The more you do, the more you spend.

"You are alone in the countryside, not only do farm work, but also feed stray dogs. You must be very busy, right? Have you ever thought about finding a helper?" Jiang Qingxue asked with a puzzled look on her face.

The wages for finding a helper in the countryside should not be too outrageous. The people here are simple and down-to-earth. They are almost eager to do any work.

After all, it is not easy to make money now, not to mention farmers like them in remote areas. 、

"You make sense." Li Yu nodded, "But I am just starting now. I think I can do it alone. If I hire someone to do it, I don't know what to do. When I feel that I can't do the work, it won't be too late to find someone then."

Jiang Qingxue smiled, she was satisfied with Li Yu's sincere and down-to-earth behavior.

She rarely had such a pleasant conversation with others, putting aside the secular world, without intrigue, just chatting, Li Yu was one of the few.

Unlike those so-called friends, all kinds of sweet words, business flattery, her ears are calloused.

"Okay!" Jiang Qingxue showed a bright smile on her face, her eyes sparkling, "I hope you succeed."

Li Yu nodded, "Thank you, I will work hard."

The two chatted for a while, and it was almost dusk without knowing it.

The sunset was setting, and the sky was full of red clouds. It shone gently on her body, and she felt warm in her heart.

"Time flies so fast." Jiang Qingxue smiled and stood up, "I'm going back."

"I'll take you."

Li Yu was worried about letting Jiang Qingxue go by herself. What if she couldn't find the exit? The road in Qingshan Village is not so easy to recognize.

In addition, it was getting dark now, and she was a girl, it was really unsafe.

"No, I'll remember the road I've walked on when I came here." Jiang Qingxue felt warm in her heart, but still refused Li Yu's kindness.

She's not a child, so she won't get lost, right? And she has a good memory, almost photographic memory, so it's still very easy for her to recognize the road.

"Okay." Li Yu didn't insist and agreed.

"Thank you for your hospitality today. The environment here makes me relax a lot. Then I'll leave. Bye."

Jiang Qingxue had a faint smile on her face. The elegant long skirt set off her exquisite curves. Against the backdrop of the sunset, there was a soft fairy-tale-like hazy beauty, which made people's heart beat.


Li Yu waved his hand.

Under the sunset, the two waved goodbye, like a beautiful oil painting.

Watching Jiang Qingxue's car slowly drive away, Li Yu came back to his senses and shouted to Xiao Hei who was playing on the side: "Xiao Hei, follow her car and make sure she leaves the village safely."

"Understood, Master."


When Xiao Hei came back, it was already dark. It was just time for dinner, and he was eating a delicious dinner.

After Li Yu had eaten and drunk enough, he came outside and leaned on a chair to look at the starry sky.

The evening breeze brought bursts of flower and grass fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Although the night view in the countryside is not as bright as the lights in the city, it is more beautiful.

He remembered what Jiang Qingxue said.

It is indeed much easier to ask someone to feed stray dogs on his behalf, but because of the reason for obtaining merit, he must do it by hand to have merit, so he can't give up this.

But on second thought, after adopting more stray dogs in the future, he will indeed be too busy, which is a headache.

"System, query about the way to obtain merit."


[Query successful, about the way to obtain merit: First, you can choose to do good deeds yourself, and you will get the corresponding merit. Second, the spiritual awakening creatures will also get merit points if they do good deeds on behalf of their owners. There is no difference in the number of points obtained. ]

When Li Yu heard this news, his eyes lit up. Wouldn't it be possible to achieve freedom in this way?

Let the spiritual awakening animals help you do things, and the merits and points you can gain are the same. Isn't this God's help to me!

But who should be assigned to this task?

Li Yu looked around in distress.

Car? This is impossible. This guy can only help a little when he can transform into an Autobot!

As for the others...

Li Yu looked at the ants who were spiritually awakened but obviously had insufficient IQ, and turned his eyes away with a headache.

None of these guys can do it...

Not to mention microorganisms.

At this moment, Li Yu thought of the clever Xiao Hei.

Although Xiao Hei is

Animals that can walk on all fours, but they may be able to do so after evolution. There is no better choice than Xiao Hei.

"Xiao Hei, come here." As soon as Li Yu called out, Xiao Hei came as soon as he was called.

"Master, what do you want?" Xiao Hei wagged his tail and sat on the ground obediently, waiting for instructions.

Touching Xiao Hei's head, Li Yu said lightly, "Just sit there obediently, I plan to evolve you and see how much you can grow."

Xiao Hei was flattered, "Really? Thank you, Master!"

"System, evolve Xiao Hei."

[Target locked, evolution to level 2 requires 100 merit points, do you choose to evolve! ]


[Evolved creature: Xiao Hei;

Evolution level: 2;

Loyalty: 100 (MAX);

Current stage: mature stage

System evaluation: After evolution, the body size is larger, and it is more than ten times stronger than ordinary dogs in all aspects, and the combat power is amazing! ]

After evolution, Xiao Hei is indeed gradually growing stronger, and his muscles are much tighter.

Xiao Hei looked at his changes in surprise and shouted happily.

Li Yu looked at Xiao Hei in front of him, but he was still not satisfied. What he wanted was to make Xiao Hei have the ability to move like a human.

"System, evolve again."

[Target locked, evolution to level 3 requires 200 merit points, do you choose to evolve! ]


[Evolved creature: Xiao Hei;

Evolution level: 3;

Loyalty: 100 (MAX);

Current stage: mature stage

System evaluation: On the basis of level 2, all aspects have been further improved, and the body has the ability of anthropomorphism. The limbs can be as flexible as human hands, walk upright, use tools, etc., and can freely choose whether to switch forms according to consciousness. ]

But looking at Xiao Hei who has not changed, Li Yu is puzzled.

"System, didn't you say that it can be anthropomorphized? Why is Xiao Hei still on all fours?"

[Please authorize, do you want to let Xiao Hei have the ability of anthropomorphism? ]


[Confirmed, Xiao Hei's anthropomorphism ability has been successfully activated. 】

"Xiao Hei, try to turn into a human form by saying it in your mind."

"Okay, Master!" Xiao Hei closed his eyes excitedly, and when he opened his eyes again after saying it in his mind, he was shocked.

Oh my God, it actually has hands! And like its master, it can stand up!

Li Yu looked at this scene, and after a brief shock, he smiled from ear to ear. It succeeded!

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