Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 20: Sakata Nobutsu: The advantage is mine

Chapter 20 Nobutetsu Sakata: The advantage is mine

The defense lines on both wings of the main position at the top of Cangyunling Mountain.

A soldier took the 38 cap he had just captured and said to his company commander while cleaning the battlefield:

“Company Commander, these little naughty little devils are really disgusting. They even died and destroyed all the weapons and supplies, so we didn’t capture anything this time.”

 Obviously his company commander was not in a good mood either, and glared at the soldier from a distance.

"What are you complaining about here? It won't be you who will be scolded later! We have to divide the brothers' troops after just a few seizures. If the regiment leader finds out about this, he will definitely call me a prodigal son."

Through Li Yunlong's gambling-style command, the Eighth Route Army achieved a complete victory on both wings of defense.

First, they took advantage of the favorable terrain and new weapons to catch the Japanese by surprise, and then successfully held the Japanese back until they received support from the 771st and 772nd Regiments.

The brother force plus the original defenders and reserves totaled only 600 people, but they killed nearly 200 Japanese soldiers and captured a small amount.

These Japs who sneaked into the defense lines on both sides, almost all those who returned were injured and remnants.

 As we all know, wounded soldiers consume greater resources and manpower during war, and Sakata, an old devil, is at a huge loss.

Moreover, the strategic significance of this blocking battle is also very important. The 3rd Regiment of the 4th Japanese Brigade to which the Sakata Regiment belongs is a fully equipped infantry regiment with 3,800 Japanese soldiers.

As the elite of the Japs in Jin Province, they have seventy-six mortars, about fourteen field guns and mountain artillery, a total of 2,600 light and heavy machine guns and rifles, and even more than 500 horses.

However, after the initial blocking battle with the three regiments and the recent defeat, this full Japanese regiment only had about 3,000 people left including the logistics personnel.

Sakata Nobutsu, who suffered a big loss, will definitely put away his contempt and try his best to gather the troops together to prevent the three regiments of the Eighth Route Army from catching the opportunity like just now.

In this case, the 386th Brigade’s post-interruption mission was successfully completed.

 On the other side, the Japanese perspective.

At that time, Sakata Nobutetsu was still sitting leisurely in his frontline headquarters. In his opinion, his arrangement had completely deceived the Eighth Route Army.

 Now we just need to wait for a few of our squadron leaders to occupy the enemy's flank positions, and then we will see the victory signals from both sides.

On the frontal battlefield, you can turn from a feint attack into a main attack, and cooperate with these squadrons to strangle these Tubal forces.

 Although at the beginning of the battle, it sounded like the commander on the opposite side had left a reserve force.

But Sakata Nobutsu was not too worried. With the powerful combat capabilities of these squadrons, even if they encountered an ambush from the Eighth Route Army, they could successfully complete the mission.

  After all, the gap between equipment and individual soldiers' combat literacy cannot be eliminated by fighting will alone.

 But not long after, Sakata Nobutsu had to accept the bad news that the combat mission had failed. Several squadrons were actually beaten to a pulp and retreated in embarrassment.

This old devil was almost furious at this time, his old face was showing an unhealthy redness, and he could barely write what the **** was going on on his face.

His doubts did not last long. Just a few minutes later, a squadron leader from the locust army who escaped back was brought to the command post to report the situation.

The Japanese squadron leader was in very miserable condition at this time. Not only was the palm of his left hand cut off in half by the fragments, but he also had extensive burns on his face.

 After he returned to the regiment, he was escorted over with only simple treatment.

Facing Nobutsu Sakata’s cannibalistic gaze, he stood up straight, saluted a military salute and said:

“Your Excellency, Colonel, our Fengjian Squadron, under my leadership, launched an attack on the Eighth Route Army’s flank positions according to the original plan.”

“But we encountered strong resistance. The enemy laid a large number of mines in advance and used new types of grenades.”

“The leader of the Nohara squadron near me was killed on the spot, and then at least one squadron of enemies appeared from behind us. We were more than half broken into pieces while being flanked.”

The Japanese squadron leader's face was pale and he was sweating profusely. He didn't know whether it was pain or fear, but he still lowered his head and closed his eyes.


The tradition of the Army Red Deer cannot be discarded. Sakata Nobutsu slapped the squadron leader in the face, and then continued to ask regardless of whether the Japs could still speak:

 “What is the new grenade you are talking about?”

The beaten Japanese squadron leader tried his best to stand up straight and replied:

"This kind of grenade is different from the junk used by the Eighth Route Army before. Its power is amazing, and after the explosion, it will produce a large amount of fragments and an unknown liquid that can burn soldiers." This was a majestic answer from Mr. Sakata. The Japanese were very dissatisfied and waved his hand to take this useless man down.

"This is not the reason for our defeat! Next time you charge, you must be at the front to avenge your squadron."

 At this time, a Japanese lieutenant colonel walked towards Sakata Nobutetsu holding a document.

“Report to the commander, the brigade commander is calling!”

Sakata Nobutsu first looked at the terrain map, and then said to Lieutenant Colonel: "Read it."

 Lieutenant Commander Uratomo unfolded the document in his hand and said to Sakata:

"According to reliable information, the enemy in front of you is the main force of the 129th Division of the 18th China Army. The North China Front Army Command orders your unit to occupy the main peak of Cangyun Ridge at 12 noon. The enemy defenders must be completely annihilated. Don’t let anyone slip through the net.”

 “Long live His Majesty the Locust, and long live the Japanese Locust Army.”

Seeing that Nobutsu Sakata didn't speak, the adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Uratomo, tentatively said to him:

"Liant Commander, I just went to ask the soldiers who were withdrawing. Their squadron leader wanted to take credit and didn't even maintain a skirmish line during the charge."

“Furthermore, they did not reorganize the soldiers to fight back immediately when they encountered the ambush. These pigs did not even investigate in advance. It was because of command errors that so many warriors from my brother country were killed."

"And the enemy seems to have no heavy weapons, at most a few mortars. Judging from the sound of gunfire, their firepower is very sparse. In my opinion, a large group of troops is enough."

 After a day of fighting and many rounds of fighting, the casualties of the entire regiment far exceeded expectations.

Even Sakata Nobutsu had to admit that the enemy commanders on the Cangyunling position were great characters, and their troops were also tough bones to crack.

 He has long put away his prejudice against the Eighth Route Army.

"Pu Youjun, let me ask you. Do you know which regiments of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army are on the Cangyunling position?"

Looking at Lieutenant Colonel Uramoto’s expression of embarrassment, Sakata Nobutsu continued:

“We have been fighting for a long time, and we haven’t even figured out the number of the enemy in front of us.”

"You just called those people pigs. What's the difference between your current behavior and theirs? A brigade? From the beginning of the war to now, we have almost killed or injured a brigade of soldiers."

"Yes! Captain, your lesson is correct. I will now instruct the forward position to try to capture a prisoner for torture."

In the end, Nobutetsu Sakata objected to Lieutenant Colonel Uratomo's suggestion and requested that in addition to leaving the necessary troops to keep an eye on the Eighth Route Army on both sides, all the remaining troops should attack the position on the main peak of Cangyun Ridge at the same time.

 He walked out of his command post and looked at the position opposite with his binoculars.

The trench, which was like a crack caused by an earthquake, made him sigh involuntarily.

"The Eighth Route Army opposite us has established a position system consisting of several trenches connected by communication trenches, and has deployed its troops in a deep and stepped manner."

“The fox trenches, machine gun bunkers and other fortifications are well matched. The firepower system and obstacles are also very complete. We have a strong reserve force to form a firepower system that is mainly based on infantry firepower and combines infantry and artillery.”

“When fighting the Locust Army, counterattacks, counterattacks and other tactical methods are widely used.”

“And we haven’t captured a single prisoner all day long. This is a sign of strong will to fight, so this time we must go all out and don’t underestimate the enemy anymore.”

 After saying this, he paused and raised the corners of his mouth.

“However, although the enemy is strong, we are stronger. No matter how sophisticated the firepower configuration is, it cannot cover up their shortcomings of insufficient firepower.”

“There are very few heavy machine guns, and the number of light machine guns is not as good as one of our brigade, and their ammunition will definitely not be enough after a day of fighting.”

“Humph, no matter how you put it, the battle strength is one regiment fighting one regiment, and the advantage lies with me!”

 At this time, the staff of the headquarters also began to agree.

"Yes! No matter how powerful an ant is, it is still an ant. When we feinted before, the firepower points on the opposite side were much less, and the mortars did not hit our heavy machine guns. They had already run out of ammunition and food."

 “This time we have faced our opponents squarely, and concentrate our forces to defeat them!”

 “We will definitely be able to capture the opposite position today!”

Sakata Nobutsu looked at the people with high morale with satisfaction and said: "Tell the attacking troops that it is best to capture the commander on the opposite side alive. I want to see what kind of person he is!"

 (End of this chapter)

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