Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 58: The second close contact with the bomb! (Please recommend~)

“.......That’s probably what happened. When my people went to catch her, she had already slipped away. After searching, they found a small box under the other person’s bed. There was a photo of you in the box, but it had been torn up. There was also a modified pistol. It was probably not taken away by the other party when they evacuated…”

“Okay, I understand, Officer Megure. I will keep an eye on it during this period! As for what you said about sending subordinates to protect me, forget it, as long as you police can catch her as soon as possible!”

Ten minutes later, after silently listening to Officer Megure’s explanation of the cause and effect of the matter, Kishida looked uncertain, sighed heavily, and then hung up the phone after Officer Megure’s repeated instructions.

Sure enough, the other one was really a family member of that group of people! Is she the adopted daughter of Director Jinchuan?

The other party has a gun, knows how to modify the gun, has certain anti-reconnaissance skills and camouflage abilities, is very skilled, and often goes abroad for various reasons? Tsk, if going abroad is to perform some mission, isn't this a bit like the character templates of those urban mercenaries that I have seen before.

Of course, Kishida was just complaining, trying to have fun in misery, and didn't really think about it. After all, if the other party is really that powerful, then why doesn't she do it herself, but instead goes to great lengths to hire a killer?

"Alas, why is this world targeting me so much!" Kishida called up the system, looked at the top of the interface funnel, and the few remaining sands slowly flowed to the bottom, sighing.

"It seems that you have had another bad luck!? Can you tell me about it, maybe I can... be happier!" At this time, Huiyuan, who had not left, suddenly spoke up. At the end of the words, he deliberately paused for a while.

"......." Kishida glanced at her, and after a long time, he said disdainfully, "Why are you still here?"

"Maybe it's because I think there's a good show to watch! Of course, the facts prove that my feeling is right!" Huiyuan put her hands behind her back, looked at the dejected Kishida, and left with satisfaction.

"Really!" Kishida was helpless, but he didn't follow him. Instead, he went into a small convenience store and planned to buy a few bottles of fat otaku happy water.

"Potato chips, Coke, what else do you want to buy? It's a pity that there is no Weilong spicy strips now!" Standing on the shelf, Kishida looked at the dazzling array of goods, but he was a little uninterested.

"Dinglingling~" At this time, Kishida's mobile phone rang again.

"Again!?" Kishida picked up the phone helplessly, but this time it was his company's assistant calling.

"Moshimoshi, Xiaoju, what's the matter?"

"President, it's about what you told me yesterday. I have already talked to the insurance company today, but there are some documents here that need your signature. I want to ask, are you free to come to the company tomorrow?" A soft and cute voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, okay! I happen to be free tomorrow!" Kishida thought about it and found that he seemed to have nothing to do except to go to the dessert shop that was being renovated.

"I understand! By the way, President, I'll reiterate that I'm older than you, so can you please not call me Xiaoju?" The assistant's dissatisfied voice came from the phone.

Our president is good in every way, but sometimes he is not serious! The assistant complained in her heart, because she was familiar with the president and had a good relationship with him, and Kishida didn't put on any airs of a president, so she didn't have any pressure to face her boss.

"Okay, I understand, Xiaoju!" Kishida said he understood, and then hung up the phone without waiting for her reaction.

"Beep beep~" The assistant rolled her eyes.

"Tomorrow!?" Holding the shopping bag, she was always alert to the passers-by who passed by her, for fear that they would pull out a pistol and shoot her if they didn't agree.

Although Officer Megure just sent a photo of Director Tsukawa's daughter through email, this is the world of science, and many people know one or two disguise skills.

"Oh, life is too hard~ If this continues, I feel that my paranoia will get worse!" Kishida felt that he was becoming more and more neurotic. Whenever someone passed by him, he wanted to take the initiative and shock them first.

Especially some girls, every time they passed by Kishida, they would look at him secretly, which made Kishida nervous and almost threw the electric baton out. Fortunately, he reacted in time and knew that they might just be coveting his beauty.

"Hey, Yuichi, you're back? How was your date today?" At this time, a yellow armored car drove slowly over, and Dr. Agasa rolled down the window and asked Kishida curiously.

"It's Dr. Agasa, are you going out now?" Kishida looked at the car, which not only had Dr. Agasa sitting in it, but also had Haibara Ai sitting on the passenger seat. Instead of answering, he asked.

"Well, we are going to a professor's house at Nanyang University. I have some information stored with him and I am planning to get it back!" Dr. Agasa scratched his head. Maybe because he lied, his expression was a little unnatural.

"Is that so!" Kishida nodded and understood. Nanyang University, isn't this the case of the professor of the senior sister! ?

"Dr. Agasa, we are in a hurry!" At this time, an anxious voice came from the back seat. Kishida tilted his head and saw that it was Conan.

"Haha, Yuichi, then we'll go first!" Dr. Agasa said with a smile, then stepped on the accelerator and drove away in his car.

Kishida shook his head. He knew that Conan and the others wanted to get the information about the medicine, but they probably went to waste their efforts this time. After all, the professor is almost dead now! How pitiful! Why did you let Conan come to your house for no reason?

Of course, this has nothing to do with me. I'd better go home and lie down. I'd better drink Coke while it's still frozen!


The next day, when the sun was high in the sky, Kishida yawned, scratched his fluffy hair, and got up from the bed slowly.

After a while of cleaning up, he didn't even eat breakfast. He drove his low-key white car and planned to go to the dessert shop first and then go to the company.

"Hey, isn't this Conan? Why is he courting death again!?" However, less than ten minutes later, Kishida, who was driving a car, saw Conan, who was riding a bicycle against the traffic not far away, madly pedaling his bicycle, dodging passing vehicles from time to time, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Tsk, this bicycle skill is good, the wheel is so stable, you can tell at a glance that he is an experienced driver!" Kishida looked at Conan who was getting closer and closer, and chuckled and commented.

"Wait, how did he go to the river!" When Conan and Kishida were less than ten meters apart, Kishida saw Conan suddenly turn around, rush out of the left guardrail, and fly out.

"Boom~~" At this moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded, and a strong gust of wind followed, shaking the body of Kishida's car, deviating from the direction, and crashing into the right guardrail.

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