Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1615: It's a shame not to be a police officer

"I didn't use my left hand because I didn't want people to think that the blood on the keyboard was accidentally smeared while typing, right?" Mikazu Sato also thought about it.

Shiratori Ren Saburo touched his chin and said, "I specially covered it with my left hand to prevent the murderer from seeing it."

"That is to say, this is a pre-death message specially left by Mr. Pingdong before his death," Mu Mu Shisan looked at the photocopier in the room, "There is a photocopier in this room..."

"We checked this just now, and there is nothing special about it." Shiratori Ren Saburo said.

"Could it be a cover band?" Takagi Shibuya's eyes lit up and he guessed, "The murderer has been whistling the song "letitbe", which was very popular twenty years ago, maybe it was someone who covered that song. Bands etc..."

"There are countless bands like that," Matsumoto Kiyotaka arrived at the scene at an unknown time. "The Beatles are the spiritual leader of rock bands."

"Manager Matsumoto?!"

Mu Mu Shisan and the others turned around in surprise to say hello.

"But that song seems to have some important meaning to the prisoner," Matsumoto Kiyotaka said as he walked into the study with a serious expression, "After the murder 20 years ago, Morimura investigated the scene near the scene and asked the owner of a suspicious car. When he was hit by that car and died on the spot, you should know about this, right?"

"Ah, yes." Takagi Shibu nodded.

"When Morimura was approaching the car, he heard the man in the car whistling the song," Matsumoto Kiyocho paused, "Whistling while crying..."

"Flow, cry?!"

Conan and Mu Mu Shisan and others lost their voices in surprise.

"Okay..." Matsumoto Kiyoshi turned to look at the police officers in Search Section 1, ready to assign investigation tasks, when he suddenly heard the three children at the door behind him talking, and stopped again.

"Isn't it normal to cry?" Ayumi asked suspiciously.

"Yeah," Yuan Tai looked puzzled, "this is a sad song, isn't it?"

Matsumoto Kiyocho turned his head to look at the three children, walked quickly and squatted down, his face with a long scar on his face looked fierce because of seriousness, "What did you say?"

The three children were sweating with fright.

"That is to say... This is a song released a year before the breakup of the Beatles," Mitsuhiko quietly glanced at Chi Feichi, who came over, and felt confident, "They were very tired at the time and thought this should be their last one. The album is out, but they also feel that the song is too sad, and they have a new album."

"The last time we performed together that year," said Ayumi, "the band disbanded the following year."

Mrs. Yuan also nodded and said, "Brother Chi told us that before!"

Matsumoto Kiyocho turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi who walked behind him, "Oh? It's Maori's apprentice!"

Sato Miwako was helpless and regretful, "I should have asked Mr. Ike about music a long time ago!"

Shibu Takagi smiled and scratched his head, "But this is a popular song more than 20 years ago. That Mr. Chi has not been born yet. Even if we thought about asking him before, we would be worried that he would be more interested in popular songs now."

Haibara Ai felt a strange sense of pride in her heart.

Most of the songs that are popular now are from her brother Fei Chi. Brother Fei may be tired of it. It is not surprising to listen to popular songs more than 20 years ago, and you can better understand music by learning the advantages of hundreds of schools. Well, Brother Fei Chi must know a lot of songs.

Matsumoto Kiyoshi stood up, looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Mr. Chi, does this song have any special meaning?"

"The title of the song means 'Let it go'. It should be a farewell to the good old days, and memory and encouragement coexist," Chi Feichi thought for a while, "some people have interpreted it as a free and easy way."

These are the information he has seen in his previous life, but he has not paid much attention to this band in this life.

Matsumoto Kiyocho became a die-hard fan of the Beatles, is it just because of the case 20 years ago and his colleague who died in the line, he doesn't know much about the background of the song?

In fact, it is not surprising. After all, Matsumoto Kiyotaka is a policeman, not a musician. He may be persistent and like a certain internationally renowned band, but he will not analyze it carefully. like.

If I changed Oda Kerry Minya, I would definitely be able to chat with him more about this topic, and even talk about it endlessly with him.

"Free and easy..." Matsumoto Kiyocho pondered, "I always thought that the free and easy meaning in this song was more important, but according to this, when the Beatles released this song, they should be trying to encourage themselves and each other not to be immersed in each other. In the past, trying to look forward, it's still a reluctance to say goodbye, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "That's probably the case. Of course, how the man interprets the song depends on his experience and thoughts."

Mu Mu Shisan and others: "..."

It... feels like handling the case has turned into a meeting between two Beatles fans.

Matsumoto Kiyotaka's thoughts turned back to the case, "That is to say, there may have been a deep friendship between the murderer and the victim, or there was a deep hatred for the destruction of good memories, no matter what, their intersections will not be less. , it's just that our police didn't find the key point to cut into the investigation. In addition, the murderer probably knew the background of this song. With the speed of information transmission more than 20 years ago, it is impossible for people who don't particularly like the Beatles to know the inside story. Could the murderer be a professional musician?"

"It doesn't have to be a professional musician. These creative backgrounds are not secrets. Even more than 20 years ago, enthusiastic fans can know more about them." In Japan, most of the fanatical fans should be young people in their teens and twenties. Twenty years ago, after the murderer committed the crime, he drove his car into a death penalty policeman. The channels are limited, the murderer should participate in many offline fan activities…”

Matsumoto Kiyocho pondered, "Yes, when I caught up with him, his driving skills were not bad, he should have received professional vehicle driving learning, then..."

"Between the age of 20 and 25, the family conditions are not bad, and you can get in touch with a lot of peers who are chasing trends," Chi Feichi's deep purple eyes flashed sharply, "It can be suspected that he was still in school at the time, or In a job where he can meet a large number of his peers, and some of the music at the end of the Beatles had some depressing factors such as taking illicit drugs, at his age, he should have pursued some unique hobbies.”

Matsumoto Kiyocho nodded and looked at Chi Feichi with shining eyes.

This apprentice Maori... It's a pity not to be a police officer.

Before Matsumoto Kiyoshi could speak, Chi Feichi raised his right hand, touched his chin, and lowered his eyes to think, "The deceased in the murder case are all stunned by a clicker and then killed with a knife. The murderer who usually commits crimes in this way may be right. His lack of self-confidence in his physical ability led to his death in a criminal act. It was in the form of a vehicle collision. Later, the Matsumoto police officer was able to chop off his knife and slash him. Then...he would not be a person who often exercises physical fitness, and probably not when he was in school. If you join a sports club, if you are a practitioner, you will prefer a career that does not consume much physical energy."

"It's very likely that the murderer was still in school at the time," Matsumoto Kiyocho suddenly sighed, "If you were there twenty years ago, maybe he wouldn't have been allowed to go unpunished, and he wouldn't have been allowed to live in the 20th century. Today, a year later, the crime of murder is committed again."

Chi Feichi put down his right hand and looked down at the back of his hand, suspecting that he had been infected with a 'bad' habit by the detective again, "Sorry, I was probably not born when those two murders happened 20 years ago."

Matsumoto Kiyocho choked, thinking that he couldn't refute, and looked at the police officers standing aside, "Anyway, Sato and Chiba, you two go to the vicinity to investigate and see if anyone else witnessed the man who left, Do you have any clues! If the murderer was between 20 and 25 years old then, he should be 40 to 45 years old now, pay attention to middle-aged people!"


Sato Miwako, Chiba Kazunosuke responded and went out.

"Shiratori," Matsumoto Kiyocho looked at Shiratori Ren Saburo again, "you just 'replicate' this, and investigate the relationship between Mr. Hirato who was killed tonight. You can investigate his classmates, who may have been 20 years ago. The suspicious person who came into contact with him may be about the same age as the murderer, and the case that happened tonight may be the breakthrough of this murder case that spanned 20 years!"

"Yes!" Shiratori Ren Saburo nodded sternly.

"Takagi, look for the family members of the victims of the first three incidents," Matsumoto Kiyotaka turned to look at Shibu Takagi again, "See if you can find the connection between Mr. Hirato and the victims of the first three incidents!"

"Yes!" Takagi Shibu saluted, turned around quickly and ran out the door.

Mu Mu Shisan was stunned for a while, and said with emotion, "Brother Takagi is really motivated today!"

"It's a big case after all." Shiratori Ren Saburo said.

Mu Mu Shisan remembered another person who was also very positive tonight, and looked at Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi is the same tonight."

"Mr. Chi," Matsumoto Kiyoshi also looked at Chi Feichi with a serious expression, "If it is convenient, I hope you can stay for a while."

Chi Feichi looked at the five little ghosts at the door, "I won't stay if I don't stay."

Matsumoto Kiyotaka headed out, and UU reading watched the five children who went out of the living room with Takagi Shibu suddenly disappeared, and was stunned for a moment, "They..."

"Probably want to investigate with Officer Takagi." Chi Feichi said.

Mu Mu Shisan took out his mobile phone helplessly, "Then I'll call and tell Brother Takagi..."

"Let him pass the information back after asking the families of the victims of the incident. If the connection between the four victims is found, the investigation will be much simpler."

The timing of Chi Fei's answer was just right. After answering the call, he turned around and went out, causing Mu Mu Shisan to hold the phone even more speechlessly.

"According to what he said," Matsumoto Kiyotaka said sternly to Mu Mu Shisan, "Let Takagi pass on the inquiry in time!"


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