Chapter 288

Apocrypha 17. Hong Jooyoung (16).

During a press conference at the Blue House.

Mirae Group Headquarters.

“So ExxonMobil and Sabren will provide unlimited supply of crude oil that is consumed in the Korean Peninsula at any time as much as Myungjin wants… Am I wrong?”




At the question of Chairman Yeon Jung-hwan, none of the executives and executives who looked at the press conference together could not open their mouths.

To be honest, I was so crazy because I was crazy.

In particular, the more absurd, the more I pondered, the more clearly everyone in this place had no choice but to know.

Who will benefit from that contract?

Exactly Myungjin.

Of course, ExxonMobil and Chevren will also benefit.

I’m not going to sell oil at a loss.

However, the gains to ExxonMobil and Chevron were insignificant, or almost nonexistent, compared to the gains to Myungjin.


“Why on earth are ExxonMobil and Chevren so flat in Myungjin? For what?”




A level that can literally be described as being flat and long.

Naturally, there was no answer from among the executives even to this question of Chairman Yeon Jung-hwan.

Even if they thought about it, they couldn’t quite understand it.

But in the meantime, there were things that made sense.

as soon as.

“Huh… Should we pay attention to Myongjin instead of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or Dubai?”

First of all, the head office of Mirae Group fell into silence along with Chairman Yeon Jung-hwan’s dismayed voice.

If you don’t know anything else, it’s safe to say that Korea’s oil refining industry is now a solo stage for Myeongjin.

The rest of the oil refining industry had to watch Myung-jin slowly.

Of course, it was not only the future that had such thoughts.

There were places where I was more seriously shocked than the future.

Daesung bought crude oil futures in bulk for five times more.

Daesung Group Headquarters.




Fortunately, the future group had an analysis.

However, Daesung saw only the press conference through the huge screen with vain eyes from not only Chairman Kim Jung-han, but also from the executives and employees.

There was literally nothing to explain this situation other than that it was fucked up.

The problem was that there was no way to fix it.

Because I can’t afford to buy crude oil futures that are expensive now.

Similarly, tankers rented at high cost.

In any case, the Daesung headquarters had a heavier silence than the future headquarters, and there was no sign of the silence being lifted.


The study room in the basement of the main house in Cheongdam-dong.

In the basement study room, which was also my father’s office, my father, my brother, my sister, and me and the chief of staff Seok In-soo were seated, and the four of them stared at me.

Of course, I didn’t know why he was looking at me.

Because this US economic delegation made things cleaner than I thought.

And then Dad opened his mouth softly.

“Are my youngest ones right?”

“of course. If I am not Hong Jooyoung, who is Hong Jooyoung?”

“It’s because I’ve changed too much. No, no matter how much a person changes, he cannot make the impossible possible. But Jooyoung said you…”

Dad paused for a moment as if he was speechless.

Seeing my father like that, I immediately spoke.

“That’s what my grandfather said. I’m going to be a very big person. Of course, I’m sorry to my grandfather at first, but I didn’t intend to become a big person, but he came out in a dream last time and yelled at me. Are you going to make yourself a liar? So I had no choice but to show off my skills. grandchildren do

I cannot make his father a liar.”




My father, older brother, older sister, and manager Seok In-soo put on an absurd expression on their faces, but they didn’t care.

Because sometimes it’s better not to know.

Even if I found out, I wanted you to know it slowly.

After that, I was the first to open my mouth to my father, who had a blank expression on his face.

“What about Daesung, Hanil Energy, and Maseok Caltex… I think we should sell crude oil in moderation. I cheat once. Instead, only the future… Please pay attention. There was something I said to Bora in a loud voice.”

First of all, after saying that, he got up from his seat.

I’ve done everything I need to do, so I don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Of course, my father, my older brother, my older sister, and Seok In-soo caught me like that.

He said that there is no way to get out of here after playing a game like this.


“You said it at first. Myungjin is too small to contain me. In other words, Myeongjin’s work has to be done by father, older brother, older sister, and manager Seok Insu.”

With those words, he exited the basement study room.

Then I sneaked up behind my mother in the living room, surprised me once, and went straight to my room.


early morning the next day.

There was a place that was very busy moving.

The Korean stock market.

Of course, it was still just before 9am.

However, due to yesterday’s devastating incident, the market had to be very busy right before the market opened.

Obviously, there are ‘out-of-hours’ trades and ‘simultaneous quotes’ that you can trade even before the market starts.


“Damn it! There’s no way there is Myeongjin essential oil!”

“Yesterday, there was definitely a sell-out before the close of the market!”

“Do you think it will still be there? As soon as yesterday’s press conference was over, the sell volume ran out and millions of shares flowed in just to buy! In other words, when the market starts at 9 o’clock, Myungjin essential oil will be capped at 30% and there will be no transactions. No matter how stupid you are, Myungjin Jeongyu is in front of you

Because you know that I will shoot at least 5 times, not 10 times or more.”


“Damn it! Should have bought it yesterday! I definitely had a chance to live yesterday!”

“Chip. I cashed out all the Myungjin essential oil I had yesterday!”

“you idiot! why sell it It’s a complete bonanza!”

“Damn it. did you know this Every day I set the lower limit, but when I hit the 30% upper limit, my eyes are turned upside down.”

Right before the stock market opened, securities companies, stock managers, and individual investors and brokers raised their voices over Myungjin Oil Refinery.

Of course, the voice of regret was louder.

No matter how much I wanted to buy it, there was no way I could buy Myongjin Refinery stock unless there was someone selling it.

However, it was not the only regret that Myeongjin essential oil could not be purchased.

as soon as.

“By the way, wouldn’t there be more if it wasn’t Myungjin Refined Oil? Right now, the focus is on ExxonMobil and Sabren, but look at those who came with them. What a whopping U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Deputy Secretary of the Interior, and he is one of the henchmen of the current president of the United States!”

“That… it is not.”

“Certainly, crude oil is not small, but it seems that the faces of those who came from the same place are quite splendid to see that they moved with only crude oil.”

“I know yeah! Could there be more? Just by looking at this contract, the benefits of Myungjin Refinery are greater than those of ExxonMobil or Sabren. What if we sign another similar contract?”

“Um… Maybe, just as it says, maybe crude oil is just the beginning.”

“By the way, Myungjin Refinery is an affiliate of Myungjin anyway. If one affiliate grows explosively, it is natural to create synergy effects not only in the headquarters but also in other affiliates!”


“Myungjin! You should buy Myungjin right now! Anyway, Myeongjin Jeongyu was late. Then you should aim for Myeongjin Construction, Myeongjin Electronics, and other Myeongjin products!”

“I… me too! Now is the time to rake in any stocks related to Myungjin! Faster than anyone else!”

First of all, the market opened at exactly 9 o’clock, and as someone said, Myungjin Refining Oil hit the 30% upper limit in less than a second as soon as it started, and there were no more transactions.

There were thousands or tens of thousands of buy orders placed at the 30% upper limit, but there were no sell orders.

Within a few minutes, the stocks of Myongjin affiliates such as Myungjin Construction, Myungjin Electronics, and Myungjin Trading also began to glow red.

Conversely, some stocks immediately hit a lower limit as soon as they started.

Daesung Oil Refinery.

There were no people who didn’t know that for a stock investor.

The fact that Daesung Refinery purchased crude oil in large quantities at a price five times higher than the normal price in the crude oil futures market.

Naturally, to bring the crude oil, large shipping companies paid a huge fee and rented a tanker.

In any case, the Korean stock market fluctuated under the name of Myungjin.


Kyungmoon High School.

A day like no other.

Obviously it was for me.

But it didn’t seem that way to others.

“If Myeong-jin catches the golden Dong-a string this time, won’t the chaebol family, which is evaluated as one of the top three, be reorganized?”

“It is possible enough. After all, there is still no other energy source as powerful as oil. Korea is a country that imports all of that oil.”

“Really, no matter how much I think about it, it’s not the future, and that Myung-jin did it… My dad shook his head.””Hey. So is my dad. No, no one would have expected Myeong-jin to do such a thing. It’s definitely something beyond Myungjin’s ability.”

woozy woozy.

wiggle wiggle.

Apparently, it was not an ordinary high school, but a school where the 1% of the upper class attended, such as the business world, politics, and others.

Of course I ignored them all.

To be honest, I also felt a bit good because I belonged to the Myungjin, but that doesn’t mean I’ll like it outright.

In particular, Myeong-jin hasn’t even started flapping her wings properly yet.

First of all, I went to the classroom like that, and soon the class started.

In that situation, I laid myself on the back of the chair and enjoyed the gentle breeze.

Of course, there were a lot of criticisms about my appearance at first.

Especially after getting 100 points in all subjects.

However, after I showed my skills without any regrets, such criticisms came in.

Because I already knew everything.

Soon after that, the bell rang announcing the end of the 4th period, and at the sound of the sound, I walked slowly to the dining room.

With Yeon-Bora, who always eats lunch together these days.

First of all, while we are moving together.



Of course, there were some guesses.

But it was only last night that he brought up the word.

It’s too early to do anything, including talking to the future.


“They said they got a call from Myeongjin early in the morning. Let’s trade oil. This is the urgent one, but Myeongjin reached out first. Because of whom I am expecting.”

“Um… This is not what I am saying as a direct line of Myung-jin, so I should be careful about the future, right? The work is done faster than I thought. If you do this, you may lose your position as the best.”

“To be honest, just looking at this… I admit it. But isn’t it too early?”

“Well. Heh heh.”

Rather than answering with a certainty, he clouded the tail of his words with a smile.

There’s no need to say it here.

Moreover, the future was also included in my plans.

Anyway, that day, I moved to the dining room with Yeon-Bora, carrying my completely different appearance and the halo of Myeong-Jin, who was upgraded to one level like me, behind me.

clear before.

“No matter how much Hong Jooyoung has changed lately, isn’t it still a bit sagging compared to the light purple?”

“It is not. Moreover, Yeon-Bora is the successor to Korea’s representative future group, and Hong Jooyoung has an older brother and older sister. Moreover, he is a talented person who even went to Seoul National University.”

“right. One of the reasons why Myeong-jin’s future is bright is because of Ki-young-hyung, who is currently the general manager.”

“Well… But isn’t that more appropriate for that? That’s good. To enter the future Daryl son-in-law.”

“a. It’s not like I’m the son-in-law to take it as it is. It is not a place where Myung-jin sells some kind of child to do business.”

Obviously, there was a big view like the above.

But now it has completely changed.

with a view that suits you well.


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