choice.

"Interesting, someone actually found the hang glider I hid here. As an opponent, you are pretty good..." Although he was cursing in his heart, Kidd kept a poker face on the surface.

He thought Yeyue would be proud, but he didn't know that Yeyue was even more poker-faced than him, and only said two words: "RNM, pay up!"

"Ah?" Kidd was stunned.

"Why are you pretending? I asked you to pay up! You broke my camera and ran away without paying for it. Don't you think this is funny? That's the camera I just bought!"

"I bought it and used it for only one day, and you burned the photosensitive element with a flash bomb!"

"Forget about burning the photosensitive element. I took it to the after-sales service for warranty, but they told me, 'Dear, yours is man-made damage, we don't have a warranty.' Do you know how painful this is?"

"No! You don't understand! You don't know anything!"

Kid felt dizzy, and never thought that Yeyue would go against him for such a ridiculous reason.

"That's it?" Kidd asked stupidly.

Yeyue was furious, "What do you mean that's it? What's your attitude?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. What I mean is, how do you want to solve it?"

Yeyue said seriously, "I don't want to care about you stealing the Black Star. I only know that you broke my camera, which I bought for 200,000 yuan. As long as you pay me, I will return the glider to you!"

Kidd looked at Yeyue in disbelief, "You won't catch me?"

"I just want money!" Yeyue answered firmly.

Kidd was happy. It turned out that this guy was a stubborn person. Hahaha, this is easy to deal with.

"Okay, I'll pay right away." Kidd began to touch his pocket, and then his movements froze. He came out to steal things, not to buy things, so there was not even a dime in his pocket.

This is embarrassing...

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