The girl's face flashed with despair.

She knew that her plan had not succeeded this time. Although she had killed a senior executive, she was still unwilling to accept that she had not killed the most important person, Bai Yingxiong.

Since she came to this place, she had suffered humiliation and abuse. The reason she could endure it until today was to kill Bai Yingxiong, the eldest son of the head of the Bai family. She wanted to drag this heavyweight figure to be buried with her, so that the hardships she had suffered would not be in vain.

But now her action failed, she could only stare at Bai Yingxiong with hatred, and cursed fiercely: "Bai Yingxiong, you will not die well! I will not let you go even if I become a ghost! And you beasts, all of you deserve to die! Deserve to die!"

However, no matter how the girl cursed, Bai Yingxiong and the senior executives around her just laughed, with contempt and ridicule on their faces: "We have heard so many words from you. We will let you taste the torture we have researched later. I hope you can still be so stubborn then!"

As senior executives of the Ga Yaozi Group, they have long developed a ruthless mentality. They have tortured countless piglets to death. For them, the piglets who were deceived here, whether male or female, are just a group of animals in their eyes.

"Put her on the high platform in the banquet hall and take off all her clothes. I am going to start my performance!" Bai Yingxiong waved his hand and issued an order.

The senior executives around were all excited.

They were looking forward to Bai Yingxiong's performance!

Because they had seen it before, Bai Yingxiong used this method to torture a girl alive and turned her into a fool, and she was completely played with.

And the girls who came to the banquet were all scared and pale, fearing that they would be implicated, and they dared not make a sound.

They were even a little worried. If Bai Yingxiong and his men hadn't played enough, would they randomly select people from them to continue?

The more these girls thought about it, the more scared they became.

At this time, the girl had been lifted up to the platform, like a white sow waiting to be slaughtered, and was placed on a large table on the platform.

Then, Bai Yingxiong stepped forward and prepared to start his performance.

The girl closed her eyes in despair.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, this loud noise came from outside and spread to the noisy banquet hall.

Everyone was slightly stunned.


Then, another loud noise came.

Everyone reacted, and someone hurried to the window to look out.

In the dark night, a huge figure was moving between the buildings in the headquarters, and huge tentacles were hitting the buildings.

In the military headquarters, the sheds built with iron sheets collapsed under the tentacles.

And those tall buildings were also cracked by the tentacles, and the glass of the doors and windows on the outer walls shattered instantly.

The loud noise came from here.

"Fuck! What is that?!"

At this time, the soldiers who had already fallen asleep in the military headquarters got up and looked out the window. The scene they saw shocked them all.

"Oh my god, is that a tank driving into the headquarters? No, it's a monster!!"

"What is that? Damn, it's coming this way!"

The headquarters of this military region was almost full of soldiers and senior military officials. Seeing this incredible scene, they were shocked, but they quickly reacted and picked up their weapons to fight back.

"Quick, quick, quick! Teams assemble! Rocket artillery units are ready to attack! Machine gunners, get in position!"

Although the soldiers were deeply shocked by the giant in front of them, their strong military qualities and discipline did not allow them to continue to be dazed. Under the orders of their superiors, everyone began to move.

The riflemen took the lead in going out to fight.

Some of them were in the square, and some were in the corridors of the corridors, firing at the huge monster.

Tut, tut, tut...

Bullets shot at the monster, and the muzzles kept flashing with flames.

For a while, gunfire rang out!

At this time, the monster was waving its tentacles recklessly between the military buildings, and the oncoming bullets fell on its body one after another.

However, those rifle bullets that were powerful enough to penetrate a human body, even iron sheets, hit the monster like a stone sinking into the sea, without provoking any reaction at all.

Looking closely, all those bullets had sunk into the monster's thick skin, and then slid to the ground.

And there was not even a trace of wound left on the monster.

Needless to say, this monster was the level 10 tentacle monster that Li Yu had dropped.

Although it had only one synthetic evolution, the tentacle monster that reached level 10 was born with a tough talent, which made its outer skin and body tissue extremely tough. Even if the bullets from the assault rifle hit it, it had no effect.

This defense is really too strong!

In the banquet hall building, Bai Yingxiong, who was originally preparing to cook the girl, was also extremely shocked when he saw this incredible scene. He didn't know where this monster came from, nor did he know what kind of monster it was. He only knew that today's scene simply overturned all his previous cognition. A great sense of crisis spread throughout his body, which quickly calmed his mind.

While he ordered the senior executives to disperse and command their subordinates to fight, he ordered his confidants to contact the helicopter and prepare to escape.

There must be something wrong with the abnormal situation. Bai Yingxiong cherishes his life very much. Facing this unknown monster, he doesn't want to stay here and fight to the death with the other party.

At this moment, those senior executives took action and ran out of the building, ready to personally command their subordinates to fight.


However, just as these senior executives just walked out of the door, a cold light flashed in the darkness.

These senior executives suddenly felt that their bodies seemed to have lost control, and then they were horrified to find that their upper and lower bodies had been separated.


Before someone died, he looked around and saw that there seemed to be an invisible shadow shaking around, and then one by one, a person was beheaded and separated, and the speed was so fast that it was almost like cutting wheat.

These senior executives who ran out of the building fell one after another.

The blood instantly dyed the gate red, and soon it flowed into a river and dissipated on the surrounding ground. . .

"Oh no! There are invisible enemies killing our people!" This scene was seen by those who had not yet escaped from the building. They were so frightened that their faces changed drastically on the spot, as if they had seen a ghost, and they hurriedly retreated back one by one.

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