Come to The Peak

Chapter 731: : Heartache

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Chapter 731: Heartache

At the other end of Weidu, Luo Yu and Chu Xinli also seemed tired, and sat in a small stall to eat local flavor food.

The food stalls were lively, and the earthy sand pots were hot on the stove, and the aroma was diffused.

Casserole of canned beef, a kind of stuffed beef in a can of casserole, put on conditioning, cover it and put it in a steamer, and the water in the steamer is also a spiced soup.

The meat is heated in the can, and the flavor of the seasoning is all in the taste. At the same time, the elasticity of the meat is locked by the can, and it is juicy and juicy.

I heard that King Wei also loves to eat this canned casserole beef, but the beef Wei ate is demon beef, which is just a normal canned casserole beef.

Although it is late at night, but because of the lantern festival, there are still a lot of people on the street. The business of this small shop is very good. The beef scent is clear and audible dozens of meters away.

"Two guest officers, come here, canned casserole with beef and bamboo rice ..."

A middle-aged man in white dragged two earthy casserole cans and two cyan bamboos on a large plate, and came over to Luo Yu and Chu's pity table.

As soon as Luo Yu opened the can, a scent burst into his face, and the beef in the pot was suffocated and golden, and the heat was out.

"Haha, it's so fragrant"

The two had large index finger movements and poked lightly with chopsticks, and the oil came out.

"Luo Yu, feed me ..."

Chu Xinli said with a **** little mouth.

Luo Yu smiled slightly, first scooped a spoonful of golden soup with a spoon, and gently blew a hot gas to feed Chu Xinping.

Chu Xinli's pair of Danfeng eyes laughed into two crescent crescents, and the long eyelashes seemed to speak.

But at this moment, the sand jar in front of Luo Yu burst with a click, and a sudden pain came from Luo Yu's heart, making Luo Yu's hands all meal.

"Luo Yu, what's wrong?"

Chu Xinsi found Luo Yu's complexion suddenly a little unsightly, and asked softly.

"I don't know, I just feel a pain in my heart ..."

Luo Yu shook her head and told the truth.

"Heartache, are you tired just now?"

Chu Xinli heard that he asked quickly.

Tired? Taking Luo Yu's cultivation as his reason, he would not be tired after running ten laps along Weidu.

"I don't know, but the pain in my heart is more and more obvious, and my heart is pitiful, or I'll send you back tonight," Luo Yu put down his spoon.

"Well, okay"

Naturally, Chu Xinping would not have any opinion. Because of Luo Yu's unexplained heartache, she and her appetite were absent. They ate at will and paid for two.


A young man in a black armor and a **** cloak completed a group of sergeants and was about to return to the city.

Sitting on the green smoke scale horse, Li Yu suddenly turned pale and covered his chest.

"Why, my heart is shaking, it's hurting ..."

Qingyang City Luo ethnic group, there is a figure on the battlefield, black cloth is blindfolded, but the flying knife in his hand is a leaky shot into the bulls eye hundreds of meters away.

After shooting all the flying knives, Bai Yutong took the towel from the red medicine to wipe the sweat, but suddenly covered his chest, a look of doubt ...

Zixia Tianzong asked for the summit. A red-haired woman in a red dress was making Fu Xuanxuan, a fourth-grade treasure, but her hand suddenly trembled, the temperature of the flame was not controlled, and the material in the furnace was burned. Become a waste.

Fu Xuanxuan covered her chest, her eyes were all confused.

In the palace of the imperial capital of Qin Kingdom, a handsome young man Dongfang Yuehua in a golden dragon robe was looking through a memorial in front of the book case in the palace. Suddenly a pain in his heart and a spit of blood on the book case revealed a startled expression ...


"Sister Five ..."

Luo Yan held the Yueyue Dongyao, who was stained with blood in her robe. Her tears kept falling, and she made a sad cry.

" what…"

Luo Yan made a loud roar, and his body quickly became large, turning into a purple giant bird with wingspan and kilometer shape covering the sky, and the demon Yuan tumbled and shocked people.

"Master Pu has succeeded, go!"

The leader of the black assassin yelled at the remaining dozen people who had destroyed their companions and were about to fly away.

"Today you all will die!"

Longhuangque spit out words, and a spit of purple flames swept away at more than ten people.

Of the more than a dozen people, only the leader who fought with Luo Luo flew out of the distance covered by the purple flames and fled. The other more than ten people mourned and were engulfed by the purple flames.

The square circle also turned into a sea of ​​fire, and all the buildings burned.

Fortunately, there are no more people in this area due to the war of the powerful level players in the previous level. So no innocent people are affected.

"Oh my god, such a big bird ..."

Countless people inside and outside were stunned when they saw this scene, and Weidu's guards rushed over.

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However, looking at this monstrous flame and the terrifying shape of the Dragon Phoenix, I dare not approach.

Once the phoenix was turned and vented, it immediately turned into Luo Yan, picked up Dongfang Yueyao, and the demon Yuan coagulated into a big hand, and rolled up the assassin lying on the ground wounded by him.

The purple wings behind her flew and flew to the distant Qin Guo's envoy's residence, and this sea of ​​fire was extinguished when Luo Ying left, leaving only a piece of coke stone ruins ...


As soon as he returned to the residence of the envoy of Qin State, Luo Yan shouted.

"Come on, sister Xiaoqiao ...!"

Luo Yan's roar shocked everyone, Ge Xiuzhu, Xiaoqiao, Qi Feng, Wang Tao, Luo Qing, etc. all rushed past.

Luo Yan, holding Dongfang Yueyao, went straight into her room. The assassin brought by him was taken over by two Zongmen disciples.

"Luo Ye! What's wrong?"

All the people rushed over, and a large group of people were outside the door.

Among them, Xiaoqiao Ge Xiuzhu Waner Luo Qing and others entered the room. At a glance, she saw Dongfang Yueyao who was blood-red in a purple dress lying on the bed.


"Sister Yue Yao!"

The faces of the people changed greatly, and the green-haired barefooted Tsing Yi woman's small bridge quickly walked to Dongyue Yueyao's bed, and the green real yuan poured into Dongyue Yueyao's body.

The face of the investigating pharmacist Xiaoqiao also changed suddenly.

"The heart is pierced!"

Xiaoqiao's beautiful eyes also showed shock.

"Sister Xiaoqiao, how's it going, how about Sister Five?"

Luo Ying asked with a cry.

Xiaoqiao didn't answer. A dagger appeared in his hand. Xiaoqiao held a dagger on his wrist, and a burst of blood spewed out.

It is worth mentioning that Xiaoqiao's blood is glowing with fluorescence and exudes strong vitality.

Xiaoqiao put Hao's wrist on Dongfang Yueyao's wound, all the blood poured into the wound, and her other hand really poured into Dongfang Yueyao's body.

Everyone saw that this scene was ugly. Qi Feng in this group knew the identity of Xiaoqiao, Shennong Xiaoqiao, and Shennong Valley.

Let her use her Shennong blood to treat Dongfang Yueyao, and you can see how severe the injury is!

And others also quickly asked Luo Yan ...

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