Come to The Peak

Chapter 269: : Four consecutive victories

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"Oh, do you look down on the disciples so?" Luo Yu sneered.

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"Look down? Hahaha, how capable are your separated disciples to me?" Said the young man with a mountain knife.

"Oh! Then let me see what qualifications you have for a dog"

As soon as Luo Yu finished his sentence, he slammed and shot at a few people, moving like a thunder, quickly as a wind, leaving only a residual image in place.

"So fast!"

These disciples were shocked in their hearts, and they did not expect that this family disciple would be better off first.

"Hum! Let me know you!"

One of the disciples came out, all of his energy surging up on his fists, a punch of energy rushing around, rushing out, making the air scream.

"Than boxing!"

Luo Yu smiled lightly, rushed to the same disciples in front of the clan and ran out with a punch. The martial arts falling stone fist has reached the point where the fire is pure.




As for these three voices, the two of them hit the disciple's arm with a punch and was immediately interrupted by the huge force of Luo Yu's fist. The disciple made a terrible sound and slammed into an ancient tree. , The ancient tree slammed.


The disciple was hit and vomited blood, holding his broken arm to the ground in a tragic state.

Qi opened his eyes at the three disciples and couldn't believe it.

Just when the three of them were surprised, Luo Yu didn't stop, and rushed towards the three again, and rushed to a disciple in a moment, banged with a punch, and clicked on the chest of the disciple. On top of that, the disciple of the family flew and flew out. The ribs were broken several times. They flew more than ten meters away and hit an ancient tree. They fell on the ground and vomited blood.

Immediately after raising one's hands, the two family disciples lost their fighting power.

Luo Yu looked at the remaining two, Xi Yu said, "How, my strength as a disciple is not so bad! I wonder if I can get into the eyes of two noble disciples?"

After hearing the words, the two disciples of the Zongjia looked at each other, and they saw a trace of horror in each other's eyes.

And the boy who lifted the sword re-examined Luo Yu, solemnly said, "You are strong, but you are only a disciple after all, and the main character is more than the real protagonist is us! The power of the triple blood of Luohe, Kai!"

With a light drink from this disciple, a blue light appeared in his eyes. The blue light was very light, far worse than the blue light emitted by Luo Zheng when they opened the blood.

This is the lowest Sanhe Luohe blood pulse. Even if it is the lowest, it has a lot of blessings on the combat power, at least it is stronger than the disciples who have no blood awakening power.

This family disciple ran to Luo Yu with a blue light, and swept down Luo Yu's head with a knife, and the speed was also very fast, but it was far worse than Luo Yu.

"Bloodline power! Oh, how about that?"

Luo Yu sneered, his hands stretched out like a shock, and both palms caught the young man's knife.

This monk named Mengge was shocked. The power of his blood surged on the sword, and his strength increased by a few percent. He slashed down to Luo Yu. The mountain knife pressed Luo Yu's arm slightly, and the blade edged toward Luo Yu moved closer for a few minutes.

When the knife was three inches away from Luo Yu's head, Luo Yu's strength was a little stronger, which stopped the hacking knife.

This mongolian clan boy found that no matter how hard he could not make the knife cut again.

"Hey, don't eat any more," Luo Yu sneered, pinching the boy's knife.

At the same time, the corner of his mouth was raised, his knee was kicked out like a whip, and a heavy leg was split on the disciple's waist.


The disciple of this family was swept away by the huge force on his leg, and he flew to the ground seven or eight meters away, and the large mountain knife in his hand fell aside.

Just as he just fell to the ground, Luo Yu shot again, stepping on the chest of a disciple who was just trying to get up. Immediately trampled this disciple on the ground.

The last disciple of the Zong family was astonished at the sight.

Who is this teenager? It was so fast that he resolved the awakened blood power! Although Mengge is only the lowest triple awakened blood, the combat power that can be blessed is above the ordinary Nine Sky Warriors.

"Hey, how about, did you not let down your disappointment in this strength?" Luo Yu stepped on the youngster's chest and looked down at the disciples with a smile.

"Damn! Boy, let me go!" This disciple was shocked and angry, and his face was full of humiliation. A disciple of his own family was stepped on by his subordinate disciple. The humiliation and anger in his heart could not be increased.

"Let you go! Hahahaha, didn't you just say it right now? Why let me let you go now, you can, please me, please let me go and let you go" Luo Yu laughed wildly, with a special face Discuss.

"You ..." This disciple became so angry that he begged for mercy, which made the proud clan disciple ask for forgiveness from the separated disciples, and he could not explain how.

"Huh! I tell you, the disciples are nothing extraordinary. Don't be too self-righteous. You don't know the outer building of Qingshan Tower outside the mountains. The strong and the middle hands are more powerful. If all the disciples are like you, I am The Luo people who passed down the past millennium will sooner or later be destroyed in the hands of your family of disciples. "Luo Yu Lengheng kicked him out again.

Luo Yu looked at the last remaining disciple of the clan family and said coldly, "Are you quitting the clan by yourself or I will help you quit, you can quit by yourself, if you help me, then you only Can crawl out "

The remaining disciples saw that three companions were lying on the ground and vomiting blood. The miserable misery trembled in Luo Yu's sharp eyes, and dare to question what Luo Yu said.

"I back! I back!"

The disciple of this family hurriedly said that even the awakened blood brother Meng couldn't do anything about this young boy. How can he do it? Quitting is his only choice.

"Oh, you're still aware of current affairs" Luo Yu sneered.

The disciples of this family rushed to help three companions. Four of them were ashamed and withdrew. They were afraid to look back at Luo Yu. I ’m afraid they did n’t think they would leave the race so soon. Well, still beaten by a disciple.

Over the central square, Luoyang is standing on the crown of Luoshen. From this position, he can see all the scenes in the forest. He is the overseer of this race, and he is selfless and fair. He is the most suitable supervisor. There are also dozens of law enforcement team members in the forest observing the big game, and constantly report to him the record of the top-ranked disciples of the Luo ethnic disciples.

And of course he saw the scene of Luo Yu losing four people in a row, his mouth grinning.

"Xing Chen, you really have a good son, and your talent is not lost to your genius"

Then he yelled, "Family disciple Luo Yu, lost four family disciples in a row! Family disciple Luo Yan, lost two consecutive disciples, family disciple Luo Zheng, lost three consecutive disciples, family disciple Luo Zhan , Losing four clan disciples, separated disciples ... "

Strings of names spit out of his mouth, and his voice was all over the central square ...

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