Zhuge Dali was curious about zombies


After waiting for a while, a red envelope marked as dangerous appeared

Zhuge vigorously clicked on the details of the red envelope

[Contains zombies, extremely dangerous sources of infection, open red envelopes, need to pay 999999 points...].

"...," Zhuge Dalian's eyes flashed

Before, although Li Luo was given food and water

For Li Luo's words, he didn't believe it too much.

Because Li Luo's information marked the ordinary urban world, Li Luo said that there were zombies.

Now, seeing the zombies, Zhuge Dali felt even more outrageous.

There is a world of zombies, can it be ordinary!

The other side,

Red packet sending,

Li Luo received the prompt

[Item red envelope, not received for half a month, or retrieved, erased. ] 】

That's exactly what I wanted

Li Luo walked through the door and wasted some effort to clean up the zombies at the door

There was another knock on the door, attracting a wave.

So many times, no zombies appeared.

Li Luo was still not at ease, ran to the second floor, and observed through the window for a while.

After making sure that there were no zombies hanging around in this section nearby, Li Luo went downstairs and opened the door carefully, looked around vigilantly, and approached the closest car to the door of the store step by step.

The car's metal disappeared, leaving plastic leather and four tires scattered all over the place.

However, it only contributed one-fifth of the progress of 1 point.

"...," Li Luoyu,

The car is not small, the iron content is so low, I thought that a car, at least 1 point, was expected in vain.

Immediately after,

Li Luo aimed at another large off-road vehicle

After getting closer, Li Luo found that the door was open and there was a key.

Li Luo hesitated slightly, made sure that there were no zombies in the car, and decisively got into the car and closed the door to fire.

This has a car, equal to a safe fortress,

Drive the car, find another car to redeem points, do not worry about zombies surrounded by zombies, safe and fast.

But after gaining a few points, Li Luo discovered the drawbacks

The roar of the engine attracted zombies from farther away.

Seeing this, Li Luo was worried about the zombies surrounding him, and quickly extinguished the fire.

There was no sound, and the zombies in the distance were not coming.

Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and it was not a coincidence, so he got out of the car and took his time.

Still, even so

Li Luo gained not many points, and the zombies in the distance still came over.

In addition to being sensitive to sound, zombies also have a sensitive sense of smell.

Obviously, it was the breath that drifted with the wind and was smelled by the zombies in the distance.

Realizing this, Li Luo immediately ran back to the store to block the door and stubbornly.

This time I went out and gained a total of 9 points.

Li Luo came back safely, lay down and rested, and looked at the chat group by the way.

This will,

Or only Zhuge Dalian, Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun, and Liu Bei are chatting.

Scroll up through the chat history

Zhuge Dali had already determined Liu Bei's age

Helped him formulate a plan for the military merits of the white, and waited for the Yellow Turban Rebellion to happen.

And through some of the speeches of the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun,

Li Luo also determined Xie Xun's timeline.

At this time, Xie Xun had not yet been destroyed by Cheng Kun.

Zhuge vigorously raised the point, Xie Xun injured Cheng Kun and escaped this calamity

After that,

Xie Xun went to the Ming Sect to find the body of Yang Dingtian and became the acting leader of the Ming Sect, using the Ming Sect to search for the old thief of Chengkun to take revenge, and also collected the dragon slaying knife and the Heaven-Relying Sword, and obtained the "Nine Yin True Scripture" hidden in it.

You don't have to think about it

As a spoiler, Zhuge Dali gained a lot of benefits from it.

Now, Zhuge is enthusiastic about helping Liu Bei with advice, and it is not difficult to see that he is planning the resources of the Three Kingdoms World.

In this regard, Li Luo did not envy

Backed by the resources of one world, nothing needs to be done.

Safety first, steady and steady, steady and proper development.


The next day,

Li Luo woke up and walked to the window to take a look.

After one night, there were zombies wandering at the door again.

If you want to go out, you have to clean up.

Just like yesterday, the voice attracted and sent red envelopes to the zombies, and Li Luo went out to collect resources.

Except for cars, everything on the street that is stained with metal is a collection target.

The place where Li Luo walked was simply more excessive than the locust plague.

From the sky, the streets at both ends are scattered with cars.

Only this paragraph is as clean as if the eraser had erased it.

During this period, Li Luo also found many supermarkets and collected materials using red envelopes.

So for three days, this section of the street was clean.

Li Luo changed his residence and continued the cycle.

I waited until I changed three places to live

Li Luocai saved 120 points.

This is enough to buy the Nine Yin True Sutra.

Wait to get back to safety.

Li Luo privately chatted with the Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun.

In the mall, the purchase price of gold is 10 pounds exchanged for 1 point.

And the price of the sale is 1 point, a pound of gold.

It is not difficult to see that the price of an item, the price of the mall, and the price sold to the mall, are different and much higher.

The same is probably true of the Nine Yin True Sutra, with a price of 120 points on the mall.

The Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun sold to the mall, and it certainly couldn't be 120 points.

Li Luo wanted to chat privately with Xie Xun and ask how many points were sold at the minimum

"Lion King, I want to buy the Nine Yin True Scripture, how many points is the minimum."

Xie Xun belongs to the chat group who has a room, second back,

"Sell to the mall, it's 60 points, if you want to buy, don't charge you more, 60 points."

"Okay, send a paid red envelope..."

[Ding, Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun gives you a paid red envelope. 】

Li Luo paid to open it, and many words appeared in his mind, as if engraved by a seal, extremely clear.

This "Nine Yin True Scripture" is hidden in the Heavenly Sword, and its space is limited, which is a simplified "Nine Yin True Scripture".

The martial arts included include the Heart Destroying Palm, the Nine Yin White Bone Claw, the White Python Whipping Method, plus a set of body techniques, and the snake is flipped.

The internal strength is, the general outline of the heart method, plus easy tendon forging bone chapter.

Li Luo realized for a while, and the whole person was messy.

The four realms of the Nine Yin True Sutra, Sensibility, Qi, Innate, and Grandmaster.

According to the introduction of the general outline of the mental method, Li Luo sat cross-kneeled, holding his breath and concentrating, sensing the so-called qi, but did not sense anything.

"Did you practice wrong..."

This martial art seems to be impossible to practice indiscriminately.

Li Luo contacted the after-sales service, Xie Xun Xie Master,

"Lion King, the introduction to the general outline of the mental method, how to practice, I can't sense qi..."

"It's normal not to feel it..."

The Golden Retriever Lion King Xie Xun introduced: "The cultivation of internal strength has always been said to build a foundation in 100 days.

"After meditating for a hundred days, he can sense qi, and he is already a martial arts practitioner with excellent aptitude.

"More people are stuck in anger all their lives..."

Li Luoyu suddenly felt that these 60 points were blind.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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