Come to The Peak

: 546: Trouble is here again

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The lifted Aster giant sword fell to the side, and a large sword-shaped pit was smashed directly on the street. The surrounding houses were shaken, and many people ran out to watch. I didn't know they thought the earthquake had happened.

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In this scene, the passers-by on the sidelines were really stunned. They looked at the handsome young man in a white robe and the young man in a yellow robe. They knew that Master Chen was kicking on the iron plate this time.

The smashed chest of Huangpao Youth was sunken, and the bones in his entire body were broken. The root of his right arm, which was receiving the sword, was blurred in flesh and blood, and the bone was broken out of the flesh. The blood was extremely scary.

The yellow robe youth's breath was weak, and he was almost killed by the sword. The four servants next to him quickly picked up the yellow robe youth, one took out a bottle of low-level healing medicament, etc., and gave out several pieces to the yellow robe youth clothes. under.

Luo Yu shook his head helplessly looking at the four people who were treating the yellow robe youth. He had not shaken his heart, but he just threw it at will. If he tried hard, the yellow robe youth would be smashed into a mass of meat. mud.


Luo Yu slammed the ground with one foot, and the ground trembled on the street, and a force rushed to the purple sword that smashed into the street pit.

The purple giant sword was suddenly shaken out of the pit. Luo Yi reached out with five fingers, and suddenly a suction rolled up to the large purple sword that was shaken.

The purple pimple giant sword slammed into Luo Yu's palm, then was gripped in the hand and slanted into the back, and then was stuck by Zhenyuan on the back.

This simple hand was a shock to those present. The random lame, that power can accurately shake the purple giant sword in the pit. How much power and what kind of control do you need?

And when that hand was stretched out, the sword that could crush the young man in the yellow robe was taken back into his hand. What kind of strength is this?

"Oh my God, who is this young man, and the power of fear, that sword can crush Chen Hongqing, a ninth-level master, by an estimated seven or eight thousand kilograms, and he is always on his back!"

A black-faced man who has been watching this scene said in shock.

"Hey, not only, do you see? He has such a heavy sword on his back and his legs are free and easy, the bluestone under his feet has not been shattered by the power of the sword, and his control has reached a terrifying level."

The person next to him whispered and looked at Luo Yu secretly.

Luo Yu slowly walked forward after seeing the Purple Sword on his back, and when Luo Yu came over, the four of them carried the yellow robe youths back and forth, and they were frightened.

Ke Luoyu didn't seem to bother them, and looked directly at an inn and walked in.

This scene naturally relieved the four of them, looking at each other could not help but wipe a cold sweat.

"What kind of person is this young man! What a terrible strength, what kind of person do these people come to such a small place like Liangshan Town!" A black-shirt servant relieved.

"Who knows, it may be passing by here, this person is probably not worse than Master Tu Wan," said another with a cold sweat.

"Okay, let's go back, just in case this young man comes back we will be miserable"

The man in the gray robe screamed at the idea of ​​hitting Luo Yu's great sword, the other three nodded and quickly carried the yellow robe youth away.

Luo Yu walked into the inn in awe of everyone's eyes.

"Treasurer, give me the best room"

Luo Yu went in and said to a fat middle-aged man in a blue shirt.

"Ah ... OK, OK, come with me, I will take you personally"

The man in the blue shirt turned back from shock and said respectfully.

Just now Luo Yu threw his sword and injured Chen Hongqing's shocking scene. He naturally saw it, but he shouldn't neglect the uncle.

The T-shirt shopkeeper took Luo Yu Luo Luo to the inn on the third floor of the inn, and entered a room with a brand name in the sky.

The T-shirt shopkeeper respectfully should have entered the guest room with satisfaction.

The rooms are also very well decorated, with all kinds of furniture. There are several pots of Phnom Penh orchids blooming in the room, and the room exudes a faint orchid fragrance.

Luo Yu is very satisfied. This floral fragrance is very similar to the female fragrance on Qing'er, which makes him smell very comfortable.

After a while, the three small shop two gave a large table of good wine and good food, and one hot water carrying a large wooden barrel was poured into the bath barrel behind the screen.

Luo Yu and Luo Yan had a good meal at the table and drank some wine. Luo Yu went to take a comfortable bath and took a hot bath before falling asleep in bed.

Luo Yan habitually changed back to the dragon beam and flew into the upper room beam to protect Luo Yu, and Bai Ze, the size of a wolf dog, also crawled at the foot of the bed.

Luo Yu lay back on the couch with a pillow in both hands, a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Brother, what are you laughing at? So happy"

Long Huangque on the beam asked with a smile.

"Hehe, second brother, I was thinking, Luo Yu is not alone anymore along the way, I have a lot of brothers and sisters to accompany me, very happy."

Luo Yu smiled at Long Huangque.

"The main thing is that no matter where I go, I have your company. Luo Yu is actually very happy."

"Ha ha"

Long Huangque smiled and said nothing.

"Brother, I said I would always be with you, regardless of life or death ..." But he was secretly in his heart.


At this moment, Bai Ze at the foot of Luo Yu's bed was screaming in dissatisfaction.

"Haha, okay, and your little white"

Luo Yu smiled, reached out and touched Bai Ze's head, and Bai Ze narrowed his blue eyes with satisfaction.

"Okay, sleep, and you can rush to the South China Sea tomorrow. I haven't seen the sea of ​​this world in such a long time in the world. I have a little expectation."

Luo Yu smiled and closed her eyes on the bed.

The dragon phoenix Bai Ze also closed his eyes, the night, slowly passing away ...

There was no speech overnight. On the second day, the sun slowly rose from the east, and Jin Hui scattered on the earth through the clouds, waking the residents of Liangshan Town.

The sun shined on Luo Yu's handsome face, Luo Yu opened her blue eyes and shot two brilliant, lazily stretched a lazy waist and sat up.

"Ah ... so comfortable, it's time to go"

Luo Yu stood up and looked at the sunny weather on the windowsill, showing a smile.

Luo Yu washed her face and walked out of the door, but there was a scream of noise outside the room.

"Treasurer, where was the kid who hurt my disciples yesterday?"

"Tuk ... Tuk, this ..."

On the first floor of the inn, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a **** epee on his burly back yelled at the shopkeeper.

The face of this big man was full of flesh, and the murderousness revealed by Mei Yu was scared.

He was just an ordinary person, where he could withstand the murderous energies emitted by the mighty warriors.

The people who ate around the first floor also looked at the man in black dread in fear, and did not dare to speak like a chill.

Obviously, this big man in black robe is very famous in this area.

"Tu ... Master Tu, the boy left last night. Now ... not in the inn."

The T-shirt shopkeeper tried to squeeze out a smile and said, I do not know why Luo Yu's room was not mentioned, but he lied to this big man.


The man in the black robe heard Yan grabbed the neck of the T-shirt shopkeeper and lifted him up. The T-shirt shopkeeper's eyes widened and his face turned red.

"If you dare to lie to me, I believe I've smashed your shop and beat you into mud!"

The man in black robe raised the blue shirt shopkeeper coldly like lifting a chicken.


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