After finalizing the next world you want to use the teleportation charm to go to,

Only then did the white owl put away his mobile phone and put it in the inner pocket of his jacket, and at the same time took out another mobile phone for external use and put it in his pocket.

When all this is ready,

Only then did he look at Kyoko Hori, who was running towards him.

When the distance between the two was only thirty or forty centimeters,

Kyoko Hori jumped lightly and directly hugged the white owl cross-legged.

"It's fast!"

The white owl rubbed Kyoko Hori's hair very dotingly and said.

"Today's supermarket eggs are on sale, I've already bought them for you, in the motorcycle over there,

Now, our dear Darling, what kind of wall knock do you want?"

The white owl deliberately let out a wicked laugh and teased Kyoko Hori.

This laughter made Kyoko Hori blush slightly, and buried her face in the white owl's chest a little deeper.

"Shota doesn't need you to pick it up today!"

Kyoko Hori, who was in the arms of the white owl, nodded and said in a low voice:

"My mother didn't have to work overtime today, so Shota handed it over to her to pick it up!"

As a special housewife who replaces her mother's housewife with a baby, Kyoko Hori, has a rare opportunity to rest today.

Especially with the people you like,

For this reason, Kyoko Hori is very happy in her heart.

After putting Kyoko Hori down,

The two walked hand in hand to the lawn by the river and sat down,

Under the illumination of the golden sunset, the reflection on the lawn is a little bit of 220 golden luster,

The breeze blows, and it looks beautiful,

On the side of the road, there are a few elementary school students coming home from school who are constantly teasing and playing with each other.

This kind of picture is very warm in life,

It coincides with the ideal picture that Bai Xiao has always wanted to work hard to make money and save money to retire and experience life.

"Bai Xiaojun, do you know, when I was taken by the teacher to meet you, a transfer student who didn't ask for leave and didn't go to school, your appearance at that time really scared me!"

Bai Xiao's thoughts also recalled the scene when the two first met with Kyoko Hori's words,

At that time, Bai Xiao had just come to this world, and after seeing that he had not had much savings,

Bai Xiao simply skipped class and used the knowledge of his previous life at home to earn the dividends of the times before the official beginning of this world!

It's just that I didn't expect the teachers at the General Affairs High School to be more responsible.

directly took Kyoko Hori, who was the squad leader at the time, to find Bai Xiao's home,

After the two of them saw the environment of Bai Xiao's house full of instant noodle barrels in the house, they took the initiative to help Bai Xiao clean up.

Hakuro and Kyoko Hori are also getting married!

"Hmm... , you say I scare you, but it doesn't seem to me anymore, the first time I saw you, I knew Cupid was shooting arrows into the sky!"

Cupid shoots an arrow into the sky, and the arrow splits into two parts, two of each of them.


Kyoko Hori chuckled.

White owl and Kyoko Hori sat on the lawn with a smile and shared some trivial things they had encountered recently.

Although things are short and uneventful, Kyoko Hori can always extend from this topic to the next,

So the conversation between the two was very pleasant.

At the same time, from time to time, they sneered at each other,

I don't know when,

Kyoko Hori took the white owl's left hand with her right hand and placed it on her forehead, and gradually lay flat on the lawn.

She looked at the blue sky with a little yellow, and the brilliant fiery cloud on the horizon not far away, and she didn't know what to think in her mind.


Kyoko Hori, who was lying on the lawn, suddenly spoke:

"Darling, I'm so happy to see you today!"

"Didn't we just meet yesterday?"

"It's different, the time, the place, the scenery, everything around is completely different!"

"Since it's completely different, then I'll test you, do you like me today or yesterday!"

Bai Xiao looked at the large burning cloud in the sky and smiled.

Just didn't wait for him to wait for Kyoko Hori's answer,

A warm and slightly moist feeling directly against his lips,

This sudden kiss directly stunned the white owl for a second or two,


He directly rolled over and pressed down!


How can this kind of thing make a girl take the initiative!

In that case, I'm so sorry for my gender!

The breeze blew the corners of the white owl's shirt,

The two looked at each other, feeling each other's temperature. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

(cfdf) Bai Xiao can clearly feel that Kyoko Hori's heart is pounding at this time,

And Kyoko Hori was also feeling the warm snort of the white owl gently spraying on her face.

All kinds of pictures flashed in Kyoko Hori's mind,

She gradually closed her eyes.

"It turns out that this is the wall dong you want!"

The white owl stretched out his right hand and Kyoko Hori's left hand stretched out above her forehead tightly interlocked,


Kiss again...


When it's getting dark,

Bai Xiao and Kyoko Hori said goodbye to each other,

There weren't too many surprises, it all fell into place.

"Whew... It's time for the game!"

The white owl looked at the rune paper in his hand,

Crush gently.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed,

His whole body disappeared in an instant.


Kingdom of Geolar,

In a small, remote village,

The white owl lay on a wooden bed, lifted the thin quilt on his body and woke up, looking at the retro scene in front of him with a little doubt.

At this point,

The door to the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside,

The dazzling sunlight made the white owl subconsciously reach out to resist.

"You're awake!"

A girl with brown hair and two ponytails walked in with a jar made of clay, looked at the white owl and said.

"Where is this?"

Bai Xiao rubbed his forehead, and for a moment he couldn't remember what happened when he came here.

After the woman put the crockpot down, she walked to the white owl's bed and opened the window.

The room suddenly brightened up.

She approached the wooden table next to the bed, took out a cup from the wooden table, poured the water from the clay pot into the cup, and handed it to the white owl.

"I'm Anna from Jeddah! I saw you unconscious at the village well last night, so I brought you to my house!"

"My name is Xiao Bai!"

The white owl took the initiative to create a fake identity for himself, and at the same time drank all the water in the cup.

With the immunity effect of [Coordinate Power], Bai Xiao is not worried about the other party poisoning the cup.

"Xiao Bai, it's really a rare name, but your age is very similar to my brother Kaial, who has just been chosen to be taken to the palace!"

Anna couldn't help but think of her unrelated brother, and praised her with a smile on her face.

After all, as an older sister who witnessed her brother's growth, her brother's excellence makes her happier than anything else!

"If you don't dislike it, you can stay here for a little longer, and it just so happens that my brother is not here!"

Anna said kindly to the white owl.

"Kaiar, then this is the Kingdom of Geolar!"

"Yes, welcome, Outlander!"

Looking at Anna's light smile,

The white owl's heart throbbed slightly:

That's right!

The restart of the life of the Ancestral Giant, begins!.

Người mua: hieubaocot

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