Come to The Peak

Chapter 1801: : Youchengfeng

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A **** battle is taking place between the Demon Dragon and the Terran Warriors in the city. In general, the Demon Dragon did not occupy too many advantages.

This demon dragon is a small and tribal warrior of the demon dragon tribe. The number and strength are not many. There is no one who can stabilize the people in this city.

And a man in a white robe, with a handsome face, and carrying an epee, walked down the street, frowning and staring at the sky, fighting the dragons in the city.


A three-year-old girl was hit in the leg with a gravel and was lying on the street crying, surrounded by rickety buildings.


A black magic element exploded not far away, and the house collapsed, and it was about to be pushed towards the little girl.

A wall collapsed directly towards the little girl.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The girl showed despair, but at this moment, the wall seemed to be controlled by an invisible pressure, and it could not be pressed down and suspended.

The young man in white came to the little girl and lifted the stone that was hit on the girl's leg.

The girl's leg had been broken and her bones were exposed.

"Woohoo, thank you Uncle!"

The girl gritted her teeth and thanked him. The young man in white picked up her, and a miracle appeared in his hand, which was directly broken into pieces and sprayed on the girl's legs.

Then Zhenyuanli poured into the girl's leg.

The girl only felt a coolness coming from her legs, her leg bones were healing and her injuries were recovering.

"Where are your parents?"

The young man in white asked softly,

"My father is a soldier in the city. He broke the dragon. My mother was crushed to death in the house just now to save me, ohh ..."

Girl holding white youth crying.

"Good, don't cry, uncle takes you to find father"

The youth in white wiped away her tears, and the little one nodded and hung from his neck. A pair of calves clenched his chest tightly and were held in his arms.


At this time, a dragon flying away not far away saw the young man in white and opened his mouth to bite.

The white youth's eyes were cold, and the Epee's back came out of the sheath, and a red sword light crossed the dragon.


This magical dragon was split in half by a sword.

The young man in white, holding the little girl, holding an epee, stepped on his feet and flew into the sky.

Opposite were three magic dragons.

"Don't look!"

Young woman in white.


The girl in her arms closed her eyes nicely.

The young man in white stabbed with a sword, and drank coldly: "point lightsaber!"

Huh! Huh! Uh ...!

Suddenly thousands of swords passed across, and the three-headed dragon king was strangled into flesh.

The young man in white, holding a sword, walked in the void and turned into a red sword.

"Boy, die!"

Seeing that someone dared to usher in, several demon dragons roared, and a mouthful of dragon flames swept the sky, burning and killing the white youth.

There was an intangible area around the youth in white clothes. Those flames could not reach him. He was cut out with a sword. All the dragons were cut in half and dropped in half.

The youth is like a killing machine, holding a little girl, and standing on the battlefield of human and dragon. Each red sword lights up, there must be a demon dragon falling. In a short time, hundreds of demon dragons died in his hands.

The spirit realm and the divine fire realm are just one sword.

"Roar! Boy ..."

The Yuantai Realm Dragon, who fought against the Emperor Wuhuang in the city, roared, and flew off the Emperor Wuwu, killing the youth in white.


A tens of meters thick monster element attacked and killed the white-dressed Qinglong.

The young man in white cut out with a sword, the demon was split in half, and Jian Guang cut to the dragon again.

"Do not……!"


The dragon was slain in half and fell into the sky.


A streamer fled, it was his dragon dragon's birth.

The youth just pointed out, a sword light hit the streamer.


Uh ...!

The Devil Dragon Elemental Explosion shattered.

And the military emperor stared blankly, this young man was too strong.

And a white force gathered in the palm of the young man's palm, and then condensed thousands of swords in his body.

Every sword is full of terror.

"Thousands of swords, destroy!"

With the fingers of the young man in white, thousands of swords flew out in discouragement.

Huh! Huh! Huh!


"Do not……"

Sword gas fluttered around the city, as if there were eyes, all hundreds of dragons were shot and killed.

The Terran Warriors who were still fighting the Devil Dragon just stared at this scene with a stun, and then a cheer broke out.

The Emperor Wu and dozens of Emperor Wu quickly flew over to pay respect to the youth in white and said, "Thank you for your help."

The young man in white hugged the little girl and shook his head indifferently.

The sharp eyes of the city's owner suddenly saw a white jade card around the youth's waist with a vivid blue dragon wrapped around a purple giant sword.

"Qinglong purple 阙 order! Senior, senior is Tianyu Shengzong?"

The city owner asked in amazement and joy, and was afraid.

"What is the Supreme Master of the Heavenly King Shengzong, no wonder so powerful"

"Tianyu Shengzong is above the ordinary saints. The Six Taoist Saints are now one of the strongest Heavenly Saints in my family. Senior Tianzong "

The kings of war were jealous.

"I don't know the senior name of the senior Gao? The younger generation and others also remember the kindness"

The Lord asked respectfully.

"My name is Ye, I ask you, where did these dragons come from?"

The young man in white asked lightly.

This person is not someone else, it is Luo Yu's apprentice, Ye Chengfeng!

Now it is the powerful repair of Dongtian Jiuquan.

Ye Chengfeng practiced smoothly, and another strongest Heavenly Saint was a famous teacher. The practice was so smooth that it was difficult to comprehend Kendo.

Luo Yu made him self-proclaimed as a self-cultivator, walking and hone on the mainland, and felt Kendo.

He came to the East Wasteland, and encountered such a scene.

"The seniors, the juniors, etc. of Huitianzong are not known, but these are all magic dragons. They are one of the demons. According to the juniors' guess, they may come from the East Desolate Sea."

The city owner respectfully said.

"Eastern Demon Sea?"

Ye Chengfeng frowned. He spent a lot of time in the Luo Yu world and was not familiar with the Sancang continent. Not to mention the East Desolate Sea.

"Yes, the East Demon Sea is an ancient battlefield of the ancient peoples. Many Demons fell. The seawater was polluted by the demon gas, and many Warcraft were born. Some even said that some of the demons who had not died hidden in the Devil Sea It ’s possible that these demons are escaped demons. "

The town owner speculated.

Ye Chengfeng frowned after hearing the words.

"Xiang Xiang ..."

At this time a burly man flew over, he was the father of the little girl.


The little girl set foot on the ground and slammed at the man.

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"Thank you very much, thank you very much"

This smart man was holding his daughter to salute Ye Chengfeng.

"Thank you Uncle"

Xiang Xiang flew into Ye Chengfeng's arms again, kissed his face heavily, and then returned to his father's arms and waved away.

Ye Chengfeng's indifferent face also showed a slight smile.

But at this moment, a long dragon came again.

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