Code Zero Nine

Chapter 94: Shuipan Master!

Shuipan division.

An auxiliary based on water energy, claiming to be a new career of the next era.

In recent years, major associations have been developing their own auxiliary professions, and the Water Elemental Association is also doing the same. Therefore, after failing to try countless kinds of professions.


They stretched their eyes to the sand table master.

They think that since sand table masters can condense the sand table to make money, why can't they?


The Water Pan Division was born.

Practical data shows that the water table master is far better and stronger than the sand table master, and you don't even need to be constrained by the various restrictions of the sand table master!

What weather technology.

What coordination power.

What dyeing technique.

Too complicated.

Too cumbersome!

The reason why the sand table master is slow and inefficient is because of these technologies!

The Shuipan Master is different.

With a wave of their hands, they can create all water-related weather, and they can easily imitate all complex weather and create similar effects.


Just imitating.

Can't truly reproduce other elements such as thunder and fire?

It's ok.

They developed the "Water Element Re-engraved Parameter Table".

In this table, which parameter of water represents mine, which parameter of water represents fire, and even the feedback results of mines are marked with parameters.

They think that the full simulation of the Shabanist is too cumbersome.

In reality?

All you need is the parameters!

They only need to mark out all the possible parameters!


Shuipan division's deduction will get the correct result.

in this way.

Faster, stronger, and cheaper.



They set up a company.

They promoted themselves.

They even took the initiative to challenge the Urban Construction Bureau.

"this one."

Uncle Wang opens the website and clicks on the news on it. The biggest text on the homepage is the challenge from Shuipan Master!


I heard that the Urban Construction Bureau is the place where the elites of the sand table masters gather. I, Zhao, challenged the sand table masters on behalf of all the water table masters. Can you accept it?

Winner or loser!

Survival of the fittest!

Who is the most powerful sand table support in the new era!

We will know soon.



It's a series of arrogant exclamation marks!

Time, just tomorrow.

In this professional duel initiated by the water pan division, they had to fight! If the Urban Construction Bureau fails, the other party may take over all subsequent architectural design projects!


This is not the point.

The point is-

If this battle is defeated, all sandbox divisions will be useless! ! !


There might even be no more sandbox masters!

This is the most terrible!


Han Feng was shocked.


Appeared! ! !

He had this idea before. You can gather the power of sand and dust, why can't other powers?

Water pan division?

Huopan Master?

CD Master?


Later, he discovered that the super power elements to which the water element belongs are generally relatively strong, and the super power element codes are relatively advanced, and you are simply not an auxiliary profession!


It's different now.

As the status of the sand table master has been greatly improved!

As the policy gradually tilts towards the Shabanist, the time to come is finally here!

As a product manager, he has the most in-depth contact with programmers, so Han Feng can see the feasibility of this parameter instead of actual response at a glance.


If you can really calculate all the parameters in the world, it will be feasible!

If the sand table is a re-enactment of reality, then the water table is equivalent to a simulation program, which is extremely efficient!

These guys...


Han Feng exclaimed.

This is the technology of the new era!

Combining the energy of the water element with the programmer's code weirdly, through the way of simulating the program, the water pan division is constructed!

This technique...

This thinking...

It seems that the different world is also full of talents!

If the planner's vision is executed perfectly...

This is the impact of the Internet era on the traditional era!


He is also unable to reverse it!


He may be able to think of some way to resist.


If the water table master really completely surpasses the sand table master, then what is the point that he wins?

"Han Feng?"

Uncle Wang was worried.

"How to do?"

Uncle Zhang and others also watched them one by one, very nervous, because this challenge is related to the rest of their lives.

"Let me think about it."

Han Feng closed his eyes slightly.

this moment.

He finally started to think seriously.

Sand table...

Water Tray……



He first walked the process from the product manager's thinking...and from the programmer's thinking...and from the sandboxer's thinking...

So back and forth.

Han Feng is constantly thinking.


The entire Urban Construction Bureau was silent, and the atmosphere was terribly suppressed. Everyone looked at Han Feng nervously.

They know that if they talk about sand table technology alone, Han Feng has surpassed all of them, if Han Feng can't do anything...

This day, I'm afraid it will change! ! !


at this time.

Han Feng suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice, "They, no!"


Uncle Wang and others were ecstatic.


Han Feng is very sure.

He just walked through all the processes.

The program parameter method of the water pan division is indeed extremely efficient!

That feeling...

It is the impact of smart phones on traditional mobile phones.

The functions of your entire mobile phone may not be fully functional in an app!

This is the case with Shuipanshi.

Not only Shuipan Masters, but even Fire Pan Masters, Thunder Pan Masters and so on will appear in the future. Almost all active elements can be deduced in this way!

Very efficient!

Very fast!

Also very resource-saving!

Han Fengyun has evaluated countless times, and their efficiency far surpasses the sand table master.


When walking through the sand table master process for the last time, Han Feng thought of a very serious problem, and it was also a very realistic problem.


That's right.

It's a BUG!

The way of calling the parameters of the water pan division is infinitely similar to that of a program.

What are the parameters?


Even if you use data marts, data management, data warehouses and other methods to optimize data in the future, it will be a huge collection of databases!

And the drip tray is the program!


The problem is coming-

As long as it is a program, there must be a BUG!

Han Feng has been a product manager for so many years, and he has never seen a program without bugs.

Not once!

Even if your program is so simple that it simply outputs a ‘helloword’, there may be a BUG due to the operating environment!

this is the truth.

What's more, the water pan master is manipulating it!


Need to remember!

Even if it is computer-assisted, even if it is opened for you to read, there is no need to remember, and various problems may occur when you perform it!


Here comes the problem.

What is the regular job of a sandboxer?

Safety inspection!

architectural design!

Real real world work!

In this kind of work, wherever there is a trace of BUG, ​​wherever there is a little element conflict, it may cause a huge disaster!


Everyone is gone.


After considering all factors, this is Han Feng's answer-"Master Shuipan, no!"

The Shabanist is different.

The sandbox master has the power to coordinate.

In the mini sand table master, the sand table master can use the power of coordination to entrap the real fire energy, water energy and other energies.


Real remake!

The sand table of the sand table is a physical sand table that 100% simulates reality.


Only the efficiency is low, the speed is slow, and the price is high!

And the Shuipanshi...

Can't do it.

In this impetuous age, there are some things that need to be slowed down.


Han Feng knows this kind of thing, but no one else knows it.

At this moment, the people of the Urban Construction Bureau are frowning, and those water pan masters must have imagined a bright future in their almost genius thoughts.


Uncle Zhang was overjoyed, "Look, I said Han Feng has a way, right?"


Uncle Zhang came over, "Han Feng, tell me, is there any way to catch this group of vegetables in one go!"


Han Feng spread his hands.


Uncle Zhang was at a loss.

"Their profession is not good, but that is the later stage."

Han Feng thought for a while, "Now, the F-level and E-level stages are all simple things. If you pay attention to it, you may really not go wrong."


Uncle Zhang was at a loss, "When will there be a problem then?"


"Or, when they come into contact with complex buildings."

Han Feng shrugged.

"do not."

Uncle Zhang smiled bitterly, "When did they go when something happened?"

"rest assured."

Han Feng is funny, "I said that they have no threat to us in the future, don't you worry, besides, where is this kind of major matter that we should worry about?"

"Is it?"

Uncle Zhang frowned.


Really done?

And at the moment.

Earth Element Association, at the desk.

The president looked at the information in front of him with a solemn expression.

this era……

Sure enough!

In addition to his optimistic Han Feng, such an outstanding young genius has emerged, and even created a unique profession like a water pan master!

Wizards of Heaven!


It's an opponent...

As soon as this profession came out, did their association's sand dust superpowers feel even more sad?

In the past, although these people had difficulty in cultivating, they still had hope. If they didn't have any money, they could still work as an elementary sand table and earn a little extra money part-time.


As soon as the water tray came out, they were afraid that they would even have no extra money!

He mentioned Han Feng at the beginning, hoping that in the future, Han Feng could create new careers and new combat skills, and lead this group of young children to rise!


Never thought about it.

Before Han Feng moved, someone charged first!

"Where is your brother?"

The president suddenly spoke and looked at his daughter not far away.

"I'm doing stone crushing surgery."

The daughter said honestly, "After that last time, some of the power of sand and dust turned into stones."


The chairman ignored it.

At the moment the most important thing is the drip maker!


The chairman pondered for a moment, "What's the reaction from the Urban Construction Bureau?"

"There is an emergency meeting."

The daughter replied.

"Where is the Sand Table Masters Association?"

"Yes, but judging from the news they sent back, neither side has a good solution, because the results of their own tests are not ideal."

"I see."

The president was silent.

after all.

This day has changed.


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