"Xiaomei. "

Yang Zhenjun's mother called the female shopkeeper's name as she walked into the convenience store.


female shopkeeper came out of the inner room and saw Yang Zaixing returning to the store, her eyes lit up, and her eyebrows danced excitedly.

Yang Zaixing smiled slightly, avoiding the burning gaze of the female shopkeeper and moving his eyes to the shelf.

"Aunt Lin, here are the guests!".


female shopkeeper said hello to Yang Zhenjun's mother, walked between the shelves and the containers, and looked at Yang Zaixing with interest.

"Zhenjun's mother is called Lin Shufen, and the shopkeeper is called Yang Xiaomei?"

Yang Zaixing remembered Lin Shufen's name and smiled at Yang Xiaomei.

Lin Shufen asked for a bag of peanuts, 4 beers and a pack of ham sausages, and Yang Zaixing added another carton of milk and two mentions of honey.

Lin Shufen secretly complained, her eyes were in a daze, and she looked at Yang Xiaomei helplessly.

Yang Xiaomei used a calculator to calculate the accounts and read: "A total of one hundred and ninety-seven." "

Lin Shufen bit her lower lip, held a hundred-yuan bill in both hands, and said, "Xiaomei, you take this hundred yuan first, and the rest..."

Yang Zaixing hurriedly scanned the code, paid for the goods, stopped Lin Shufen's hand, and said, "Auntie, keep your money." "

"How can you do that? You're a guest, how can you pay the bill?"

Lin Shufen let out a long breath and pretended to ask Yang Xiaomei to return the money to Yang Zaixing.


Xiaomei struck while the iron was hot and wanted to add Yang Zaixing's contact information.

The three of them were entangled together, alarming Yang Xiaomei's man and a pair of children.


Zaixing was afraid that Yang Xiaomei's man would misunderstand, so he hurriedly added her contact information.


Xiaomei proposed to return 197 yuan to Yang Zaixing, Yang Zaixing shook his head and said, "You take this money first." If you can't find a hotel, you'll have to trouble yourself. "

Yang Xiaomei was overjoyed, and her eyes flashed with tears of happiness. She nodded, held Lin Shufen's arm, and said, "Aunt Lin, you go back to eat first, don't starve the guests."

Brother Yang still needs my help, and I will collect his money first, and the account at noon will be settled in two days. "

Lin Shufen didn't bring enough money, and Yang Xiaomei persuaded her, and she just borrowed the ladder to step down.


Zaixing drove Lin Shufen out of the convenience store and drove back to Yang's house.

Yang Zaixing and Lin Shufen

walked into the main room, and a woman in her thirties stood up, stepped forward, and took the items in Yang Zaixing and Lin Shufen's hands.

"Sister-in-law. "

"Xiao Yang. "

Yang Zaixing and Mu Xin looked at each other and smiled, then shifted their gaze and sat down at the dining table.

"Call uncle. "

Mu Xin put away the milk and honey gift boxes, and brought a pair of children to Yang Zaixing and Li Cunxiao.


Zhenjun and Mu Xin's sons and daughters were flushed, looked at Yang Zaixing and Li Cunxiao timidly, and said in unison: "Uncle." "

"Hey. "


Zaixing and Li Cunxiao agreed, asked Yang Zhenjun and Mu Xin's children their names, ages, and grades, and praised them.

"Yang Wenchen looks like his father, and he is very smart at first glance. Yang Wenying inherited her mother's advantages, beautiful and smart. "

Mu Xin's heart was full of joy when she heard this, and her eyes were full of light, as if Yang Zaixing was praising her, not her children.


After three rounds of drinking, Yang Zaixing mentioned Yang Zhenjun's idea of preparing to take Mu Xin out to work, and asked Mu Xin's opinion.

Mu Xin looked at Yang Zaixing with a calm expression, and there was no trace of excitement on his face.

"If I also go out, what will happen to Yang Wenchen and Yang Wenying?"


Zhenjun's father said: "Yang Jin and his daughter-in-law have also gone out, aren't the two children good? "

Mu Xin snorted coldly, shook his head and said, "Don't mention Yang Jin's two children, it's because of Yang Jin's two children that I'm worried." "

Yang Zhenjun's father asked rhetorically, "What are you worried about?"

Mu Xin said: "What am I worried about? Don't you know about Yang Yuqin? Hey, forget it, you don't know either." "

Mu Xin took a bite of the food, bowed his head and said, "What Zhenjun said, I have to think about it." "

Lin Shufen glanced at Mu Xin, closed her eyes, and sighed.

Yang Zaixing observed his words and looks, and through the expressions of Mu Xin and Lin Shufen, he concluded that Mu Xin's cold reaction to the "matter of going out to work" may have more complicated reasons.


After a while, Mu Xin's cell phone rang.

She took her phone, glanced at it, got up and left the table, and walked into her bedroom.

Lin Shufen's eyes chased Mu Xin's back, and her eyes were full of dissatisfaction and hatred.

After a few minutes, Mu Xin changed into a dress and came out of the bedroom, carrying a bag in her hand and stepping on high heels.

She looked at Yang Zaixing, smiled slightly, and said, "Xiao Yang, Xiao Li, you eat slowly, I have something urgent to go out." "

Lin Shufen stood up, strode up to Mu Xin, blocked her way, and said, "The guests of the real army are eating, where are you going?" "

Mu Xin frowned and said, "I really have something urgent, and I'll be back in one go." "

Lin Shufen crooked the corner of her mouth and said, "If you don't do business and don't do farm work, what is the urgency?"

Mu Xin stomped his foot and said, "Mom, you understand me, I really have something urgent." "

Lin Shufen wrenched her face and said, "The real army is not at home, I can't understand the affairs between you and others." Forget about the outside world, you pack your bags now and go to the real army. "

Mu Xin rolled his eyes and said, "Even if I decide to go to the real army, I have to take care of the urgent matter!"

Yang Zhenjun's father looked fierce, turned his head to look at Mu Xin, and said loudly: "Mu Xin, there are guests at home, can't you bear with it?"

Mu Xin's face changed greatly, she muttered, glared at Lin Shufen, and turned around and entered the bedroom.

Mu Xin's son Yang Wenchen and daughter Yang Wenying looked at all this blankly, with confusion and helplessness in their eyes.


"Mu Xin is going out to meet wild men?".

Based on the available information, including Mu Xin's words and deeds just now, Yang Zaixing guessed that Mu Xin was in a hurry to go out, and it was very likely that she was going to meet a man she had to meet.

"Who is the man Mu Xin wants to meet?Yang Tiezhu?or is it another man?".

Yang Zaixing pondered, imagining the uncertainties that Mu Xin might bring about when he was blocked when he went out, and thinking about how to deal with it.


Lin Shufen sent Yang Wenchen and Yang Wenying into the east wing, returned to the main room, sat back in place, and chattered.

"Don't be ashamed! If you have a man, you want a wild man..."

Yang Zhenjun's father looked at Lin Shufen viciously and blamed: "Is it okay for you to say a few words?

Lin Shufen knew that she was wrong, and she hung her head and did not refute.

Yang Zhenjun's father squeezed out a smiling face, raised a glass to Yang Zaixing and Li Cunxiao, and changed the topic, talking about the difference between life in the city and the countryside.

"Life in the city is getting better and better, and many people in our village have gone to the town and county seat to buy houses.

There are fewer and fewer people in Yangjialing Village.

Yangjialing Village was not like this before, I don't know which bastard did it, but he turned a good champion village into a rogue village of male thieves and female C. "


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