Come to The Peak

Chapter 526: :judgment!

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"For Luo Yu's sake"

Lin Sheng said.

"Oh! Luo Yu! What happened to that boy? Is something wrong?"

Dao Huiwu emperor Liu Mei frowned, and Zhu Lip said lightly.

Although she hadn't seen Luo Yu a few times, Ke Luoyu still knew something about Zongmen. She soon killed Elder Wu's disciple Qingying and entered the summit.

On the first day of this case, he abducted his own autobiographical disciple, and also bumped against himself. In the great mind of the Emperor Wuhuang, this stinky boy Luo Yu is definitely a troublemaker.

"Well, I received a voice yesterday. Luo Yu killed Hu Blade and two core disciples in a beastly secret. Now Elder Wu of the Law Enforcement Hall is conducting a public trial of Luo Yu, a rotten boy."

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Lin Sheng said helplessly, apparently also very headache for Luo Yu caused this incident.

"Slayed the same disciples in the beastly secret!"

Emperor Dao Huiwu frowned even more when he heard the words, and then he said, "This is a felony of killing fellow students. You are going to be executed. Are you here to plead for him?"

Such things as Luo Yu's crimes are not big or small in Zongmen. For their Emperor Wuzong, this kind of things don't need to disturb them. The relevant departments of Zongmen should handle it by themselves, so Hui didn't know about it.

"Yes, Luo Yu's identity is not simple after all. He is my student, let alone aside, but he is my teacher's disciple disciple, but he has to pay attention to Zong Men, and now he has become a top four. The founder of the four-mark pattern, this caster genius can't just kill it. "

Lin Sheng looked at Dao Hui and said lightly.

"But this kind of thing is not good in Zongmen if you don't deal with it seriously. Otherwise, others will say that Luo Yu is a student, and you can do whatever you want with Zongmen, and it will not affect you."

Emperor Dao Huiwu also had a headache.

For someone else, an ordinary core disciple is like an ant to her. Ke Luoyu not only has a strong backer behind him, but he is also a student of his own teacher. The death of Emperor Tao Huiwu has to be ignored, plus Luo Yu. The caster's talent is indeed amazing. How long will it take to make the four-marked treasure, it is a pity to kill it like this.

"Oh, so I figured a compromise, let's do this ..."

Lin Sheng smiled and talked to Dao Hui ...

In the Palace of Law Enforcement, everyone's eyes were focused on Luo Yu's body to see what he was going to say.

Luo Yu's face was somber, and then he calmed down again, and said, "Yes, Hu Blade was indeed killed by me, but the elder, do you know why I killed Hu Blade and the three of them?"

Elder Wu heard nothing and waited for Luo Yu's next. Everyone listened quietly.

"The three of Hu Blade were killed by the wind and dust to kill me. Ask me, what's wrong with killing them in order to protect myself"

Luo Yu suddenly turned around, and the wind and dust in the hall below her fingers yelled angrily.

As soon as Luo Yu's remarks came out, it naturally caused a shock in everyone's hearts. They all looked at the dust, and also communicated with each other.

"What, Luo Yu said that it was Fengchen who directed Hu Blade to kill Luo Yu."

"He said so, but why did Brother Feng instruct Hu Blade to kill Luo Yu? They have no hate."

His Royal Highness all communicated with each other, and at the same time Fengchen also changed his face. He did not expect Luo Yu to know about this.

Fengchen immediately responded angrily and yelled, "Luo Yu, what nonsense do you say, I have never met you and hated you, why did you kill you?"

His remarks were sorrowful and indignant, as if he had been wronged by Luo Yu.

"Luo Yu, why do you say that Fengchen ordered Hu Blade to kill you?"

Elder Wu asked.

"Hum, why, why should I torture Hu Ren, just to force him to say the messenger, and after he said it, I did not torture him, and gave him a happy

And Hu Ren and the three were disciples of Lei Tang, who could only direct them to the dust, which Hu himself said.

Qinger and I are unmarried couples. I guess everyone knows this door, and this dusty wants to kill me because he likes Qinger. He sent Hu blades to kill me, and I was wrong to kill them for protection. ?

Humph! If it were n’t for my Luo Yu ’s strength, I ’m afraid that now it ’s a dead bone and ca n’t stand here. Hu ’s death is due to blame. No wonder I ’m Luo Yu.

Luo Yu looked at Fengchen in a cold voice, saying that Fengchen's complexion was gloomy and uncertain.

And many people are showing relief, looking towards Feng Chen and Qing Er, Feng Chen is Qing Er's hunter, no one knows the whole story, and it is not impossible to do this kind of thing in order to get Qing Er.

Not many people doubted Luo Yu. In the picture, Hu Jian appeared first, then he went to kill Luo Yu and was killed by Luo Yu. This is very clear.

Elder Wu frowned when he heard that, in fact, he was killed in the fierce beast by his own ancestors in order to win treasure, or to kill him, but no one has evidence to get law enforcement. Temple.

In this way, Luo Yu was killed by self-protection, Hu Jian, which is a bit difficult to handle, and it also involves Fengchen, Master Lei Lingfeng.

The core disciples in the spiritual realm can definitely pay attention to Zongmen, and Luo Yu is also a student of Lin Sheng.

Elder Wu had a headache. He had never encountered such a thing. His disciples were killed by Luo Yu. Although he was killed in a life-to-death contract, he still had some anger at Luo Yu. Yu's attitude was extremely ruthless.

"Luo Yu, then you are considered a self-defense Hu Blade, but my brother didn't mess with you, why did you kill my brother?"

At this moment, Chen Zhong yelled at Luo Yu with anger.

Luo Yu laughed and said, "Funny, I don't even know why your brother killed me? Do you have any evidence?"


Chen Zhong heard his speech for a while and didn't know what to say. Then he looked at the impression on the court case and said, "I know, because my brother found that you killed the same door, you killed him."

Luo Yu sneered: "Kill him and kill the mouth! Funny, he saw me kill Hu Blade and I have the impression that the crystal ball as a testimony I confessed, but I tried to kill him and killed him in a beastly secret at that time, depending on my strength at that time If you find that your brother is going to kill him nearby, he can't escape, can I let him pass the impression crystal ball into your hands?

I do n’t even know your brother, how can I kill him? ”

Luo Yu's remarks were logical and orderly, and it really made people irresistible, and how did they know that Chen Bo was greedy for extorting Luo Yu because of greed, and Luo Yu found her identity and was killed in a beastly secret.

Chen Zhong was so speechless by Luo Yu's words that he didn't know how to refute, and he didn't know his brother's extortion of Luo Yu.


At this time Elder Wu whispered, everyone was silent.

Elder Wu looked at Luo Yu and said, "No matter what, Luo Yu's killing of the same evidence is conclusive. Now the king judges ..."

"Elder Wu!"

When Elder Wu was about to make a judgement, there was an exclaiming sound from outside. A spiritual director in a blue robe flew in and interrupted Elder Wu's words. Then he quickly walked to Elder Wu's ear and whispered. At the same time he pulled out a token.

After listening to the deacon's words, Elder Wu saw a surprise in his eyes, and then nodded.

"Okay, I see."

The deacon resigned immediately after hearing the words.

At this time, Elder Wu got up again and said, "The evidence that Luo Yu killed his peers is conclusive, but it is justifiable that he defended Hu Blade and killed the three because he was protecting himself. One hundred and sixty sentences of bone erosion nails, and then one of the top ten murderers on the blood kill list must be killed.

It must be done within one year, and the killing of Chen Bo and Feng Chen caused Hu Jian to have no evidence. With this in mind, now I am executing Luo Yu with the Law Enforcement Hall and sentenced to the outside law enforcement station! "

Elder Wu's judgment was a sigh of horror. Although Luo Yu killed his ancestors, he was not executed, but the sentence of 360 bone-eating nails shocked everyone.

Three hundred and sixty bone erosion nails is the most brutal criminal law outside the execution of Zongmen. Using three hundred and sixty bone erosion nails to nail the whole body's bones, this pain is harder to bear than death.

In addition, the latter condition is not harsh, and each of the top ten murderers on the blood killing list is an unforgivable generation, and the minimum is in the spiritual state. This condition can be called harsh. This judgment makes People have nothing to say.

The people questioned heard this decision, and they were greeted by surprise and then shocked. They were astounded by the criminal law of the 360 ​​rotten nails. They also heard about this criminal law. It was definitely the first torture other than the death penalty .

"Well, now Raluoyu goes down to be punished!"

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