Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 75: I treat prisoners kindly, but you struck first

Chapter 75 I treated the prisoners well, but you took action first

The Japanese who were retreating immediately took out a green cylindrical iron pipe from somewhere on their coats after hearing Yamamoto's order. Several large characters could be vaguely seen on the bottle.

 Friends of Attack! Royal supplies for the army and navy!

The effects of this specially designed contraband are very strong. After taking it, the Japs' movements are visibly more agile, and they behave like the fifty-dollar good brother in StarCraft.

They braved the fire from the independent regiment's light and heavy machine guns and advanced in a hurry, successfully adding smoke bombs before the smoke on the battlefield dissipated.

 In order to prevent the mortars from the Eighth Route Army from reducing their numbers again, these Japanese elites were divided into groups of two or three according to different divisions of labor. Relying on the cover of smoke, he quickly rushed to the defensive position ahead.

Soon they encountered the biggest obstacle on the charge. No one in the special agent team knew how big the minefield in front of them was or what kind of mines the Eighth Route Army had deployed here.

  The machine gun position fires continuously from three directions. If the minefield and at least one heavy machine gun are not solved at the same time, the special agent team's charge will only lead to a dead end.

The only people Yamamoto could rely on at this time were the two snipers in his special agent team. Although he did not know the specific locations of these two people, he was sure that as long as he gave the order, the other party could carry out his will.

The situation was urgent, so he immediately shouted:

 “The sniper looks for an opportunity to kill those two heavy machine guns! Give us fifteen seconds.”

At the same time, Yamamoto decided to use grenades to clear the minefield. If he didn't have no choice, he wouldn't use such a dangerous method.

 Because the Type 97 grenade carried by the special forces is a standard defensive type, it will produce a large number of fragments after the explosion, and it is very likely to accidentally injure one's own people during the demining process.

 In the final analysis, this principle is to use explosives to detonate mines, which is really not very efficient.

 After receiving Yamamoto's order, the two Japanese snipers immediately chose a place with a relatively better view. The view here is not affected by the smoke, but the cover is also lost.

At this time, they advanced to a position 450 meters away from the independent regiment's defensive position. This distance was already within the effective range of the Type 97 sniper rifle.

 The two men tacitly chose different heavy machine gun positions in accordance with their combat standards.

 The Type 92 heavy machine gun of the independent regiment was improperly maintained due to lack of spare parts. The flash hider on the muzzle had long been broken due to many battles, which made it easier for snipers to select targets.

The Japanese were lying on the ground, their guns wrapped in linen pointed at the enemy's heavy machine guns that kept firing long bursts. After a brief moment to adjust their breathing, the two of them pulled the trigger almost at the same time.

 The sound of shooting was almost inaudible in the hot battlefield. With the blessing of the Type 99 quadruple scope, the firepower of the two heavy machine guns was interrupted in the blink of an eye.

 “There are snipers, find them and kill them!”

 Seeing the main shooter fell down after being shot, the secondary shooter on the machine gun position immediately took over the position. Although the enemy was still sneaking up on him in the dark, he would probably die if he went up like this.

 But now we are performing a fire suppression mission, and we must attack immediately, otherwise it may affect the entire battle situation.

 The deputy shooter pulled the trigger as if he was dead, continuing the unfinished mission of his comrades, while telling others to keep their eyes open to find the target.

But he didn't even finish firing a bullet. The enemy's bullets flew over again accurately, and the deputy shooter who was hit fell straight to the ground.

I have to say that these two devils are formidable opponents. They kill with one strike like poisonous snakes hunting, but that's all they can do.

 Before the war started, Kong Jie knew that these enemies were not ordinary Japanese. He specifically ordered the machine gun positions to be careful of the opponent's precision shooters and even snipers.

 After sacrificing four outstanding warriors, the observers finally discovered the hidden attacker.

Even an elite sniper becomes expendable once his position is exposed. There were no bunkers around them, and there was only one way to die within the direct fire of heavy machine guns.

The soldier who stepped forward to take over completed the counter-sniper mission with only one bullet board based on the observer's guidance.

 But their deaths still have a certain meaning. These people used their lives to buy twenty seconds for their captain, overfulfilled the task, and greatly helped Yamamoto who was demining.

All the agents who were still alive pulled down the grenades hanging on their chests, banged them hard, and then threw them with all their strength into the minefield ahead.

 After completing this series of actions, they immediately retreated, counting silently in their hearts for four seconds to prepare to lie down at any time. The incendiary fuse provides them with a short period of time to escape, and as long as they are not unlucky, they will be safe.

 Boom, boom, boom!

The explosions of grenades and landmines occurred one after another, and paths were cleared in the minefield for passage.

 After passing through this death zone, the grenades carried by the devils can already be used.

Yamamoto and his team originally had ten grenades for fire support, but with all members of the first combat group killed and more than half of the second combat group suffering casualties, only four are still in use.

In order to cover the remaining heavy weapons, the Japs in the second group did not hesitate to expose their positions. While dodging, they used their submachine guns to shoot at the independent regiment's position.

 But the bullets of the MP38 fly to nowhere beyond 200 meters, and it can only serve as a deterrent at the cost of one's life.

And their current position has reached the effective range of the MAS-36. The soldiers who had been holding back for most of the day pulled the big bolt and started to attack.

 Some precision shooters in the group can achieve a rate of fire close to semi-automatic while ensuring hit rate.

This firepower far exceeded Miyamoto Kazuki's imagination. The rifles used by the Eighth Route Army in his impression were old-fashioned rifles with German origin and Type 38 rifles captured from his younger brother's country.

 This new weapon from Gallic Chicken made its first appearance in Jin Province and achieved amazing results.

 With the help of the bait, the enemy's grenades began to exert force. Except for one Japanese soldier who was hit by an unknown party and fell in pain in a pool of blood, the remaining three gates were not affected.

After firing three rapid-fire rounds, they immediately took their weapons and moved their positions to prevent retaliation from the Eighth Route Army on the opposite side.

This round of hasty shooting achieved good results. The heavy machine gun position in the middle was blown down, and the light machine gun position on the side was also taken care of.

 The situation at the heavy machine gun position was not very bad. Except for the shooters who were filling in and had no time to escape, the rest of the personnel did not die. But they all suffered injuries of varying degrees, and it was difficult to return to the battlefield in a short period of time.

The light machine gun positions are not very optimistic, although they will move with the machine guns every once in a while. But the Japanese seemed to have discovered the pattern of their movement, and a grenade exploded five meters in front of them.

 Although there was a bunker to block it, the machine gun team led by Zhou Xun still suffered heavy losses. At this time, his ears were buzzing, and the battlefield was spinning in his eyes.

 When he saw the fallen comrades beside him, Zhou Xun, who was originally a little distracted, miraculously came back to his senses. He placed the FM-24/29 on the sandbag closest to him, forced himself to take a breath and concentrated on aiming at the moving Japanese artillery.

There was no short burst of fire this time, only the trigger was pulled like a rage, and the remaining dozen bullets in the magazine were quickly fired.

Unable to hold on any longer, Zhou Xun tilted his head and fell into the trench with the machine gun. Before he landed, he could vaguely see that the Japanese man had made several holes in his body with the machine gun. The artillerymen of the independent regiment were not idlers. They responded immediately when they saw the enemy's grenade showing up. The soldiers were not slow at all, and the grenade and mortar were aimed at the enemy's area for the first time.

Even though the two Japs' artillery movement was not slow, they still couldn't escape the fate of being shot on the spot after being targeted.

 Up to this point in the battle, Yamamoto Kazuki already knows that there is no possibility of him going any further.

Although victory is right in front of you, if you advance another 20 meters, you can fight back with a submachine gun. But after losing all the grenade tubes and using up the throwable smoke bombs, this distance is like a chasm.

But he still has one last resort, to feign surrender! This was part of special operations, and it was his favorite and tried-and-true move.

The Eighth Route Army was different from other armies of the Republic of China. They had an almost pedantic military discipline. As long as the enemy surrenders, these hypocritical farmers will surrender them under the slogan of treating prisoners well.

 Although the living conditions as prisoners were not bad, they were brainwashed every day and forced to change their beliefs.

This is absolutely intolerable to Yamamoto Kazuki, who once swore an oath to be forever loyal to the Locust and was determined to create a future for his younger brother's country.

He decided to raise the white flag and give up his weapons. When the Eighth Route Army thought it was sure of victory, he detonated the last grenade he carried in the crowd and died together with the enemy.

 Yamamoto did not realize that after eating "Offensive Friends", his thoughts had become extremely extreme. The Locust, which used to be of little importance in his heart, now occupied his heart.

 After making the decision, before the enemy's gunfire stopped, he informed the nearby agents of his final tactics.

It doesn’t matter even if some people in the distance don’t hear you. This is also part of daily training. The moment you raise the white flag, the subordinates who care about you will understand what you mean.

 The independent regiment was fighting and found that the enemy was not moving, so Kong Jie immediately ordered a ceasefire. Although today's battle was very fruitful, the regiment's ammunition reserve was almost at its lowest.

 He ordered all soldiers to remain alert and prepare to send people to clean up the battlefield. Before setting off, he gave numerous instructions to immediately replenish his guns if any Japanese were found alive.

 After all, not speaking means not surrendering.

Moreover, the rules are dead and the people are alive, so they can’t understand even the devils speak. For an enemy like this who wants to sneak attack on the headquarters, leaving him alive for questioning is the last mercy.

Just as Kong Jie was preparing to lead the commando team out of the defensive position, a soldier beside him suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes and pointed at the battlefield ahead and said:

 “Commander, look! The Japanese are raising the white flag!”

 Seeing his own soldier making such a dangerous move, Kong Jie hurriedly pulled him down. He looked at this soldier who had not been in the army for a long time, and said with eight parts concern and two parts blame:

“You are in danger of dying. What if the enemy is playing dirty tricks? Your family is just a single seedling. How can you explain to your mother what happens?”

 Hearing the words of his regiment leader, the recruit scratched his head in embarrassment. Now that he came back to his senses, he realized that his actions were indeed very risky. Kong Jie's reprimand made his heart warm.

“Captain, the instructor told me. If the enemy raises a white flag, that means they have surrendered. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself?”

Before Kong Jie could look at it, a standard Shanxi dialect came from the other side.

“Your Excellency, Commander opposite, I am Yamamoto Kazuki, Colonel of the First Army of Shanxi Province. Can we have a chat?”

 Hearing this, all the soldiers in the defensive position showed confused expressions. After all, one second he was charging and fighting without any regard for casualties, and the next second he was lying on the ground and raising a white flag and surrendering?

 Could it be that he went through all the trouble to get close to their position just to imitate the Gallic Chicken? Didn't this devil study at Sandezi?

 At this time, the independent regiment had advantages in all aspects, and the enemy had no ability to resist. The only threatening grenade had been silent for two full minutes.

With a sure chance of victory, Kong Jie looked out from the shooting hole of the defensive position and saw a man lying on the ground holding a white flag more than 200 meters away.

Although Kong Jie did not believe that the Japanese would surrender easily, if the enemy could be deceived, casualties would certainly be reduced.

 After making the decision, he first ordered the first battalion commander to assist the health workers in their work.

I have to admit that the Yamamoto special agent team has some real abilities. Even at a huge disadvantage, it also caused more than 20 casualties in the independent group.

After leaving Yamamoto Kazuki to dry for a while, Kong Jie took out the loudspeaker usually used by the enemy engineering team, put this hateful propaganda tool of the Japanese out of the trench and said:

“Okay, I want to talk to you too. Our Eighth Route Army is very interested in the intelligence sources of you devils.”

"As long as you put down your arms, I will guarantee your safety in my name, and there will be plenty of time to talk."

 After saying this, Kong Jie asked all the precision shooters in the regiment to aim at Yamamoto. After the smoke cleared, the soldiers with good eyesight could already see the Japanese lying on the ground.

Even if the Japanese still have grenades, it is almost impossible to pose a threat to them while lying down. Once these enemies do something evil, the weapons in the hands of the soldiers will definitely make them regret it.

At this time, Yamamoto's face showed an expression of a successful plot. He gestured to the nearby special agents to prepare grenades.

After waiting for a minute and seeing no movement from the enemy, Kong Jie first signaled the artillery to aim at the target, and then shouted through a loudspeaker:

"Yamamoto, why are you mute? If you don't speak, I will turn you into a pile of minced meat!"

The company commander next to him also came to the loudspeaker and said:

"Yamamoto, XX, you XX, please give me a pleasant word! Hand over your gun or not!"

Knowing that he could no longer drag it on, Yamamoto Kazuki raised the weapon in his hand and stood up. Under the gaze of everyone in the independent group, he threw the submachine gun in his hand on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, several special agents also stood up, and their behavior was exactly the same as Yamamoto.

Originally, Kong Jie wanted to lead the team to capture the enemy in person, but the second battalion commander took his soldiers out with the commando on the grounds that the commander had to stay in position to lead the entire regiment.

The enemy is getting closer and closer to him, and Yamamoto is trembling with excitement under the influence of the drug! Although the distance was not enough, he still couldn't control his mind.

 But just as he made a move, a bullet from Kong Jie in the position hit Yamamoto's shoulder steadily. The comrades followed suit and shot at the remaining agents one after another.

After confirming that the battle was completely over, Kong Jie took out his pipe pot, lit the fire, took a deep breath and said:

"Everyone has seen it! This devil is playing dirty tricks, and I have not violated any discipline."

“Clean up the battlefield. Remember to rescue the Japanese who are not dead. I’m useful!”

One more chapter



 (End of this chapter)

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