Come to The Peak

Chapter 1684: : Self-introduction

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After Luo Yu's preaching, he also entered the Tongtian Tower to practice, and the preacher was his Kirin clone of the sword master.

Luo Yu's deity refined the world beads in the Tongtian Tower, and practiced the method of returning to the soul.

He obtained a ninth-order fire spirit jade in the demon world, and repaired a few chaotic **** jade road disks, but now the Tongtian Tower lacks a ninth-order water spirit jade and can be completely restored.

Each episode fixes a kind of attribute, and the power of the tower is a little bigger.

The Tongtian Tower has eight floors. If the repair is completed, as long as the repair is sufficient, the power of the eight attributes of the world can be mobilized to fight against the enemy. In the case of the Tongtian Tower, even the Saint of Heaven can directly kill, showing the overbearing nature of this artifact. Place.

However, Luo Yu is now repaired to use the power of the six attributes at once. All the eight true elements in the body will be consumed. Fortunately, he will burn the Yuan and Kirin again. Otherwise, after using the Tongtian Tower once, others will become waiting. Slaughter the lamb.

This time, the cave world of Luo Yu suddenly roared, the space wall kept expanding, and the area of ​​the cave world of Luo Yu also kept expanding.

He finally refined Li Mo's fake world bead without the law of origin.

Forty thousand miles!

Half a million miles!

H first Oa

Six hundred thousand miles!



The area of ​​Luo Yu's cave world has expanded to millions of miles.

This area is in no way inferior to the land area of ​​the ancient Qin Empire.

Luo Yu's cave dzi has also evolved into a world bead, but without the law of origin, it is not a real world bead.

The difference between the two is that the emperor's world bead allows the emperor to understand the laws of space and become an emperor.

His World Bead is not working, but now his power of space has also become the power of the world. Even if he does not use the power of the world of Kirin to cast the sword of Void Nether Sword, it is not bad to exert his own power.

When Luo Yu was practicing, inside the Beast Sect.

In the hall of Wanzongzong, the greedy wolf just closed a short period of practice, but Hu Mei told him a bad news.

"Brother, it's not good, Jiu Xunzi, Jiu Xunzi fell, his soul is broken."

Hu Mei said with a cry.


The greedy wolf stood up with excitement and said, "What's the matter, didn't I let him go to the dragon-dragon protagonist to deal with Luo Yu? Why, how could it fall! Who can kill him?"

"You did n’t know when you were closed, Jiuzi did ask Longhen to deal with Luo Yu, but both of them were defeated by Luo Yu ’s seal. I did n’t dare to save Jiuzi by myself. Not long ago, Jiuzi Suddenly his soul is broken! "

Hu Mei cried sadly.

The greedy wolf was a little hesitant and almost didn't stand firm.

"Nine sister-in-law, ah ~"

The roar of the greedy wolf echoed throughout the beast ancestors, and the disciples who were weak were even shocked to vomit blood.

Nine sister-in-law has followed his brother for thousands of years, and now it has fallen, how can he not be sad and angry in his heart.

"What the **** is going on here, Luo Yu dare to catch the dragon marks, he is not afraid of revenge from Long Zetian Sheng?"

After a little calm down, the greedy wolf asked again.

"I didn't react to this dragon tribe, and I didn't see the trouble of sending experts to find Luo Yu."

Hu Mei shook her head. They still do n’t know the changes in the demon world. Now, the demon world is the wife of Luo Yu.

"Impossible, it must be that Luo Yu has blocked the news. The Dragon clan does not know, otherwise Longze knows that his son cannot be indifferent. Go, you and I go to the Dragon clan and tell Longze the news. I must flatten Jian Xuan Palace, take revenge for Jiu Xunzi! "

The greedy wolf was furious and took Hu Mei directly to tear the space and rushed to the demon world.

After a short while, the two appeared in the city of the demon, tearing the space and entering the demon world.

After entering the demon world, they were in Shenlong, and the two flew into Shenlong City by themselves, and appeared outside the Holy Palace in Longze.

For the Heavenly Saints, the two still did not dare to offend directly into the palace, but appeared at the gate outside the palace.

There are dozens of dragon warriors at the entrance of the fire guarding the gate.

"Trouble elder Longze briefed, Wansongzong greedy wolf"

The greedy wolf said lightly.

"Holy Wolf Lord! Please wait a moment! The villain will report immediately"

This palace warrior even knew the greedy wolf and hurriedly made a report.

While in the palace, Long Ze heard his frown frown, and then showed a trace of coldness.

"Greedy wolf, this guy dare to come to see me. If he hadn't called Jiuzi to report on the Qinglong Supreme, how could I be here today?

Long Ze was furious and crushed the cup in his hand.

"Elder, see or not?"

The soldier asked carefully,

"See, you let him in."

Long Ze sank, the soldier went down to invite someone, and he tore the space by himself and left here.

Not long after, the soldier entered the palace with the greedy wolf Hu Meier, and at this time there was a group of people. The chiefs of the dragons of Qianlong were all there, and a stunning woman wearing a blue palace dress was sitting in the palace, and Long Ze and Long Gan are around.

As soon as the greedy wolf came in, there was a slight awkwardness in her heart, but she was still surprised and Hu Mei stepped into the hall.

"Meet elder Long Ze, elder Long Gan"

The greedy wolf salutes Long Ze, and he knows the others, but Xiu Wei is not as good as him, and he is not humble.

But he was surprised at the identity of the Tsing Yi woman.

"Bold, greedy wolf Hu Mei, see my demon Supreme dare not even bow down!"

Long Ze yelled, and the greedy wolf and Hu Mei snorted.

"Extreme Tribe!"

The two looked at each other, and immediately realized that they were not good enough, and they had to tear the space and fled.

Until now, they did not understand who the demon supremacy was, I'm afraid it was the blue dragons of Luo Yu.

"Give me it!"

Qinger drank softly.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The power of the famous Qiankun Realm moved in an instant. Twenty levels of space were imprisoned. The two were caught and kneeled in the hall.

"The vengeful demon demon, that let the nine sister-in-law come to ask my son to catch you is this greedy wolf. This greedy wolf Hu Mei was originally the moon-wolf wolf and nine-tailed fox in my demon world. , Developed a puppet force named Wanzongzong to do the internal response among the human race, who knows that he and Luo Yu ’s young friends had so many unpleasant conflicts. "

Long Ze respectfully said, this greedy wolf turned out to be in the monster world!

Qing'er heard that Dai Dai frowned, Mei Mei looked desperately at the greedy wolf held by the dragon mark and another great saint, and said coldly, "You are guilty of greedy wolf!"

At this point, the greedy wolf did not dare to run into any quibble, and had to whisper: "The greedy wolf is guilty, and the greedy wolf is willing to bear all responsibilities.

"No, demon deity, Hu Mei is willing to share responsibility with his elder brother, asking demon deity to show gratitude"

Hu Mei bowed her head and worshiped.

"Well, you two have committed such a serious crime, and it is enough to kill you, but I can give you a chance to surrender the soul seal. From now on, in Yu Cang, Luo Yu is your two master. Listen to him. arrangement"

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