Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 310 Extra 1: Qiao Feng travels through modern times (1)

After the truce agreement was signed between the God Realm and the Demon Realm, Yun Lan worked in the Department of Time and Space as an assistant to Bi Bo, and the time and space that Bi Bo gave her to practice were the time and space that she had traveled through. After taking charge of these time and space, the first thing she checked was Bai Suzhen and the others, but what she saw was that Bai Suzhen had just become a disciple of Mother Lishan, and Xiaoqing was still a little green snake playing in the West Lake.

She was about to close time and space when she saw a boy picking incense passing by on the West Lake. He looked like Zhang Yutang! The boy smiled fondly when he saw the crisp, cute and colorful Xiaoqing. Unexpectedly, this laugh led to something bad, and the immortal's thoughts were in violation of the immortal rules. The boy was immediately demoted to the mortal world, and spent his life in the West Lake. Finally, he ended his relationship with Xiaoqing and returned to the immortal palace.

Yun Lan suddenly smiled, it turned out that everything had a cause and effect. Bai Suzhen was demoted because Xu Xian saved her, while Xiaoqing was demoted because of Zhang Yutang Sifan. In this case, her entanglement with Jun Bai might also have some antecedents. Thinking about it this way, she felt even more relieved and no longer cared whether Jun Bai was doing well or badly.

She closed time and space and looked at other things, and suddenly frowned, "Uncle, come and see, there seems to be something wrong with this small space!" Bibo once said that it doesn't matter how time and space develops, the most important thing is stability, and now She suddenly discovered that there were some strange fluctuations in the small space, but it did not affect stability. What was going on?

Bi Bo came over to check it out, and after a quick calculation, he revealed a smile, "Lan'er, the fluctuations in space and time are due to being too deeply involved with you, and you still have unresolved causes and consequences."

When Yun Lan heard the saying "there is still cause and effect", she reflexively thought of Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing, and immediately made a bitter look on her face, "No way, uncle, I have been practicing honestly and it doesn't matter. "

"No one can explain the cause and effect of heaven. Some feelings must be repaid, and some promises must be fulfilled."

"Okay, so am I going to go to this small space now? What should I do?"

"The secret of heaven cannot be leaked, everything is determined by heaven."

After Yun Lan descended to earth, Bibo looked back at Qianye who walked in the door, "Senior sister, why did you seal her memory?"

Qianye shook his head and smiled, "Lan'er has broken the relationship. Even if she meets the person she used to be, she will still be unrequited. It's better to let her forget everything for a while and return the love to him wholeheartedly."

Bibo nodded, and the two left hand in hand.

Yun Lan, whose memory and cultivation had been blocked, was driving to a new residence, wearing headphones and complaining to her friends, "What kind of landlord are you talking about? It has no credibility at all! We agreed to rent it for one year. Suddenly regret telling me where to find a house? "

"Ah? Then where are you going now? It's midnight, why don't you come to my house first?"

"Forget it, you don't have a place to live at home. My grandma left an old house in the suburbs. It should be fine after cleaning it. You can look for a house when you have time. Remember to keep an eye on it for me." Yun Lan got off the highway and saw There was no one around so she drove faster. She didn't know how long it would take to clean the house, so she wanted to get there early.

"Okay, I'll ask if there are any rental houses near my home. Please drive carefully."

"OK! Let's not talk anymore. Go to bed early, bye."

When Yun Lan was about to drive there, she found that the street lights on both sides were broken, and she became increasingly irritated. Why didn't anyone repair the street lights in this place?


"Ah -" Yun Lan screamed, and after being stunned for a while, she patted her chest and ran out of the car nervously, "Hey, you, how are you? Where did you hit? Do you want to go to the hospital? Let me talk to you, I stepped on the brakes, it shouldn’t be that serious, right?”

"Lan Mei?" Qiao Feng looked at her in confusion, then looked around, "Lan Mei, why are we here? What is this place?"

Seeing that he seemed to be fine, Yun Lan took a few steps back cautiously, "Don't take advantage of me. Why do you call me sister if you are not related to me? Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

"Mei Lan, what's wrong with you?" Qiao Feng stood up and stepped forward with a frown. Suddenly, as if he was shocked, he quickly turned his head to cover his eyes. His voice rose an octave, "You, you, why are you wearing this kind of clothes? Hurry up and put it on Get dressed! We are not married yet, this is not etiquette!”

Yun Lan glanced down at her half-sleeved shirt and cropped jeans, "What do you mean? What's wrong with my clothes? This is very conservative, right? Also, why are we getting married? Are you obsessed with filming? I think you're fine ,I'm leaving!"

Qiao Feng saw her turning around and walking towards a strange red cage. He didn't care about anything else and hurriedly ran over to catch her, "Mei Lan, where are you going? What happened? Didn't we light explosives and commit suicide?" Are you here? Could it be that someone saved us? There is no place for us anymore, so what’s the use of saving us?”

Yun Lan was startled by the heavy sadness on his body, and felt very scared when she heard him say some crazy words, "You, I don't know you, why do you always say these weird things? You are off work now, no matter what You should stop filming anything! Don’t act against me, I don’t understand!”

Qiao Feng let go of her and staggered back two steps, greatly shocked, "Mei Lan, are you blaming me? How can you say you don't know me?"

Yun Lan clutched the car door tightly and struggled for a long time. She really couldn't bear to see him like that, "How about you tell me who you are, maybe I forgot for a moment."

"Sister Lan... I am Qiao Feng. You and I met in Wuxi and became brothers and sisters of the opposite sex. You helped me trace my life story. You didn't mind my identity as a Khitan and stayed with me all the time. In the end, it was because of me. I can't let go of my loyalty to the king and love my country, so I will go to hell with you. Sister Lan, I promised that if there is an afterlife, I will herd horses, herd sheep, farm and weave with you. Now that we are not dead, it is better to treat it as a new life and find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Spend the rest of your life. Sister Lan, are you willing?" Qiao Feng thought about his vigorous life and felt really tired. He just wanted to fulfill his promise to Yun Lan and stay together as a husband and wife.

Yun Lan was speechless for a long time. She wanted to call the police because she didn't think he was a bad person. She wanted to go to the hospital because she didn't think he was injured. She wanted to scold him but felt that his expression was too sincere. If he was really an actor, he wouldn't be so unknown, right? Just because of his emotional appeal, he’s the stuff of an actor!

"Ahem, Master Qiao, right? Well, it seems that you were filming "Dragon"? Has this been remade recently? But shouldn't you be investigating your life experience with A'Zhu and dying with A'Zi? Your screenwriter's changes this time are a bit Big!" Yun Lan slapped her forehead, "Oh, what am I talking about? I actually wanted to say that it's late and I have to go home."

Qiao Feng was even more confused than she was, "You keep saying that I'm filming...what? What do you mean by that? Don't you dislike A'Zhu for helping her become the princess? And you said you don't like A'Zi's name. , so it was changed to Yunlan after coming out of Xingxiu Sea.”

Yun Lan's eyes widened immediately, "You still know my name is Yun Lan? OMG!" She took out her phone from her pocket and pressed the replay button, "Hello? Xiaolin? I'm in trouble, what should I do?"

She told the story of what happened before and after she bumped into Qiao Feng. Over there, Xiaolin stared at the novel in her hand and said something strangely, "Didn't he travel through time? The past and the present! Also, you bumped into him Is he still fine? By the way, if he is really Qiao Feng, he should be able to master the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. If you ask him to perform it, won’t you know whether it’s true or not?”

Yun Lan was confused when her friend said this and turned to look at Qiao Feng, "My hero, do you know how to subdue the dragon with the Eighteen Palms?"

Qiao Feng nodded.

Yun Lan looked around and pointed to a scorched tree, "Break the trunk here and show me."

With Qiao Feng's ears, he had already heard their conversation clearly. He pondered for a moment and then used a move to overpower the dragon and regret it! The dead tree broke in response!

Yun Lan opened her mouth, listening to her friend repeatedly asking how she was doing on the phone, and replied stupidly, "Master!"

Yunlan felt that it was inexplicable, unbelievable, and unbelievable that the past could transcend the present. But she also felt that it was impossible for a modern person to break a tree from such a distance. So she asked Qiao Feng a lot of questions, in no particular order, and some of them were repeated. Based on Qiao Feng's answers, she felt that there was no other reason that could explain it except the ancient times and the present.

In the end, she hesitated and let Qiao Feng get into the car. She was the one who hit him. If he was sent out and dissected by the scientific research institute, she would not be at ease for the rest of her life.

"I'm taking you home now. Remember not to have any bad intentions. You saw it just now. I have sent your photo to my best friend. If anything happens to me, you will definitely be wanted."

Qiao Feng still couldn't understand what she was saying, but he knew that every time he asked a question, Lan Mei would be surprised, so he simply didn't ask anything and just observed silently. It took him so long to realize that Lan Mei really didn't remember him, and she didn't even know martial arts. He didn't know what happened, but even if Lan Mei forgot him, he would protect her for the rest of his life. This was what he promised Lan Mei. Thinking of the bet, Qiao Feng's eyes softened.

When he got home, Yun Lan looked at the dust all over the house and was very depressed. "Hey, hero, do you know how to use palm wind or something? That's it, hey! With a sweep of the palm wind, the dust nearby will be blown away." Won't?"

Qiao Feng looked at Yun Lan's nondescript movements and was silent for a moment before saying, "If you want to use the palm wind, you must use internal force, otherwise these things will be damaged."

Yun Lan was immediately discouraged, "Forget it, I'm going to try the water and electricity. I just paid the bill this afternoon and I don't know if it will work. You can help me move the things in the car first."

Yun Lan tested the water and electricity and found no problem. She walked around the house and took off the dust cover from the furniture. She put it into a big bag along with a few particularly worn things in the house and took them to the backyard. Put it in the utility room. She clapped her hands and looked at her watch. It's been fifteen minutes. Why hasn't Qiao Feng come over yet?

Yun Lan shouted as she walked towards the car, "Hero? Why are you so... slow..."

Yun Lan stared blankly at the deformed back cover of the car, trembling with her fingers, "You broke this, this, this apart!!!"

The author has something to say: Happy National Day! ! Thank you all for your votes! ! \\( ̄︶ ̄*\\))hug~

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