"This kid..."

Nagi Senzaemon looked at Higashino Sheng, who had a flat expression, and saw that he had no objections, and finally felt a little better in his heart.

God knows what a terrifying wave he set off in his heart after tasting Higashino Sheng's dish.

This golden crab bucket is a proper four-star dish, and it is considered to be at the forefront of four-star cuisine.

Nagi Senzaemon, a real four-star chef, is not sure that this dish is better than Higashino Sheng's.

This shows the strength of Higashino Sheng.

In fact, Higashino's performance is strong enough now.

Don't think that the three-star gold medal and the silver medal are both three-star, it doesn't seem that there is much difference, but in fact, the gap is huge.

The gold medal means that the chef can already make a higher level of cooking, but they may not be fully promoted for a while due to limitations such as lack of experience, or lack of skill, or lack of skill in cooking.

However, being able to make a higher-level dish means that the chef has already stepped into this level with one foot, and the rest is only a matter of time.

For example, Higashino Sheng, he can make four-star dishes now, which means that he will eventually enter the threshold of four-star, and the only thing that makes people wonder and look forward to it is only the time when he steps in.

Therefore, there is an essential difference between gold and silver.

Moreover, being able to get the Gold Badge is also a stronger category among chefs of the same level, after all, this chef can even make dishes of a higher level, right?

Moreover, not to mention anything else, the silver badge, the person who needs to be assessed makes five dishes of this level and waits for the rating, but the gold badge, as long as you make a higher level of cooking, you can get it directly.

The distinction was obvious, but no one ever objected.

"This bad guy is so strong~~"

Erina looked at Higashino Sheng's face in a daze, and then recalled the picture of herself provoking the other party a month ago, and blushed for a while.

It's manic...

She now wears a one-star gold badge, meaning she's a one-star chef who can make two-star dishes.

There is still a big gap between her and Higashino Sheng, and there are two levels of two-star chefs and one level of three-star books.

She still needs to walk three steps to reach the same height as Higashino.

The main thing is that Higashino has a golden badge, which means that it is only a matter of time before he enters the four-star level.

The chef industry, the higher you go, the more difficult it becomes, and the more accumulation and time you need...

"I can't compare..."

Proud to tsundere, confident as Erina, at this time there is also a sense of powerlessness in her heart, she feels that she will not be the opponent of Higashino Sheng in her life...

This is a real demon!

In fact, there are many people who have the same idea as Erina.

For example, Akane Kubo Tao and Kobayashi Gentian, the two are about the same age as Higashino Sheng, but their strength is still at the same level as Erina, and they are not much stronger.

The gap is even greater.

There are still all the students in the audience, but they haven't even stepped into the threshold of star chefs, and the strongest ones may have mastered the star level of nirvana dishes Nori, and Higashino Sheng has already walked into the four-star with one foot...

This is so powerful that it is suffocating.

"He's a lot bigger than me, but his strength, can he already compete with his dad who is going all out?!" Kohei Soma's eyes shone brightly, his father Kohei Joichiro is a three-star chef who has comprehended the four-star nirvana, just like Higashino Sheng.

He knew how much water his father put in the competition with him, but he still won easily, and Higashino Sheng was a chef at the same level as his father!

"Good~~ It's amazing. "

Tian Sue couldn't help but clench her fists on her chest, and she could feel that her heart was beating fast.

She hadn't forgotten that Higashino Sheng had said that as long as she could hold on to this stage until the end of the halberd, she could become his disciple.

And now, she's done it.

In other words, she can become a disciple of a guest tutor, and she no longer has to worry about what to do after being expelled, and she directly gets the key to the third grade.

But this harvest is not the far moon that really makes Tian Sumizu happy, what he is most happy about is that he has the master Higashino Sheng.

This is equivalent to having a personal teacher like Chapel and Dojima Gin, the point is, this one is still so young and so handsome...


Megumi Tanzo felt like she was going to faint.

"Mom, maybe all my luck in my life is here!"



Half an hour later.

The news of Higashino Sheng's and Erina's halberd, as well as the final result, have been worn out, and even spread on the Internet under the spread of various media outlets.

"Shocked, the youngest three-star chef was born!"

"Higashino Sheng, the pride of the times!"

"Higashino Sheng's tongue of the halberd god Erina Nagi Kiri, crush to win!"

"A chef who has stepped into the four-star realm with half a foot, Higashino Sheng!"

"Stone Hammer, Almighty Higashino Sheng!"


All sorts of eye-catching headlines filled Tieba, forums, and headlines on major media websites, and everyone who got the news gathered on Weibo to talk about it.

For a while, several hot searches related to Higashino Sheng were on the list again, and they kept rising at a very high speed.

Higashino Sheng is a representative of heat.

The youngest three-star chef

Almighty Higashino Sheng

The tongue of God is defeated

Guest lecturer at Far Moon

In the major hot searches, the audience is full of shocked speeches.

"Oh my God, I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be true, Higashino Sheng is awesome!"

"It's amazing, I actually broke the record of the youngest three-star chef, but I still chose a more difficult way to conduct the chef star assessment. "

"The four hottest industries, chefs, detectives, basketball, tennis, and Higashino Sheng are all at the forefront of their peers, and the chef is suitable for the two professions of detectives, and they are at the forefront of the industry, which is too perverted!"

"Such a person still has such a strong background, he also runs a publishing house, and the comics he draws are also popular all over the world, are you sure that he is not the illegitimate son of God?"

"Surprised, a few days ago I was thinking that Higashino Sheng only has cooking skills, and now such a news has been exposed. "




By the time a new round of heated discussions started on the Internet, Higashino Sheng had already left Yuanyue, and he was making chicken soup for his first beloved, Megumi Tana...

"Xiaohui, come, let's make your most proud dish for the teacher first!"

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