The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Bai Yingxiong shouted when he saw this.

Someone reported: "Sir, it's bad. We seem to be surrounded. There is an invisible enemy who killed all of us who rushed out!"

"What!? Send someone to support us!" Bai Yingxiong was also frightened and shouted.

"We have already contacted them, but the monster is outside our building, and our soldiers can't get close to it! Rifles are ineffective against it!"

"Where are the rocket launchers? Mortars, howitzers, all of them!"

"We are already gathering, don't worry, sir, we are the military headquarters here, there are nearly two thousand soldiers here, and tanks are also moving, we can deal with this monster soon!"

While Bai Yingxiong and the senior executives were shouting for countermeasures.

A figure had already entered the banquet hall invisibly.

It was Li Yu.

Before that, he had locked the location of the banquet building through his own and the spirit creatures' keen perception, and knew that the senior executives were having a party in the building, so he quietly released the giant level 10 tentacle monster, which directly wreaked havoc in the military building and attracted all the firepower.

And Dark Night blocked the main entrance of the building and ambushed those who wanted to run out of the building.

Xiaoqing blocked the back door of the building, not letting anyone who wanted to sneak out of the building go.

Li Yu himself had already turned on the invisible camouflage and sneaked into the banquet hall.

When he came in, he happened to see the girl who tried to assassinate Bai Yingxiong was almost being cooked.

So he immediately used telepathy to let the tentacle monster outside launch an attack directly, opening the first wave of offensive.

The sudden attack of the tentacle monster caught everyone off guard. Although there were a lot of weapons and manpower in the military headquarters, Li Yu implemented airdrops and directly stole the house, so it was difficult for people to react at all.

Even if they reacted, they couldn't form an array in a hurry.

After all, most of the soldiers were sleeping in the dormitory building, and those patrol sentries could not form any effective attack on the tentacle monster.

When the soldiers reacted and took out their weapons to resist under the command of officers at all levels, they found that ordinary rifles could not cause effective damage at all.

They could only wait for stronger firepower support, such as various types of howitzers, RPG rocket launchers, and the few tanks and armored vehicles that were in place.

At this time, in the banquet hall.

Li Yu drove the invisible camouflage, quietly took a high-level gun, and shot him in the head on the spot.


The sudden gunshot and the high-level who fell to the ground in response frightened the nervous people around again.

Then, they saw that under the lights of the hall, a pistol was suspended in the air, facing their heads.

It was like an invisible figure holding a gun, which simply stunned everyone present.

"Ah... This..."

Everyone was stunned.

Is this a scene from a science fiction movie?

Why did a pistol float up and shoot by itself?

Is it controlled by someone invisible, or is it a metal control like Magneto?

Anyone who has seen the movie can't help but have such a thought in mind.

However, before they could react, the pistol suddenly opened fire again.

Bullets were fired accurately, blowing off the heads of several high-level officials present.

"Hide!" It sounds complicated, but in fact, this scene only took a few seconds.

It took Li Yu only three seconds from shooting and killing the first high-level official to firing several shots in the head to the other high-level officials.

In these three seconds, Li Yu emptied the magazine directly.

By the time everyone in the banquet hall reacted and dodged around, and the guards raised their guns to aim in his direction, he had already dodged to another corner.

Da da da... . . .

It was not until then that the guards' bullets fell on Li Yu's original position.

However, these bullets not only did not hit Li Yu, but also killed several of his own people by mistake.

"Ahhh! Help!"

"Monster, there's a monster!"

"Run, death is coming!"

Screaming and shouting were heard everywhere, and those high-ranking officials who valued their lives could no longer hold back and fled for their lives one by one.

However, these high-ranking officials found that when they ran out of the door, they had not left yet.

After taking a few steps, they were cut in half by the invisible Dark Night.

Some of them ran to the back door through other passages, but when they reached the back door, their heads suddenly exploded as soon as they stepped out of the door.

This was naturally Xiaoqing's move.

It was too lazy to bite these people with its fangs, and directly used the four claws it grew to blow the heads of these high-level people who tried to escape one by one.

Red and white splashed everywhere, and the scene was disgusting.

[Kill the high-level villains of Ga Yaozi, merit points +5000 points! ]

[Kill the soldiers of Ga Yaozi, merit points +500 points! ]

[Kill... ]

In the banquet hall, Li Yu listened to the system prompts that kept coming from his mind, which was like fairy music, intoxicating.

He turned on the invisible, picked up guns in the middle of the panicked crowd, and harvested the lives of these high-level people calmly.

However, these senior executives could not even see his figure. They could only watch helplessly as a bullet from a pistol that floated up from nowhere took their lives.

Fear spread among the crowd.

There were less than ten senior executives of the Gayaozi Group, including Bai Yingxiong.

They were scattered throughout the hall, staring blankly at the hall full of corpses.

"This is not true, this is not true, I am dreaming..."

"Is this retribution? The god of death is here to claim my life..."

"No, I, Bai Yingxiong, cannot die yet! I have not inherited my father's position as the head of the family!"

They murmured in despair.

Bai Yingxiong roared, and asked the few guards to escort him to one of the passages.

The invisible Li Yu glanced at him, raised his hand and shot him in the other leg.

"Ah!" Bai Yingxiong screamed and fell to the ground.

The guards around him froze, not daring to move at all.

Bang, bang, bang!

Then, several more gunshots rang out, and the remaining senior officials in the hall were all killed.

Only Bai Yingxiong and the two guards who were still guarding him were left.

The only other people alive were the girls who were forced to attend the banquet.

However, there were also a few unlucky ones who were shot to death by the senior officials.

Miraculously, the girl who was placed on the high platform was not shot to death in such a conspicuous position. At this time, she was looking at the scene in front of her with a pair of stunned and terrified eyes.

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