Come to The Peak

Chapter 198: : Meet again

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"and many more!"

Just as Luo Yuling was about to leave, there was a stop from behind.

This is a slightly obese middle-aged man in a blue robe.

"Zhang Guanshi!" Seeing the person, the platform woman hurriedly saluted, with a touch of hospitality in her eyes.

"What's going on?" The manager asked.

"This is a troublemaker, and I want to get a discount from the Chamber of Commerce's VIP card with Zhang branch office," the woman wicked first pointed to Luo Yudao.

"Noisy? Who dares to cause trouble in my Duobaoge!" Zhang Guanshi raised his eyebrows.

Luo Yu looked at this middle-aged man who was said to be in charge of Zhang. He didn't feel a trace of blood fluctuations on the other person's body, just like an ordinary person, but he wouldn't think that the other person was an ordinary person. , This tube master in advance!

What about congenital masters, Luo Yu has never been the kind of bully. He said faintly, "Hello, you are in charge of the second floor of Duobaoge? Oh, what a Duobaoge, the largest chamber of commerce in Daqin. This villain first sued to the skill of Luo Hu, who is a leader."

"You young man, this is a bit of an overstatement. How fair and comfortable I am at Duo Bao Ge. If you come to Duo Bao Ge, I am welcomed by Zhang. If it's trouble, I'm afraid you are "I really found the wrong place." Zhang Guanshi sneered. There were many warriors watching around this incident. This supervisor should not be too arrogant. Pay attention to the face of Duobaoge.

"Ha ha ha ha, what a" domineering side leak "Duobao Pavilion, I can be seen, Linger, let's go!" Luo Yu laughed, he was too lazy to say anything to the other side, countless shops in the main city of Qingyang, He didn't believe that there was Tianjingsha in Duobao Pavilion.

"Wait a minute!" Who knew there was a stop again from behind, but this was not Zhang Guanshi's voice, but a clear and pleasant woman's voice.

Luo Yu turned around and looked slightly surprised. "Sister Qingyu!"

"Brother Luo Yu!"

The beautiful and charming woman was also a little surprised, it turned out to be the big treasurer of Bai Lu Duo Bao Ge, dancing green!

"Miss Yi!" When Wu Qingxi came, the steward and maid gave a gift, Wu Qingxi nodded in response and then asked Luo Yu, "Brother Luo Yu, how did you come to the main city of Qingyang? Oh, I remember Now, you are a disciple of the Luo ethnic group. Did you come to the main city of Qingyang to participate in the ethnic comparison of the Luo ethnic group? "

"Yeah, yes, sister Qingyou, why are you in the main city of Qingyang again?" Luo Yu nodded and asked, looking at the woman who had had a nickname with him, he was a little strange, but it was not love .

"Oh, I was originally from the main city of Qingyang. Being a treasurer in Bailu was just called by the family to experience it in the past." Wu Qingxi Jiao laughed, and her smile, like a rose blooming, gave this cold winter A few touches of spring and sunlight were added, and some martial arts around looked stunned.

"Experience! That's it" Luo Yu nodded.

The maid next to him saw Luo Yu and the lady from Duobaoge so familiar, and was a little panicked.

"By the way, what happened just now?" Wu Qingyi asked suddenly.

Luo Yu frowned and told what had happened just now, and Wu Qingxi immediately scolded angrily after he heard "Xiao Xiang, is this so?"

The Xiaoxiang woman immediately knelt down and said in horror, "Miss Mingjian, Xiaoxiang is also thinking about Duobao Pavilion. This son took a VIP card from the club and wanted to discount at the headquarters. The slave took the son as a troublemaker." Xiang looked panicked and pale, and quickly explained.

This strength is a world with distinguished ranks. If Wu Qingyi wants to execute her slave, it is only a matter of words.

"I gave him his club VIP card. Do you have an opinion?" Wu Qingxi said lightly.

"What! Miss you gave it to him." The woman's face turned paler when she heard it.

"Forget it, it's just a trivial matter." Luo Yu shook her head. He is not the kind of person with a narrow mind and can't bear a woman.

"I'm here to buy you Tianjingsha, but Yuanshi is not enough. Look at how much Yuanshi this sword is worth. I'm the one." Luo Yu directly took out the Luying Sword.

Luo Yu took out the Lvying Sword, Wu Qingyi and Zhang Guanshi shrank their pupils and lost their voices. "This is ... a treasure-level weapon!"

"What! Treasure weapon!" People around were shocked to see Luo Yu take out a Treasure weapon. This fifteen-year-old boy could get Treasure weapon, what is his origin.

Wu Qingye took the green sword and gave it to Zhang Guanshi. After Zhang Guanshi got it, he entered a water attribute to get blue and energetic. The green sword flew brightly. Zhang Guanshi nodded. Vitality, this sword is indeed a treasure order soldier, but how to let Master Lu look at the quality? "

Wu Qingxi nodded, then returned the sword to Luo Yu, and said to Luo Yu, "Brother Luo Yu, come with me!" Then went forward alone. The direction is the private room for VIP guests

Luo Yu brought the same shocked Linger and followed.

"No wonder he said there is no shortage of Yuan Shi, this guy even has Baojie Shenbing" Linger muttered in his heart

Looking at the departing Luo Yu, the little fragrant woman was even more shocked. Once she could get the honorable guest of Baojie Shenbing, she even regarded him as a villager.

" Snapped!"

With a clear slap in the ear, Zhang Guanshi slaps on Xiaoxiang's face. Xiaoxiang's face immediately swollen and swollen half of her face. Zhang Guanshi said coldly, "The **** with no long eyes makes me lose face in front of the lady"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, steward, slaver really didn't know that the boy and the lady knew each other, and they could get the treasure soldiers," Xiao Xiang cried, covering her face.

"Huh! I won't be able to save you if you offend someone who shouldn't offend the next time. Get off and come to my room tonight!" Zhang Guanshi left after finishing speaking. Only the weeping little fragrant, and the martial arts onlookers remained.

This is a luxuriously decorated private room. The fire-red carpet covered with the fur of true spirits stepped on the clouds, and the landscape paintings hanging around are all made by famous artists. The expensive agarwood is burning in the stove just for heating.

All of this can only be described in luxury. Wu Qingyu introduced Luo Yu to the private room, and then told a maid, and then sat on the tea table and poured Luo Yu and Linger a good tea.

Linger curiously looked at everything around her, and she had been to such an upscale place. At the same time, he secretly guessed the relationship between Luo Yu and Wu Qingyi.

"There are a lot of confidantes around Luo Yu's younger brother," Wu Qing said looking at Linger, with a hint of inexplicability.

Since the appearance of Luo Yu in Bailuduobao Pavilion last time pushed her down, she has a trace of inexplicable affection for this younger man who is much younger than herself.

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Hearing something from Wu Qingying's remarks, Luo Yu laughed. "Sister Qingying laughed, what is the confidant of the younger brother, this is the younger sister?"

"Well ... who is your sister, shameless, hello sister, my name is Bai Linger and I am Luo Yu's friend." Linger took a sip of Luo Yu, then smiled sweetly and said to Wu Qing.

"Hey, sister Linger, I'm Luo Yu's sister. It's good if you call me sister Qingyu, right, younger brother Luo Yu!" Wu Qingyi said with a smile, and she was charming and touching, and this smile was even more To kill a man. In the last few words, Wu Qingyi specially accented them, but I don't know what they mean.

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