Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1976: Pretty snake-like demeanor

The paper play didn't last long. After more than ten minutes, the children who had watched the paper play were going to go home for dinner, said hello to Fayue Dema, and left the park together.

"Grandpa, bye!"


Fayue Dema also enthusiastically waved to the children, exhorting loudly, "Be careful on the road!"

Mao Lilan stepped forward and smiled at Fayue Dema, "Whether it's a child or a general, you should reprimand when it's time to reprimand, but you still have to be tolerant and forgiving, right?"

"You are the lady from yesterday," Fayue Dema recognized Mao Lilan and greeted him with a smile. He also recognized Chi Feichi who followed him, a little surprised, "And you were the one from that day..."

"Mr. Fayue," Chi Feichi greeted Fayue Dema, thought about it, and added a self-introduction, "My name is Chi Feichi."

"I'm Mao Lilan," Mao Lilan also quickly introduced himself, looking at Conan who walked to the side, "His name is Conan."

Conan looked cute, raised his head to greet, "Hello, Mr. Fayue!"

"Hello, kid," Fayedema responded with a smile, "We meet again..."

Mao Lilan laughed in a low voice, seeing Fayue Dema, Chi Feichi, and Conan looking at him, he smiled and said to Fayue Dema, "My father said that Conan and I have a relationship with Mr. Fayue, but I think Mr. Fayue has a relationship. It's even more fateful with Brother Feichi!"

"Oh?" Fayue Dema looked at Chi Feichi puzzled.

Chi Feichi looked back with a cold face.

Where is his fate with Fayue Dema?

Fayue Dema: "..."

This young man is really weird, not dressed in maverick, but makes people feel cool.

He is so old that he has seen everyone, but this young man really makes him incomprehensible, saying that he is a good person, he seems to be a good person, but his eyes are too cold, and he does not look like a good person.

Mao Lilan explained with a smile, "In the situation on the tram yesterday, if it was Brother Fei Chi, he would have stood up to help like Mr. Fayue, and put down the thief with the knife neatly and handsomely. When the children he knew were impolite, he would raise it very seriously and ask them to correct them, but he would also be very tolerant towards the children’s little naughty…”

Chi Feichi: "…"

Is he so good?

Conan: "…"

Thinking about Yuan Tai, it seems like this, but why did he unknowingly think of Chi Feichi once kicked him in the ditch?

Chi Feichi, this guy is very black!

"Really?" Fayue Dema looked at Chi Feichi again, because Mao Lilan said that the two were so similar, it was inevitable that he felt good.

"That's why I said that you are very destined," Mao Lilan said with a smile, "It is the greatest fate that you can get to know each other."

Chi Feichi: "…"

Fayue Dema smiled at him, should he return a smile? But…

Forget it, what a hassle.

"It is indeed a very fateful thing to be able to meet Mr. Chi. Of course, it is the same with you, Miss Maori," Fayue Dema also had a good impression of Mao Lilan in front of him, and asked gently, "By the way, Why are you here today? Did you make an appointment to come here to relax?"

"I was in danger yesterday. Fortunately, you rescued me. I forgot to apologize to you yesterday. I came here to officially thank you." Ma, "And this, you landed on the tram yesterday, and I want to bring it to you."

Fayue Dema took the photo with a look of surprise, "Thank you!"

"Is Ms. Mizu your wife?" Maurilan asked curiously.

"I did have such a dream," Fayedema looked at the smiling old woman in the photo with sad and melancholy eyes, and put the photo away, "I didn't expect that she passed away not long ago."

"I'm sorry," Maurilan apologized, "I didn't know it was like this..."

"Where," Fayedema asked again, "Ms. Maori, are you here specifically for this?"

"No, you clearly caught the thief, why did you leave without even leaving your name..." Mao Lilan hesitated, "I'm a little curious."

"That kind of trivial matter, there is no need to report the name specially," Fayue Dema said, "I just think so."

Conan couldn't help but look at Chi Feichi, which is a bit similar to Chi Feichi, but he always felt that Fayue Dema said it, meaning 'just trivial matters, nothing to be concerned about, good people and good deeds should have been. You don't need a name to do good deeds', and Chi Feichi's cold attitude made him feel more like - 'It's not worth wasting my time to report a name'...

Ahem, it's time to change the habits of his little friends, at least to appear mild and modest.

After pondering for a while, Conan stared at Fayue Dema again, "But Mr. Fayue, in subsequent incidents, you reported your name as a witness, why?"

Fayue Dema was stunned for a moment, looking at Conan, not knowing how to answer.

"Conan..." Mao Lilan lowered his voice to blame.

Fayue Dema quickly recovered and said sternly, "Because it was a murder case, of course I can't turn a blind eye, little brother."

"Then why didn't you call the police immediately?" Conan seized the loophole and asked, "The officers said that your alighting record was at Mihua Station, which is several stops away from the bridge where the eucalyptus happened."

"Because I didn't bring my cell phone," Fayue Dema said, "the captain wasn't near me either."

"Then why don't you get off the bus halfway?" Conan chased after him.

Fayue Dema was stunned and exclaimed, "I really didn't think of this! Little brother, are you satisfied with my answer?"

Without waiting for Conan to ask again, Fayue Dema turned around and pushed the bicycle, "Then, I'll say goodbye first, thank you for sending me the photo, Miss Mori!"

"You're welcome," Mao Lilan bowed to Fayue Dema, "There were too many questions about Conan just now, and it caused you trouble."

"Where, it's good for children to be curious!" Fayedema smiled and pushed the bicycle to the entrance of the park.

"We suspect that you have a connection with the man who was killed," Chi Feichi said, looking at Fayue Dema's back, "Next, we will investigate whether Ms. Mijin has been defrauded, and also, defrauding her. Who is the..."

Fayue Dema stopped while holding the bicycle, but did not look back.

Mao Lilan looked at Chi Feichi in amazement, "Brother Feichi..."

Conan was also shocked by Chi Feichi's sudden self-destruction, and looked up at Chi Feichi.

Hello, why even tell Mr. Fayue the direction of the investigation?

His little friend was as black as an old dog for a while, holding back his words until he refused to omit a word, and then he was so frank that he was stunned, just like that mood of uncertainty, this volatile work habit, also He has the demeanor of being a snake spirit disease... a demeanor that ordinary people cannot understand.

But wait, there should be a report for this kind of thing, as Mr. Algorithm knows that they are going to investigate, it doesn't seem to affect the result...

"If Ms. Mijin has been scammed, there should be a police record. Even if she didn't call the police, others would know about it," Chi Feichi looked at Fayue Dema's back calmly, "If this is the case, you A motive for murder."

Fayue Dema turned her head to look at Chi Feichi, her eyes were a little complicated, and she quickly laughed again, "She has been deceived before, but I don't know who deceived her, and even if it is really The man who was killed under the bridge did it, and it was his swindler who killed him, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, Brother Feichi, the murderer has been caught, and the police officer Mumu said that? After Mr. Fayue got on the tram, he didn't go down until..." Mao Lilan realized that he had exposed the 'secret investigation method' Yue Dema's matter, he quickly thought that Chi Feichi had made his suspicions so straightforward just now, so he couldn't care less, "I didn't get off the bus until Mihua Station. If he wants to go under the bridge to kill, why not? You have to go through the exit, you can’t teleport from the tram to the bridge at once, right?”

"Time..." Chi Feichi looked at Fayue Dema, said two words, then quickly withdrew his gaze and nodded to Fayue Dema, "I hope it's not Mr. Fayue."

"Then, if there is nothing else, I'll go first." Fayue Dema nodded to the three of them and continued to leave the park with the bicycle.

After Fayue Dema disappeared at the corner of the park, Mao Lilan looked at Chi Feichi hesitantly, "Brother Feichi, you..."

"Sorry," Chi Feichi said indifferently, "if I didn't say it."

According to the rule of 'Conan is easy to find clues', Fayue Dema Bacheng, who has been in Conan's sight all the time, is the murderer.

Fraudsters are very hateful, he doesn't want to judge Fayue Dema's behavior right or wrong, but Fayue Dema has been eyed by Conan, unless Fayue Dema really didn't make a case, UU reading Otherwise, he will never run away. If he cheats and makes Fayue Dema confess, then there is no need to waste everyone's time and energy.

"No..." Mao Lilan looked down at Conan, who looked uncomfortable, with a smile on his face, "I want to say, if you are going to investigate, go ahead, otherwise you will not feel at ease, not only Brother Fei Chi, but also It’s the same with Conan, right? Shinichi is the same. If you doubt something, you want to confirm it clearly, and only after confirming it can you feel completely at ease.”

"Xiao Lan..." Conan raised his head and stared at Mao Lilan, immersed in the moving expression of "getting the understanding of his sweetheart", desperately trying to wake himself up and patch himself, "Sister..."

"Go," Mao Lilan smiled at Conan, then raised his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, if you investigate clearly, don't forget to tell me, or I will be uneasy."

Chi Feichi nodded to Mao Lilan, watched Mao Lilan walk out of the park alone, and lowered her head to Conan Road, "She doesn't seem to want to ask you to go back to dinner..."

Conan was still thinking about where to start the investigation. Hearing what Chi Feichi said, he looked up blankly at the empty park entrance and exit, and looked up at Chi Feichi with a blank expression, "It's not because Brother Chi put his suspicions directly. Say it? Xiaolan... Sister Xiaolan thinks that Mr. Fayue is a very good, honest and kind person. Knowing that we are suspecting that Mr. Fayue killed someone, of course she will not be in a good mood, don't tell me to come back together It's dinner at home, she probably doesn't realize it's almost noon now? And she probably thought we wanted to investigate right away, so she didn't want to delay..."

Um? He really wasn't in the mood to think about lunch, he just wanted to investigate right away.

Thinking about it this way, Xiaolan really understands him, and she is completely guessing their thoughts based on "Kudou Shinichi's thinking". (To be continued)

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