Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 730: Asshole! What an asshole!

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On the streets, the masses have been evacuated, and only the police are busy.

"The thugs used plastic bombs."

"The way to detonate is not timing, but remote detonation..."

Mu Mu Shisan looked at the results of the investigation, "Maybe it was detonated using a mobile phone or something."

Takagi Shibu's face changed greatly, "Difficult, could it be said..."

Chi Feichi came closer and subconsciously looked at the explosion site.

Electronic detonator? Or an electric ignition?

"The gangster may have deliberately detonated the bomb when he saw Takagi walking towards the car nearby." Shiratori Ren Saburo said solemnly.

Gangsters around?

If Conan moved to the vicinity and touched his chin, then the possibility that the person who took away Mitsuhiko's camera was the gangster was very high.

"That's right, although the form of the explosion is different, it's the same as the case three years ago," Mu Mu Shisan's face was also heavy, "The possibility of the other party committing a crime against the police is very high! Investigators should keep this in mind, be cautious and prompt. land……"

Conan wonders, the case three years ago?

"Officer Mumu, unlike the prisoner in the case three years ago."

Mu Mu Shisan heard a somewhat familiar voice behind him, and turned his head with a sullen face. He wanted to see which stinky boy dared to interrupt him forcibly, and said so firmly, if the culprit was really the case three years ago If you are a prisoner, then it is absolutely necessary to pay attention to safety during the search... eh?

After seeing the person behind him, Mu Mu Shisan was startled by surprise, and then his face was blank, "Brother Chi, I didn't expect you to be here too."

Does this kid know that his level of plague **** is about to surpass his teacher!

However, he was suddenly not surprised when he found out that Chi Feichi interrupted him and said it with such certainty.

"Officer Mumu." Chi Feichi greeted calmly.

"Cough, brother Chi," Mu Mu Shisan put away his speechless complaints and asked sternly, "Why do you say that you don't look like the prisoner of the case three years ago? How did you know about the bombing case three years ago..."

"Speaking of three years ago, the explosion, the crime against the police, I can only think of the explosion on November 7 three years ago," Chi Feichi looked at the explosion site, "From some reports, the other party is a production and People who are skilled in using bombs and have a grudge against the police, but looking at the explosion marks here, there are a lot of explosion residues, which means that the bombs are not very well made."

I silently added in my heart, that is, the kind of mass-produced by arms dealers...

"And the extent of the explosion is actually not enough to kill Officer Takagi, even if he is sitting in the car or standing near the car, at most it is only the degree of injury, and the probability of death is very low," Chi Feichi continued, "Either the prisoner does not understand bombs. , or he did not intend to kill, no matter which possibility, it does not match the characteristics of the gangster three years ago, even if he is teasing the police, he should leave some notes to stimulate and ridicule the police, the prisoner three years ago The police should Very provocative."

Furthermore, the prisoner three years ago used electronic detonators to display his words on the LCD screen, but in this explosion, the prisoner used an electric ignition device, which should be an electric ignition cap. Will choose... Well, I don't need to say these, and he can't show that he knows too much about bomb making.

Conan bowed his head in thought.

This time, the prisoner imitated the prisoner three years ago to send a fax to the Metropolitan Police Department, but did not intend to kill or did not understand the bomb, the explosion was not strong enough to kill people, and the video tapes were taken away, and the mail truck disappeared...

Could it be that he was trying to deliberately attract the attention of the police and do something else instead?

Well, just to confirm.

"Is that so?" Mu Mu Shisan looked at the police investigating the explosion site.

The other party sweated, "This needs to be judged by the explosive ordnance disposal team, but they didn't come. Unless the bomb is found and needs to be defused, they will be contacted to arrive with bomb disposal tools."

"Well..." Mu Mu Shisan thought about it and made a decision, "Everyone, be careful, whether it's the prisoner or not, I don't want anyone to be injured during the search!"

Conan returned to his senses, raised his head to be cute, "Officer Mumu..."

At Conan's suggestion, the police found equipment that could play videotapes and checked Mitsuhiko's previous video.

In the early stage, the onlookers were photographed. Mitsuhiko was not a professional photographer, just a child. The camera was shaking and shaking.

Then there were eyes that suddenly became higher after climbing into the mailbox, Miwako Sato who approached, and Ike Feichi who rushed over.

Because Mitsuhiko forgot to turn off the camera, the video that followed was filming Mitsuhiko's feet for a while.

Then, it was Takagi Shibu who arrived.

Even the scene where Mikako Sato reached out to hit Shibu Takagi and was distracted by Chi Feichi suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, which was also filmed.

The corners of Mu Mu Shisan's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at the video, Chi Feichi didn't lift his eyes. It seemed that he was just distracted when he heard the sound of a sudden air flow beside him, so he accurately and quickly stretched out Sato's wrist. Catch it, this thing... It's a pity not to be a police officer.

The other police officers stared at Shibu Takagi.

What did this kid do to Officer Sato to make people so angry?

Could it be that they secretly took advantage of Officer Sato when they didn't know it!

Takagi Shibu: "..."

Murderous aura around.

He doesn't seem to have done anything...

The video continued to be played. During the period, someone was photographed approaching Takagi Shibuya's parked car, but they were just passing by, and there was no abnormal behavior, and there was no time to put a bomb under the car.

After that, the camera shot Miwako Sato and Ike Feichi who were talking in front of the mailbox, and there was Ai Haibara standing aside as a background wall.

Next, is the process of turning the camera away, turning it back, turning it back, turning it back again...

Mitsuhiko scratched his head and explained with a dry smile, "That... I was a little curious when I found that Officer Sato was chatting with Brother Chi behind him, so I kept turning to look at it..."

I just wanted to gossip and take a peek at it, but I didn't expect the video to completely expose his intentions to Chi Feichi's eyes.

In the end, the video ended when Sato Miwako smiled and patted Ike Feichi on the shoulder.

Mu Mu Shisan had a black line on his head, "I don't seem to have photographed anything special..."

Instead, Sato and Chi Feichi are the ones who appear the most, and there are very few passers-by.

The atmosphere is condensed.

A group of police officers were completely blacked out.

Nothing special? No, no, it should be said, I really captured something special and important!

A man and a woman are standing beside the mailbox on the street corner and talking softly.

What's more disturbing is that Sato seems to be more active!

Asshole! What an asshole! Don't you know that their Metropolitan Police Department has more wolves and less meat? ah? It's not easy to have a girl, and it's unforgivable that someone still abducts their beautiful girl out!

One after another, murderous eyes moved to Chi Feichi, who was sitting quietly on the chair over there.

Takagi Shibu, standing in the middle of the crowd: "..."

Terrible depression.

Chi Feichi looked up at a group of policemen, his eyes calm.

Are these cops too busy? At this time, they are still jealous, didn't they just say a few words to their police flower?

Hold back, don't fight back.

In the face of the malicious gaze at this time, you must not hit back at the malicious gaze, or the police will definitely suspect the murder if the killing intent is revealed.

A group of police: "..."

Can't back down, they must just... just...

Uh, this kid's eyes are so calm that it's a little wicked, not to mention the problem of being stared at in his heart, I always feel intimidated.

As a police officer, you can't scare people with vicious eyes, so you can't beat people, right? That can't be!

A group of police officers looked away silently, heartbroken with grief and indignation.

hateful! That kid was clearly sitting and looked up at the group of them standing, but he still looked calm, calm and aloof. He should have been angry and unwilling, but being stared at like that, there was still a little pressure in his heart...

The exchange of eyes receded in an instant, and Takagi Shibu suddenly had a little admiration, thinking silently, if he...

"Takagi," a male policeman approached Takagi Shibu's ear, hating that iron is not steel, "can you fight for your anger, kid!"

The others nodded in unison. Anyone in the Metropolitan Police Department can do it. They must not let Officer Sato be kidnapped by outsiders!

Especially Chi Feichi!

Chi Feichi is a regular visitor at the crime scene, and they all know more or less about their family background. What if Sato resigns and leaves? What if Sato goes abroad afterward?

How difficult is it to have a beautiful police officer in their Metropolitan Police Department? This is the card, ah, the card!

"I..." Takagi Shibuya was speechless.

In the face of a group of seniors, he can't be strong.

And when he was close to Sato, this group of people were not happy, and now they seem to blame him for not doing enough, what the **** are these people going to do...


"Hello?" Mumu Shisan suddenly received a call, "I'm Mumu...what? Another bomb went off? This time it's the phone booth in front of Cupido Municipal Park? Is anyone injured?...Okay, I know. Now... Are you sure it's the same bomb? Hmm..."

Hanging up the phone, Mu Mu Shisan said to the others, "There is another explosion. Judging from the bomb residues and the traces on the scene, it is the same bomb, the culprit should be the same person, and the explosion site was in front of Cuphu Municipal Park. Phone booth, Takagi, I remember going from the intersection where it exploded first to that phone booth…”

Takagi Shibu quickly turned around, "Yes, it's the parade route of the Tokyo Spirits!"

"In other words, the suspect's target is not our police..." Mikazu Sato walked into the house from the door, and said with a serious look, "I just can't stand the provocation of the Tokyo Spirits team's publicity!"

Shibu Takagi turned his head, "Sa, Sato..."

"No," Chi Feichi said, "Maybe it was the robber who wanted to rob the post robbed the post office..." Mu Mu Shisan turned to Chi Fei with a confused expression. Late.

"Robbers?" Sato Miwako was also at a loss.

Wait, wait, what does the bombing have to do with robbers?

"Would you like to confirm it?" Conan actively suggested.

He also understood.

The route of the postal car to the post office is completely opposite to that of the parade. If the police follow the parade, they will follow them all the way to Cupido, further and further away from the post office.

It is possible that the robbers deliberately disguised themselves as the culprits of the bombing three years ago, and had the police gather at the place where the parade would pass by to make two explosions, making the police mistakenly think that they were people who wanted to take revenge on the Tokyo Spirits team. After being led away, the robbers took the opportunity to rob the cash that the post office temporarily collected every month. Today is a holiday, and there are not many staff in the post office, so it is indeed a good time for robbery.

And the method of robbery should be to hold the mail truck that did not receive the mail on time, pretend to be the tool staff of the post office, deceive the door, and directly control the few staff to robbery...

Maybe, after the robbery, they will take hostages, detain other people, continue to use the mail truck, and flee with cash. By the time the police find out and rush over, it will be too late.

According to this speculation, many doubts can be explained.

The vanishing mail van was held hostage by robbers, and the explosion didn't care about casualties, that's because it was just a means to attract the police, and the gangsters didn't care about the explosion at all.

And the other party took away Mitsuhiko's camera, not because it captured anything, but because it didn't capture the mail truck that was supposed to receive mail in the past.

Of course, now I have to confirm again whether the mail truck is really not picking up the mail according to the receiving route, and where exactly is it...

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