Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 1199: This kid is great

"Is that so?" Hai Yuan's face turned pale when he saw Conan, and he was a little gloating, "It's not a good choice to ask Brother Feichi to come up with an idea. , If you can respond, don't be too perfunctory."

Conan: "..."

"I didn't know what to do before, and Sonoko was always booing," Mao Lilan smiled. "But after seeing Senior Sister and Senior Nagai, I think I should go see each other alone..."

"Hey?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Maurilan in surprise, "Don't you need me to accompany you?"

Mao Lilan nodded, "Although I don't know how to say it, I will tell the other party what I really think. I think writing is the respect for the person who wrote to me..."

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "That's right, it's better this way."

Chi Feichi: "Be careful."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

"Brother Feichi, you are ruining the atmosphere!" Suzuki Sonoko complained bitterly.

Chi Feichi didn't want to explain that although the little boy who wrote the love letter was unlikely to have bad intentions, it could also be someone with ulterior motives who pretended to write a love letter to ask people out.

A girl goes to meet alone, of course, pay attention to safety, but...

Maorilan's safety is not to worry too much.


The next day, early.

Chi Feichi and Xinlu Zhiming met at Didan High School and went to the infirmary together.

When the two arrived, the students were in class, and there was no one in the corridor. They went to the infirmary to share and read letters.

A cup of tea per person, paddling and fishing is very leisurely.

After Chi Feichi read the letter, he put it in the file bag, and was ready to take it away later, "Don't you need to worry about the hospital?"

New Zhiming also read the letter at hand and explained, "The hospital has appointments for consultations. Unless there are patients in urgent need of help, I will ask the school for leave and stay there to help. I usually stay at the school. Here, I take care of injured students participating in club activities. There are not many club activities recently, and it is relatively leisurely. When the club competition is approaching, and the influenza season is coming, I will be a little busy..."

"Hit, disturb!"

At the door, the boy wearing glasses raised his hand and knocked on the door, raised his eyes to the indifferent gaze of a man in a black coat in the upper room, and stood up subconsciously, but his shoulder accidentally hit the door frame, and he covered it with his hand in pain. His body was unstable, he fell and fell to the ground.

Shinichi Tomoaki was startled, stepped forward quickly, crouched down and asked, "Classmate, are you alright?"

Chi Feichi looked at the boy's eyes that were exactly the same as Shui Wulianai's, with a confused and harmless look on his face, and recognized the person——

Hondo Yingyou, the younger brother of Mizuno Rina, should have just transferred to Didan High School.

"No, it's fine..." Bentang Yingyou scratched his head embarrassedly and wanted to get up, but the right elbow he put down hit the cabinet next to him again, with an 'ahh' sound, and tears were almost bursting out of his eyes.

Shinichi Tomoyo didn't know what expression to use to deal with it other than being stunned. He looked at Yingyou Bendo speechlessly, and helped him up to the table, "Sit down first, and I'll help you look at your elbows."

"Thank, thank you doctor!" Bentang Yingyou was holding the chair, just as he was about to sit down, the legs of the chair seemed to be suddenly unstable and swayed back...

Chi Feichi was behind Yingyou Bentang, reached out to help hold the back of the chair, and stabilized the chair.

This person is very interesting, he suddenly wanted to try it to see if he could make Yingyou Hondo 'normal' under his nose.

Bentang Yingyou breathed a long sigh of relief, turned his head to look at Chi Feichi again, and felt that the person in front of him was probably just a little stinky, but he was a very nice person. Thinking that he felt that they must be difficult to get along with just now, he smiled confusedly, " Thank you."

Shinichi Tomoyo helped Bentang Yingyou to look at his elbow, his voice was still gentle, and a little helpless, "It's not bad, no bones were hurt, and no skin was scratched, but it will probably hurt for two days, so be careful in the future, It's easy to get hurt by being rash."

"Yes, I'm really sorry..." Bentang Yingyou scratched his head and smiled shyly, his face changed suddenly, and he stood up suddenly, "That's right! I..."

New Zhiming: "!"

Getting up so suddenly, this male classmate can definitely knock his leg on the edge of the table...

Chi Feichi reached out his hand in time and pulled Bentang Yingyou back a little, so that Bentang Yingyou could stand up safely.

Bentang Yingyou was stunned for a moment, then turned to Chi Feichi and said, "Uh... Thank you again!"

"You're welcome." Chi Feichi responded calmly.

Shinichi Tomoaki breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is only one more person, he actually feels like a chicken flying a dog.

Moreover, one of the two people is reckless and the other has a hand problem, one can say 'thank you again', and the other can calmly say 'you're welcome'... Today, the infirmary is lively and picturesque.

Yingyou Bentang looked at Zhiming Shinju again, and said sternly, "Doctor Shinchu, I'm Yingyou Bentang, a new transfer student, the teacher asked me to come to the infirmary to fill out the information form!"

"It turns out that you are a newly transferred classmate from this school," Tomoaki Shinju got up and took a folder, looked at the photos, came back and sat down, took out a form, and handed it to Yingyou of this school together with a gel pen." Your medical report was sent yesterday, just fill in if you have any drug allergies."

"Ah, okay." Yingyou Bentang nodded, sat down again, picked up the pen and filled out the form, feeling a while in his heart.

The new school looks very good, the new doctor is so gentle, and even the person who looks cold is very enthusiastic and has been helping him.

This time there was nothing wrong, but...

Yingyou Bendo lowered his head to fill in the form, feeling that he had been staring at him with a cold gaze, turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was standing behind him, hesitated, lowered his head and continued to fill in the form, as he wrote, still confused. Zi Zai turned to look at Chi Feichi again, "That..."

"It's okay," Chi Feichi said with a cold expression, "You fill in yours."

Yingyou Hondo: "..."

He just wanted to say, can you stop staring at him?

He felt like a criminal filling out a form to represent the facts of a crime, being stared at with all-seeing eyes...

"Fei Chi, don't look at him anymore," Shinichi Chiming sat down across the table with a helpless smile, "He's sitting on a chair, he can't fall down again, right?"

Chi Fei sat on the chair beside him late, "It's a great exercise for reflexes."

Yingyou Hondo, who was just beginning to be moved: "..."

Is he just a device to exercise reflexes? Please return his touch.

New Zhiming glanced at Chi Feichi helplessly, and said to Yingyou, "He sometimes talks like this, don't worry about it, but classmates in this classroom, didn't your teacher come with you?"

"It's because I accidentally knocked over the bookshelf in the office before, and the bookshelf hit the coffee cup on the table to the ground, and the teacher's teaching materials also fell off," Ido Yingyou smiled embarrassedly, "I think Help, but the teacher said no, I just want to come to you and fill out the form first, so that I don't have to trouble the teacher to bring me here."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This is after harming the teacher's office, but not afraid of hardships to harm the infirmary?

This kid is really good, the kind that can make the entire Didan High School take a long vacation in the future.

Yingyou Hondo filled out the form and handed the form and gel pen to the new doctor, "The new doctor, is this okay?"

New Zhiming took the form and looked at it, nodded, and put the form back in the folder, "Okay, that's it."

Yingyou Bentang saw that Zhiming Xinde got up to put the file folder, turned his head curiously and asked Chi Feichi, "Are you also the school doctor of Didan High School?"

"He's my friend Chi Feichi," Shinju Chi Ming put the folder back on the shelf and introduced with a smile, "He used to come to the school too, many classmates and teachers knew him, and some female classmates would give He wrote a letter and asked me to pass it on to him, and today he came to the infirmary with me to get the letter."

"So that's how it is," Bentang Yingyou said with a smile, "Mr. Chi is a very reassuring person. No wonder he is popular with girls. In fact, I often bump into things recklessly and always fall down. Today is the first The next time someone can stop me, let me not be so unlucky!"

"It took less than three minutes for you to enter the door just now, you fell once and hit your elbow once," Chi Feichi counted in a calm tone, "once in a chair and almost fell, once when you got up, and almost hit, plus the accident in the teacher's office before. …”

"Yeah, and I am the first to catch a cold every time. When everyone goes camping, I am also the first to be bitten by mosquitoes. Even if we take pictures together, I am the only one who closes my eyes," Eiyu Hondo said. As he continued, he became more and more aggrieved, "I must be a child despised by God!"

"No," Chi Feichi said, "it should be said that you are lucky enough to grow to be this big."

Yingyou Hondo: "..."

It sounds reasonable, but this is obviously the first time someone has said that he is lucky and he agrees, why doesn't he feel comforted at all?

Shinichi Tomoaki smiled helplessly, went back to the table and sat down, "However, could it be because of the body? It seems that the balance is not very good, and you say that you are always the first to catch a cold, then it is possible It's a problem of immunity. If it's a physical reason, you can usually do some simple balance exercises or less dangerous exercises, which will probably be better... not right, the results of the physical examination are not very bad, but..."

Chi Fei thought for a while, "The problem of brain nerves."

"I'm just a little dull," Bentang Yingyouhan, being watched by the two of them, suddenly felt like being pushed onto the operating table for anatomical observation. He leaned back weakly, and found that the legs of the chair swayed, leading him to fall back. His face turned pale, "Ah..."

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to hold the chair.

After Bentang Yingyou stabilized, he breathed a long sigh of relief, raised his head, and found that Chi Feichi was still looking at him with a thoughtful and unfeeling gaze: "..."

Scared, wanting to run away, shivering.

"But... the problem of brain nerves?" Shinichi Tomoaki pondered for a while, "It shouldn't be that serious, right?"

"It's not that serious," Chi Feichi looked at Yingyou Hondo, "I think it's more like sensory integration disorder."

"Sensory integration disorder?" Yingyou Hondo looked puzzled.

"The brain collects information from the sense organs and information from various parts of the body, processes it, responds to it, stores it, and then transmits instructions to various parts of the body, so that the body can act accordingly, rather than sensory integration that is delayed. Disorder is when the brain collects information, processes or communicates, and there is a problem in a certain link," Shinichi Tomoki explained, "The symptoms of sensory integration disorder are divided into tactile defense disorder, body movement coordination disorder, structure and spatial perception. Disorders, body balance dysfunction, audio-visual language disorders..."

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