Comprehensive experience of time and space

Chapter 28 The Red Mansion Passes Through Jia Mu (2)


Jia's mother told everyone in the house that she had been warned by Jia Daishan in her dream, asking her to take good care of Jia's house and not relax even a little bit, so she planned to put Jia's house in order. Jia She and Jia Zheng are both foolish and filial people. They heard that their father, who had been deceased for many years, came to express his dream. There must be something wrong with the family. Naturally, they followed Jia's mother's arrangements in everything. Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang Although they were very dissatisfied with this, the master had already agreed and they did not dare to have any objections.

Within a few days, the entire Jia family was purged. Jia's mother let out many people in the name of praying for Jia Min. What shocked the servants the most was that Grandma Lai's son, Manager Lai, was also let out. The mother's reason was that the Lai family's mother and son had served her for many years, and now it was time for them to enjoy a happy life. She also rewarded them with two shops, which was considered as a complete master-servant relationship.

Grandma Lai is getting older and has been living in her own home. She only comes to Jia's house from time to time to chat with Mother Jia. When she learned that her son was actually rewarded with two shops and released, Grandma Lai's heart skipped a beat. , immediately changed her clothes and went to Mrs. Jia to thank her. She didn’t complain at all. She only said that what she had in the family was a reward from her masters. She would worship Buddha day and night to bless her masters, big and small, in happiness, longevity and health.

No matter what she thinks in her heart, on the surface, Aunt Lai is indeed a good slave who knows her way around and knows how to advance and retreat. She speaks tactfully and can always please people. Mother Jia is very satisfied with her. If she wasn't too old, she would really want to Stay and serve. After laughing and chatting for a while, Grandma Lai went home with peace of mind. As long as she didn't dwell on the past, she wouldn't have to worry about living a good life with her family's current wealth.

After this great purge, the servants of the Jia Mansion have all become peaceful. Unknown to outsiders, they have secretly inquired about the fact that the nurse of the second girl stole the jewelry of the second girl, and the whole family was sold. Went to work in the coal mine. The beauties around Mr. Bao deliberately put on rouge on weekdays, and the girls who attracted Mr. Bao to eat also found favors and sold them far away. The Jia Mansion has no room for restless slaves!

Mother Jia was very satisfied with the effect of this rectification. Although the movement was a bit loud, she wanted to pray for her daughter, so showing kindness to her servants was a reasonable excuse, and others would not care whether she was really showing kindness. Still cleaning out the unruly slaves.

Next, Jia Mu devoted herself to cultivating her confidants. Although Yuanyang and others were loyal in the past, they were still in their teens after all, and they all had their own petty thoughts and high spirits! In a big family, it's not a big deal for an old lady to reward her son or grandson for marriage. Now that Yun Lan has come through, she can't do this thing of giving someone a mistress! You have to train a few little girls and then marry off the older ones.

Mrs. Wang was sitting on her knees in the small Buddhist hall with her eyes closed and chanting sutras, but in her heart she was gnashing her teeth and cursing Mother Jia for being immortal! Almost all the flaws she had laid down over the years of running the Jia family have been cleared out. What is left is just a few cleaning girls around Jia Zheng and Li Wan, and they are all in their second room! It’s just useless!

I thought that Baoyu had finally moved out from the old lady's house, and that I could get close to her, which would be a comfort. Unexpectedly, Jia Zheng followed Jia Mu's instructions and stared at Baoyu reading whenever he had time, and asked her not to disturb him. Mrs. Wang was so angry that her heart ached, her liver ached, and her whole body ached! He hates Jia Mu even more!

Jia Mu didn't care how many people she offended. She was leaning on the couch and thinking about these things in Rong Ning's second house. The Ning house couldn't be broken up, and she couldn't control it. In the Rong Mansion, Jia Lian is very good at dealing with people, but he has developed a dandy temperament. He doesn't like reading, prefers women, and is manipulated by Sister Feng. Lack of exercise.

As a traitor, it was just right that Jia She only loved antiques and concubines and maids. Anyway, he was living in his own house, so he could do nothing wrong and would not offend the saint. Mrs. Xing is so stingy that she will be so happy if she just gives her some gold and silver jewelry. Only Wang Xifeng in the big room needs to be trained. If she is not trained well, she will be let to become weak like her aunt in the future. Bar.

As for Jia Baoyu, we must work hard to train him. He is extremely intelligent, but he is naive. He always wants to prevent others from suffering in front of him, but he does not know how many people he has inadvertently hurt with his words and actions. In the original novel, the whole family held his phoenix egg in the palm of their hands and only followed his wishes. It was considered good that he was not so crooked that he bullied men and dominated women, killed people and set fire to others.

After thinking about it for a while, Jia Mu also gained some confidence. It was still early and she could do anything in time. Suddenly, he remembered that the Jia family owed money to the treasury, so he hurriedly sat up and asked someone to call Jia She, saying that they had something important to discuss.

Jia She was drinking and having fun with Xiao Hong in the room. Suddenly he heard Jia Mu calling him. He frowned and thought about whether he had done anything ridiculous recently. Suddenly, his good mood was gone. He got up, changed his clothes and went to Jia She in fear. Mother's place.

Seeing Jia She come in, Jia Mu drove all the maids and women out of the house. She didn't talk nonsense to him and said directly: "In the past, our house owed a lot of money to the treasury. I can't remember it clearly. The old saint is nostalgic." Qing has never asked for this debt, but it is different with the saint today. We should pay it back as soon as possible to feel at ease. "

Jia She thought about it carefully and realized that there was indeed such a debt, but no one took it seriously. Didn't the four kings and eight princes all share in it? Then he said: "What news did mother hear? These big families all owe money, and I haven't heard of anyone paying it back. Are we being too cautious?"

Jia Mu shook her head and sighed: "Think about it, if your father's slaves owe our family money, your father doesn't care, but will he not care when you become the head of the family? The human heart is the hardest thing to guess. You are like a tiger, we can't afford to gamble. This matter is of great importance. I won't trust it to Sister Feng and the others. You will take Lian'er to check the account later and see how much money is owed. Take it from the public account. , return it as soon as possible.”

Jia Mu thought for a while and added: "Check carefully. Wang's housekeeper has been a housekeeper for so many years. It is inevitable that there will be some mistakes. If the problem with the accounts is too big, don't complain. Just bring it back to me and I will deal with it. Honor her." After all, the government’s surname is Jia, so it’s the Jia family’s face that’s embarrassed.”

Jia She only thought that Jia Mu wanted to protect Mrs. Wang, and he was very angry. However, since Jia Mu said this, he could only do it, otherwise it would be unfilial.

By the time Jia She and Jia Lian finished checking the accounts of the past few years, three days had passed. As expected, Mrs. Wang got a lot of good things from her own treasury. This was not as simple as a leader giving benefits to his subordinates. She took one-third of the entire public account, and she also sold the land in Jinling. After a few yuan, the profit of the shop was getting smaller and smaller year by year. Jia Mu sent people to search her house and found a box of IOUs for loan sharking. It was really a waste of money!

Jia's mother and Jia Zheng talked alone for two hours, detailing Wang's merits and demerits after entering Jia's family. She did not mix personal emotions, but told him objectively about the master of the family. How did his mother survive? He also talked about which behaviors of the Wang family could be tolerated and which behaviors that would bring harm to the family could not be forgiven.

Jia Zheng sat in a chair blankly. He had been diligent and hardworking since he was a child and loved reading. Both his grandfather and parents loved him very much and naturally they protected him very well. How did he know that there would be so much darkness in the backyard? Even Aunt Zhou's childlessness for many years was the result of Wang's drugging! If we say we resent the Wang family, Wang family also fell in love with Aunt Zhou and Aunt Zhao when they were young. They competed with each other for favor, so who was right and who was wrong?

Jia Zheng felt extremely confused. He had heard that the Wang family had embezzled the government's finances and loaned usury outside. He was ashamed and angry. He just wanted to divorce this vicious woman immediately! But after listening to what Jia Mu told him, the black and white world in his eyes suddenly turned gloomy. When he heard that Jia Mu said that Wang should be grounded for half a year to practice vegetarianism and chant sutras, take back Tan Mo's finances, and dispose of the usury money outside, he just nodded mechanically and returned to the study.

Mother Jia looked at Jia Zheng's back, called Jia She and Jia Lian from behind the screen, and told them that for the prosperity of the entire Jia family and the peace of future generations, it is only right to accumulate a lot of good deeds. He also warned them not to do anything illegal, and if she knew about it, they would not be leniently spared!

The three of them responded respectfully. Wang Xifeng lowered her head and her hands hidden in her sleeves were trembling. Half a month ago, Mrs. Wang asked her to lend loan money together. Fortunately, she was hesitant and didn't agree. Otherwise, she would not be here today. They will definitely suffer disaster together. I thought that this kind of thing was nothing, but who knew that Mrs. Wang fell like this! She is just a daughter-in-law in this house, and she has no children. If she does something wrong one day, will she end up worse than Mrs. Wang? Wang Xifeng felt panicked for the first time!

After imprisoning Mrs. Wang, Jia's mother posted a message to Wang Ziteng's relatives to appreciate the plum blossoms. When she was avoiding people, she secretly told Wang Ziteng's wife about the matter. She also laughed and said that quarrel between brothers is not a sign of prosperity for the family. Now, now If something like this happened, Mrs. Wang could only be allowed to reflect in her own room and be punished slightly. She hoped that after half a year, Mrs. Wang would be more cautious and a good housekeeper and mistress.

Wang Ziteng's wife has always been at odds with Mrs. Wang. Now that she heard that she was grounded by her husband's family, she was only happy. She couldn't care so much. She just said that the old lady in-laws handled it properly and she would definitely inform Wang Ziteng of the details when she went back. No. There could be some misunderstanding.

Only then did Jia Mu feel relieved. The prince Teng held military power and was much stronger than the Jia family. If he deliberately caused a stumbling block for the Jia family, it would be hard to guard against it. Now let’s use words to stabilize him. Anyway, she has already done it to Mrs. Wang. After taking the medicine, following a vegetarian diet for half a year and being mentally depressed, he will probably become weak soon, and he can only rest in the house. When the time comes, he will invite a few more imperial doctors to take a look, and even Wang Ziteng will have nothing to say.

The collection increased by 1,000 in two days over the weekend, so excited! ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

I’ll add another chapter today. Thank you to my friends who have always supported me. You are such good people! ! !

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