Come to The Peak

Chapter 1188: : Mu Family Extermination

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The Mu family, with more than 100,000 Mu family members, showed horror, and their bodies were still and unable to move, as if they had been fixed.

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In the lobby of the Mu family, Mu Wei's head was full of cold sweat, and he sat quietly on the royal chair, looking horrified, and quickly said: "The older one came to my Mu family, and the younger one missed.

Over the Mu family, a burly man wearing a yellow military robe with a totem of tens of thousands of beasts standing still in the void, his rough face was full of anger.

I saw a move by his hand. The yellow space was rippled. Hundreds of thousands of people within a hundred miles flew in the air, suspended in the void, and looked at the yellow robe in horror in horror. man.

"I ask you, do you know this person?"

The man in the yellow robe opened his lips indifferently, and the earthy yellow power in his hands condensed into the appearance of a young man. The man was lifelike, just like Luo Yu.

"Isn't this Senior Luo?"

The Mu family recognized the real Yuan-shaped man at a glance.

"This, this is the strongest of the Mu family"

"Back to seniors, this, this person is a strong man of the Mu family"

Someone from Mu Qingcheng said with a trembling voice.

Luo Yu killed the owner of the Qing family, and later killed Bailiyu. He became famous in Muqing City. People in the city knew that the Mu family had a powerful emperor named Luo, and it was not surprising that someone recognized it.

"Oh, the Mu family, those are the Mu family?"

The man in the yellow robe heard the evil spirit on his face more intense, and asked coldly.

Mu Wei was also among the imprisoned crowd. When he heard the words, he had a coolness, and said stubbornly: "Senior, I am Mu Wei, the owner of the Mu family. What do the seniors have to tell me?"

The man in the yellow robe looked at Muwei. With one move, Muwei was unconsciously sent to the opposite side of the man in the yellow robe and asked coldly, "I ask you, what is the name of this man? Where is he? "

The man in the yellow robe exuded great coercion. Muwei didn't even dare to look up at him, and whispered respectfully: "Back to his senior, his name is Luo Yu, who was taken away by the emperor of the Emperor Tianzong more than half a month ago."

"Chaotian Emperor Sect!"

The man in the yellow robes raised his eyebrows, and then put a single palm on Muwei's head, and suddenly a surging spirit poured into Muwei's sea of ​​God.

"Ah ~"

Mu Wei felt that his head was about to explode, and made a terrible sound, his face twisted with pain.

The memory of Luo Yu and the emperor Emperor Zong in his soul were all extracted and investigated by the man in the yellow robe.

This is a rare method of soul technique. Soul search can probe the opponent's soul memory. Of course, the prerequisite for the operation is that your soul power is stronger than the opponent.

"Daddy ~"

Seeing his father's pain, Mu Wanting couldn't help crying out, but this attracted the attention of the man in the yellow robe.

"Well, it's this girl!"

The man in the yellow robe frowned, and he seemed to recognize Mu Wanting.

This man is no one else but Lu Tianchen's father, Lu Fanghao.

When Lu Fanghao died when his soul servant Lao Zhou died, the message from the soul power contained Mu Wanting's memory. It seemed that Luo Yuting had nothing to do with the murderer who killed his son.

After detecting the news of Emperor Chaozong and Luo Yu, Lu Fanghao squeezed his hands, and the space around him suddenly became tight. A force of ten million pounds of space came and squeezed toward Muwei.


Mu Wei's body snorted directly, was squeezed and exploded by the force of space, and turned into a cloud of blood mist, Yuan tires, spirits, all ash.

"Daddy ~"


Mu Wanting gave a hysterical sorrow. Mei Mei stared and burst into tears.

All other members of the Mu family also roared.

Lu Fanghao looked at the hundreds of thousands of people suspended in the air, and said coldly: "Luo Yu killed my son. Since you are all related to him, then you should bury my son."

After Lu Fanghao finished speaking, the power of space within a hundred-mile radius suddenly increased, and more than 100,000 people of the Mu family and hundreds of thousands of other innocent people exploded without any resistance, causing a burst of air in the sky The **** rain stained the buildings and streets below.

A strong **** smell spread throughout the Muqing City.

Tens of millions of people in Mu Qingcheng were paralyzed on the ground and looked at this scene in horror. At this time, there were only two people, Lu Fanghao and Mu Wanting.

For some reason, Lu Fanghao did not kill Mu Wanting.

"No ~, no ~"

Mu Wanting was stunned, as if stupid, looking at all her people, turned into blood and rain and fell into the air, her body was afraid, and her unconscious groaning in her mouth.

Then she looked at Lu Fanghao again and yelled, "" Devil, you demon, my Mu family has no resentment against you, why do you kill my father and my people! " "

Lu Fanghao sneered, one hand, Mu Wanting flew in front of him, he pinched Mu Wanting's neck, and said rudely: "Why, because Luo Yu, Luo Yu killed my child, he It's your Mu family again, these people should give my child to be buried, and you, don't think I will let you go "

"You are Luo Yu's lover. I will torture you to death in front of him and let him know what it means to lose the one I love."

Lu Fanghao mistakenly regarded Mu Wanting as Luo Yu's wife, then she grabbed Mu Wanting and flew towards the Emperor Tianzong.

A few hours later, Lu Fanghao also appeared in the Emperor Chaozong, a huge coercion emanated, and then sneered, "Mo Han, come out!"

Mo Han, the emperor of Chaotian Emperor Sect, also learned this name from Muwei's memory.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Emperor Tianzong shivered under this coercion. One elder who had a great fetal status respectfully asked, "Senior, I don't know what to do to our lord?"

"Well, what about Luo Yu? Let him give Luo Yu to me, or it will destroy your Chaozong."

Lu Fanghao restrained Mu Wanting and said coldly.

"Back, back to the predecessors, ten days ago, our suzerain took Elder Luo Yu to Tianhai Shengzong to participate in Haizhou Dabie, and is now in Tianhai Shengzong."

Although this elder Yuan Yuanjie said he did not know what to do with Luo Yu, he said respectfully.

"Haizhou Dabi, Tianhai Shengzong!"

Lu Fanghao heard his words frown slightly, Tianhai Shengzong and Wanshou Zong were also one of the eighteen Shengzongs on Yucang mainland.

However, the strength of the Manchu Sect is stronger than that of the Heavenly Sect. The Heavenly Sect is only one of the 18 Sacred Sects.

The strength of the saints is completely behind the saints. The stronger the saints are, the higher their status is on the mainland.

This Lu Fanghao was also unlucky enough to kill a Wuhuang junior and to run around.

"Huh, Haizhou Dabi, Luo Yu, I hope you don't die on Dabi, and don't draw your soul and refine your bones, it's hard to dispel my hatred!"

Lu Fanghao snorted again and took Mu Wanting directly to the Tianhai Sanyu.

Tianhai Shengzong Anyhow is one of the Eighteen Saints, and his place, Lu Fanghao, naturally knows that ...; ...;

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