Come to The Peak

Chapter 760: : Lizard Attached (Five)

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"This is one point. The second is that Da Zunzun knew that your whereabouts had been exposed. The Chu Congress sent someone to intercept and kill, so ah, a bureau was set up for Luo Yu and Ye Ye to sect together.

My two geniuses, Zixia Tianzong, went abroad to carry out the mission. The Chu Temple of War Shrine naturally would not let this go. Certainly, they would send elders at the level of martial arts to intercept it. Let me follow you secretly and let the Chu Temple of War bleeding. "

Lin Sheng grinned, showing a sinister smile.

"It turned out that we were both sent as bait"

Luo Yu and Ye Yan looked at each other with a grin on their faces.

"Haha, how can you catch such a big fish as King of War without taking your two geniuses as bait? Do n’t you two little guys have any thoughts about Zongmen. Since the master sent me, it must have something to do with your life. A guarantee "

When Lin Sheng saw the two of them, he laughed and comforted them, for fear that they would have any objection to Zongmen's approach.

"Teacher rest assured, we have no idea, but this time it was really thrilling."

Luo Yu said with a bitter smile.

At this moment, Lin Sheng suddenly looked at Xi Yan and said, "Xicheng master, this time I killed two warlord elders of the Chu Kingdom War Temple in your sand lizard city. I am afraid that the War Temple will not give up, and will probably be angry. You Lizards, how do you want to deal with this? "


Xi Yanwenyan's brow really frowned. This time, he helped Luo Yu and others to block the punishment of Apocalypse. It is estimated that the Chu people also thought that the Lizard people had already inclined to the Qin country.

Seeing Xi Yan's embarrassment, Lin Sheng chuckled: "Lord Xi Yan, I have an idea. Do you want to hear it?"

"Oh, Lord Lin Dian, please say"

"That is, our Da Qin Empire will send troops to stay in your Lizard City to ensure the safety of your Lizardmen, and your Lizard soldiers will assist my Daqin army.

Our army will be equipped with some heavy weapons, such as siege crossbow and siege crossbow, so that even if the other side sends the warlord of the **** of fire, there will be fear.

However, we will announce to the outside that the Sauronic Tribe and our Daqin Alliance, what do you think of this matter? "

Lin Sheng asked Xi Yan and looked at each other's expression.

His trick is not bad. Originally, there was an element of calculating the lizards, which made the sand lizard city fall into a dilemma. It will inevitably lean to one side, and then use the topic to draw the entire Xiheng Desert into the territory of the Great Qin Empire .

This has its advantages and disadvantages to the Lizards. It is claimed that the post-Lizards' territory has become the territory of the Great Qin Empire, and the Lizards have become a vassal of the Qin Kingdom.

The advantage is that after the landless state has a master, the state of Chu cannot arbitrarily send troops to trouble the lizards, otherwise it will lead to the war ahead.

As the so-called one-line movement of the whole body, if the Chu and Qin countries broke out because of this land, other countries will inevitably be involved.


Xi Yan hesitated. He didn't understand the truth. He Lizard had never been to any country, but he just didn't want to become a vassal of anyone and could live freely in this land.

As soon as they came to Qin Guo, it wasn't the Lizards who decided on this land.

Lin Sheng seemed to see the thoughts in Xi Yan's heart, and then said, "Xi Yan City Lord rest assured, to be honest, the land in the desert is not suitable for our peoples to survive. We have no idea about this land.

However, this Xiheng Desert is an important transportation channel connecting Wei, and we have no intention of occupying your living land. The protagonist in this desert is still your lizard. "

The Xiheng Desert is mostly desert and is indeed not suitable for the survival of human races. Although the Wei Kingdom is also considered to be in the desert, their land is sandy and can be planted with crops. There are also many green areas, and the human race can survive.

The area of ​​the Great Qin Empire is so large, the people are sparse, the land is fertile, and the barren land like the Xiheng Desert is looked down on, so let the lizards toss them in the desert.

"Since the main words of Lin Dian have been mentioned in this article, what else can I say, and the seniors of the emperor array are also people who yearn for the peaceful coexistence of various ethnic groups, I can see this clearly."

Xi Yan finally agreed.

"Hahaha ... so good, come, let's drink"

The banquet was then started and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Chu Kingdom, the endless palace of war gods.

This is a hall full of ink jade cards on the shelves. There are hundreds of jade cards in the hall.

Every ink-colored jade card has a person's name and position.

Suddenly, the jade card carved with the names of Xing Tianqi and Yin Feng suddenly cracked and cracked, and then two golden rays shot into a crystal ball in front of all the jade cards.

The crystal ball exudes a faint light.

In the hall, a caretaker disciple wearing a black military robe with a beast-print on it was astonished to see it.

"That is the soul card of Elder Penalty and Elder Yin Feng. The soul card is broken. Are both elders dead?"

The disciple muttered to himself in shock, and then quickly ran out of the soul hall.

The disciple came to the suspended golden hall, underneath the Ares Palace, and quickly condensed a pair of wings to fly to Ares Palace.

Then two streamers roared and flew to the soul hall, but it took only one breath to fly into the soul hall.

The golden light cluster dispersed, and three figures appeared in the temple.

A burly man wearing a black robe with dragons, wolves and beasts.

This man's face is fortitude, and his eyebrows are eye-catching. It is the battle emperor Muchen, while the other is a handsome man with a white robe and a beast pattern, Yu Zhengxuan.

"The soul cards of Elder Penalty and Elder Yin are really broken!"

When Mu Chen and Yu Zhengxuan saw this scene, they were all shocked and looked ugly.

Every warrior king of the **** of fire is the mainstay of Zongmen. When they die, they will not feel good.

Mu Chen walked to the crystal ball, and suddenly a surge of spirits poured into the crystal ball. The crystal ball flashed, and the picture immediately appeared. It was the final picture of Lin Sheng's killing Yin Feng and Xing Tianqi.

The two looked even more ugly by two points.

The elders of the God of Fire in the War God Temple will use their own soul power to leave a soul card in the soul temple. Once the soul card is broken, it means that the soul of the soul master is broken or reincarnation.

And the soul power in soul jade that is related to the soul will project the picture before death through the restraint in this crystal ball.

This means all major gates Zixia Tianzong.

"How did Lin Sheng appear in the envoys of Qin Kingdom!"

Mu Chen looked at the picture angrily.

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"Brother, it seems that Qin Guo already knew what we knew about their whereabouts. This is a matter of planning, and sent Lin Sheng to protect him secretly, giving us a set."

Yu Zhengxuan narrowed his eyes and guessed why

"Hum, imaginary, you old fox, my shepherd still underestimates you."

Mu Chenman's angry voice echoed in the soul card ...

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