Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 68: In what era are you still playing with traditional bayonets?

Chapter 68: In what age are we still playing with traditional bayonets?

On their way from the breeding farm to the cooking class, Huang and Li met Kong Jie, who was leading the transportation team of his regiment.

 After careful consideration, the brigade commander decided to allocate the first batch of equipment newly produced by the Military Industrial Zone of the Logistics Department to the independent regiment.

The 386th Brigade currently has four regiments under it, of which the 771st and 772nd Regiments are the main regiments with formal designations.

 These two regiments were adapted from division-level units during the Red Army period. Not only did they have many soldiers and veterans, but they also had rich combat experience and good weapons and equipment.

 The remaining regiments are the New Regiment and the Independent Regiment, which belong to the basic regiment.

The new regiment has the old foundation left by Li Yunlong, and the current regiment leader Ding Wei is also a lively person.

He is as good at sideline business as his old comrades. After taking over the new regiment, the overall combat effectiveness has not weakened and is still gradually expanding.

 At present, except that its number is smaller than that of the main group, its overall combat effectiveness is not much inferior.

 But the independent group led by Kong Jie is different. To be precise, they are the normal appearance of the basic group.

The independent regiment, which was originally the weakest in combat effectiveness, was severely damaged after a head-on encounter with the Sakata Regiment.

If it weren't for Kong Jie's great prestige within the regiment, this core regiment would probably have collapsed.

With the arrival of the Yellow River, the army's life is getting better and better, and the supply capacity of the logistics department is getting stronger and stronger. The brigade commander will always subconsciously allocate weapons and equipment to the independent regiment first.

Kong Jie is also an old comrade who has participated in the battle in his early years. As an old commander and fighter from the Fourth Front Army, the brigade commander gave him full trust.

 He believes that the Independent Regiment will get better and better under the leadership of Kong Jie.

Li Yunlong, who had not seen his old comrades in arms for several months, immediately came forward to say hello. He knew that Kong Jie had also contributed to the last retreat.

After knowing that the other party had not eaten lunch, as the host, he immediately arranged for the comrades to go to the cooking class to eat together.

On the way to dinner, Director Li Da did not forget to brag about his great achievements. As someone who came out of the same class, although Kong Jie was a little envious, he was naturally happy for his old comrade.

Of course, when Li Yunlong knew that Kong Jie had received the new equipment first, he also showed a look of yearning. He even looked at Huang He with some resentment.

Being stared at by a pair of eyes as big as cow's eggs, Huang He was a bit of a rough man who couldn't stand the pretense of his little daughter-in-law.

"You can't blame me for this. I promised to give you equipment first, but you haven't finished your regiment yet."

"Don't look at me with such disgusting eyes, it's so creepy. If you have anything to do, go to the brigade commander or the division commander."

 Hearing the names of the brigade commander and division commander, Li Yunlong was immediately frightened. Even though they were far apart, he could still think of the other person's face, but he didn't have the guts to question them.

 After eating, the three of them went to the warehouse in the military industrial zone to pick up guns.

Facing rows of neatly arranged weapon boxes, Kong Jie randomly opened one.

 In the box were five brand-new MAS-36s. This was Kong Jie's first exposure to new rifles. He carefully picked one out and held it in his hand, touching every part of the gun body.

 Then he pulled the bolt and aimed the gun at the wall deep in the warehouse. A crisp sound echoed in the warehouse.

 Because Kong Jie had used the Mle1886m93 rifle, he was not surprised that the new weapon did not have a safety.

He drew out the long needle-shaped heavy sword bayonet from the lower end of the barrel with familiarity. After inserting the square pyramid, he made a thrusting motion.

 After briefly familiarizing himself with the new weapon, Kong Jie put the rifle back into the box. If you were to ask him about his evaluation of this gun, he would definitely be extremely satisfied. He was extremely excited to think that this weapon could be equipped with the entire regiment in the future.

But in his opinion, the only drawback of this weapon is that it is a bit short, which makes it a bit disadvantageous when fighting with a bayonet.

Many people think that making bayonets is not difficult and can be produced with a blacksmith furnace. But in fact, for base areas with very backward industrial capabilities, bayonet production is really not easy.

 For this thing to be effective in close combat, it must be closely connected with the rifle. The standardization of small parts such as sleeves and latches, and the blade is very important.

 If it is not made properly, the bayonet will be loose on the gun body and may fall off at any time during hand-to-hand combat.

And this thing is a consumable item. Because the bayonet blade is long and narrow, it can be easily broken during battle, so the actual loss is very large.

  It used to be that there was a shortage of high-quality bayonets in the army, so they could only use traditional broadswords, spears, and red tassel guns instead.

 Since the equipment provided by Huanghe, the military industrial zone of the Logistics Department has been able to produce high-quality bayonets.

 Soldiers who were accustomed to using traditional bayonets were somewhat resistant to the square pyramid of the Gallic Chicken.

  However, if you want to change to a blade-type bayonet, you need to make certain modifications to the original firearm structure, which is a bit thankless.

And now that the production of bullets has increased, the comrades in the Military Industrial Zone of the Logistics Department have temporarily given up on this idea.

Kong Jie first asked the transport team to load the weapons onto the mule cart, and then he said to Li and Huang with some worry:

"I think this gun is only about one meter, which is more than 20 centimeters shorter than the Japs' 38-inch gun. If you use it with a bayonet, you will suffer a big loss."

Before Huang He could speak, Li Yunlong took the lead and answered:

“I asked you, Kong Erlu, why you don’t know how to change your mind? Look at how many bullets the logistics department has put into this gun. Then go to the military factory and see how many bullets can be produced every day.”

“In what age are we still playing with traditional bayonets? Although the bullets are not enough, it is much better than before.”

"If you can't fight hand-to-hand, don't fight hand-to-hand. Every soldier is the son of a father and mother. As commanders, we must try our best to keep them alive."

Kong Jie looked at the bullet box being transported by the transport team. He seemed to see the yellow-orange bullets inside through the thick box, and then he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Old Huang and Lao Li, I'm leaving! There are still many things to deal with in the regiment. If there were no new weapons this time, I wouldn't come in person."

The two of them sent Kong Jie and the transportation team to the door of the Logistics Department. Looking at the independent regiment who was about to lead the team to leave, Huang He said with some hesitation:

"Lao Kong, I hope you won't take the matter of Yamamoto's special agent team lightly. The Japanese will not give up revenge easily."

After hearing the nightmare-like words, Kong Jie suddenly turned his head and said to the Yellow River:

“Our independent regiment has attached great importance to this group of Japs from the very beginning. We have been training our troops for so long to deal with them. Now that we have new weapons, there is no reason to lose to the Japs.”

 “Okay! Take care!”

Looking at the transportation team of the Independent Regiment going away, Li Yunlong let out a long sigh. He was getting a little anxious waiting.

 “Damn it, when can I lead the troops to fight? I’m so worried!”

   I will start beating Yamamoto tomorrow. I don’t plan to let him run away.



 (End of this chapter)

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