Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 946 Yanxia Mountain! (2 updates)

Yanxia Mountain is a special place in the Cangqiong Mountains.

On the one hand, it is part of the Cang Qiong Sect, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as a relatively independent place and is not directly controlled by the Cang Qiong Sect.

Therefore, this Yanxia Mountain is also known as the holy land of Cangqiong Sect. Only the core disciples of the sect are qualified to enter the realm of Yanxia Mountain.

After the Royal Sword Team Challenge, Yue Zhonglian, the leader of the Cang Qiong Sect, once told Ling Feng that he would recommend him to a place that would be conducive to condensing Wenyao.

However, for the past month, Ling Feng has been busy treating the injuries of deputy captain Miyagi and reshaping his Dantian, so he has not been able to take the time to go to the Cang Qiong Sect.

Unexpectedly, Yue Yunlan would suddenly come to the door.

According to Yue Yunlan's narration, Ling Feng knew that the "good place" mentioned by Yue Zhonglian in the air was referring to the Yanxia Mountain of the Cangqiong Sect.

Ling Feng followed Yue Yunlan's master and servant all the way into the mountains. While listening to Yue Yunlan's talk about the mystery of Yanxia Mountain, he had a preliminary understanding of Yanxia Mountain in his mind.

It just so happens that during this period of time, I have never been able to find a way to condense Yao Yao. It would be great if I could gain something in Yanxia Mountain.

"Almost there!"

Yue Yunlan looked back at Ling Feng, her beautiful eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, and she said with a smile: "I will take you to my master first."

"Master?" Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and nodded immediately. With Yue Yunlan's status, her master must not be any worse.

"Hehe, my lady's master is an elder from Yanxia Mountain, named Xiao Yunsu. However, she also has a more powerful name, called Yunmiao Sword Emperor."

Qiaoqiao on the side was not willing to be lonely and interjected.

"Sword Emperor!" Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. A warrior who can be called a Sword Emperor must first have the strength of a human emperor, and must also have considerable attainments in the way of the sword.

"Master is one of the top masters in Yanxia Mountain." Yue Yunlan said with a hint of pride on his face, "Let's go, I'll take you in first."

After that, Yue Yunlan led Ling Feng into the mountain guarding formation of Yanxia Mountain. When the disciples guarding the mountain saw Yue Yunlan, they all saluted respectfully. Although they were confused as to why the eldest lady had brought a stranger in, they did not dare to speak. question.

After passing through the formation, there is a climbing staircase that reaches as far as the eye can see.

Yue Yunlan led Ling Feng up the stairs. Occasionally, some Holy Land disciples passing by saw Yue Yunlan and hurriedly stepped forward to say hello. However, when they saw Ling Feng, they couldn't help but frown, wondering who this guy was. Ah, how could the eldest lady bring him into the Holy Land?

Plus, they seem pretty close!

With Yue Yunlan's noble status and peerless appearance that has captivated the country, it can be said without hesitation that all the young men in the entire Cangqiong Sect must have regarded her as the lover of their dreams, and now their dream lover is actually with an outsider. Being so close, they were naturally jealous, as if their cabbage was being eaten by a pig.

Most of these disciples have been cultivating in the Yanxia Mountain and don't know Ling Feng's name at all. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so boring and jealous.

Ling Feng naturally also noticed the unfriendly looks of those disciples from Yanxia Mountain, and murmured in his heart: Who did he provoke?


Finally, Yue Yunlan led Ling Feng into a rather elegant courtyard, where a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing purple gauze was sitting in a pavilion sipping the fragrance of tea.

When Yue Yunlan saw this woman, she quickly walked into the pavilion, hugged her shoulders from behind like a baby, and said a little shyly: "Master, he is the Ling Feng I told you."

"You are such a big man, and you still act like a child."

Xiao Yunsu fondly stroked Yue Yunlan's cheek a few times. She never married and naturally had no descendants. She was very precious to this precious disciple.

Yue Yunlan smiled, walked cheerfully to the opposite side of Xiao Yunsu, stretched out a slender jade finger, pointed at Ling Feng, pursed her delicate lips and said: "Master, he is Ling Feng, he has been saved many times before. Lan'er's life is at stake."

In front of Xiao Yunsu, Yue Yunlan looked like a charming and innocent girl. Obviously, she was extremely dependent on Yunmiao Sword Emperor and even regarded her as a mother.


Xiao Yunsu rolled his eyes at Yue Yunlan, stretched out his hand to gently scratch her little nose, then looked at Ling Feng, and said with a faint smile: "You are the General Ling Feng who defeated the Royal Sword Team, you are indeed a talented person. A dragon and a phoenix among men!”

"Senior, that's ridiculous." Ling Feng bowed quickly and smiled modestly.

"With your age and cultivation, you can achieve such an achievement, and you deserve no matter how high the praise is."

Xiao Yunsu looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "No wonder, my junior sister Honglian has praised you many times in front of me. Not only are you excellent in medical skills, but your martial arts talent is also incredible."

The junior sister Honglian mentioned by Xiao Yunsu is naturally the current sect leader's wife Honglian, who is also Yue Yunlan's mother.

Before Honglian married Yue Zhonglian, she was also a disciple of Yanxia Mountain like Xiao Yunsu.

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said nothing more. At this time, excessive humility is another kind of pride.

"Yes." Xiao Yunsu nodded, quite appreciating Ling Feng's attitude of not being arrogant or impetuous: "I heard from Lan'er that you defeated Xuanyuan Breaking Formation head-on?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "It can't be considered a head-on defeat. Xuanyuan Breaking Formation and I have a three-move deal, so it can be considered a draw at most."

Xiao Yunsu's pupils shrank slightly, and she naturally heard the modesty in Ling Feng's words.

Although he had heard Yue Yunlan say it before, Xiao Yunsu was still a little shocked when he heard Ling Feng admit it personally.

The boy in front of him was probably not over twenty years old, and Xuanyuan Po Zhen was a talented warrior who had become famous five or six years ago.

"Not bad."

Xiao Yunsu smiled faintly, adjusted his pressure to the level of the peak of the sixth level of the Divine Origin Realm, and swept towards Ling Feng.

The so-called hearing is false, and seeing is true. Whether Ling Feng is really such a monster needs to be verified personally.

"A test?"

Ling Feng's body shook, and Ling Tian's sword power was activated, which directly isolated Xiao Yunsu's invisible pressure. He looked at Xiao Yunsu with a calm face and a smile, "Senior Yunmiao, please forgive me for being a junior."

Xiao Yunsu smiled lightly, then immediately put away the pressure, and still came to the conclusion in her heart: This Ling Feng is indeed a dragon among men!

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