Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 496 Bad guy! (2 updates)

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, then looked back at the female thief and said calmly: "Whatever you say, little thief, we will meet again soon! Oh no, we will never meet again!"

Seeing Ling Feng about to leave, Jiang Biyi quickly shouted, "Hey, you bastard, you just left me in the wilderness like this, in the middle of the night, if a monster discovers me, I'm not Dead……"

Jiang Biyi was so excited that she spurted out a mouthful of blood, and her body suddenly fell to the ground softly.


Ling Feng rolled his eyes, "Am I not a pervert? It seems more dangerous to be with me!"

"Hmph, then you go, you go, you go!" Jiang Biyi stared at Ling Feng angrily, her little eyes seeming to shed tears at any moment.

"Are all female snitches so delicate these days?" Ling Feng was speechless for a moment. He turned around and walked to the female snitch, pulled her up, took out a few pills to restore vitality, and stuffed them into her In the cherry mouth.

"What kind of elixir is this?" Jiang Biyi was quite wary.

"It's poison, are you going to take it?" Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Ah!" Jiang Biyi swallowed the pill in one gulp, "If it's poison, just poison me to death!"

She suddenly figured it out, if Ling Feng wanted to kill her, why go to all the trouble to revive her. Jia Yan's palm just now could have killed her.

"I really don't know how you, with your IQ, can survive as a snitch until now." Ling Feng shook his head, casually put the female snitch on his shoulders, and said calmly: "I will bring you into the city, and then We part ways and no one knows each other anymore!”

Jiang Biyi was carried by Ling Feng like a sack. Ling Feng's shoulder made her lower abdomen hurt, and she screamed in anxiety, "You bastard, who can carry a girl like you!"

"If you say one more thing, I will throw you away!" Ling Feng glared at this cute and cute female snitch. This guy really didn't understand the situation!

Jiang Biyi was glared at by Ling Feng, her neck shrunk, and she didn't dare to say another word. She just let Ling Feng carry her and didn't dare to cry out in pain.

Ling Feng carried the female thief all the way to the city, thinking that martial law should be under martial law in Camwu County at this time, but with his physical skills, it was not easy to hide from the guards guarding the city.

After walking for a while, Jiang Biyi couldn't help but ask again, "Hey, bad guy, why do you want to destroy the entire Jia family?"

"Bad guy?" Ling Feng paused. Yes, there are so many people in the Jia family. Except for the old, weak, women and children, should everyone else die?

I'm really not a good person, I'm just a bad person.

Ever since he was cruelly deceived by Su Lin, the moment he crawled out from the dead and massacred the entire city lord's mansion, he was destined to no longer be a good person.

"It's just seeking revenge. Isn't there enough hatred in this world?" Ling Feng pursed his lips and said lightly.

"Oh..." Jiang Biyi pursed her lips. She saw that Ling Feng was not merciless when he killed people, but he still saved her. Moreover, he didn't look so cruel, and he was not a vicious person.

This guy doesn't look very young, but he seems to have experienced a lot.

"My name is Jiang Biyi, bad guy, what's your name?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? Anyway, after returning to the city, I won't care about you."

"It's not okay to ask out of boredom!" Jiang Biyi frowned, pursed her lips and said, "You are so boring! You are so boring!"

"I'm not a bad person, just call me a bad person." Ling Feng moved Jiang Biyi to the inside of his shoulder and said calmly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, we are about to enter the city."

At this moment, a "shadow" suddenly passed over in front of him. Even with Ling Feng's eyesight, he still only saw a very blurry shadow.

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he quickly opened his infinite vision, only to find that even under his infinite vision, the other party's whereabouts were still erratic and flickering.

In this dense forest, the shadows of the trees are whirling and swaying with the wind, making the shadow almost elusive under the shadow of the trees.

"Is this... the glancing technique?"

Ling Feng's pupils suddenly shrank. The last time he was at the General's Mansion, Old General Deng had told Ling Feng some things about the shadow organization. Unexpectedly, today, he would actually meet a person who was proficient in "glimpsing shadow" on the outskirts of Cambrian County. A master of law.

"Your Excellency, come out!" Ling Feng was carrying Jiang Biyi, and had already taken out the Destruction of All Directions with his right hand, ready to strike with lightning at any time to kill the lurking shadow in one fell swoop.

"Boy, you have such good eyesight that you can actually detect the existence of shadows!"

A burst of laughter sounded in the forest, coming from all directions, covering the entire space, making Ling Feng unable to locate the location.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. This person really has some skills. No wonder he can join the most mysterious shadow organization in the legend.

Jiang Biyi was being held on Ling Feng's shoulders. She was originally mumbling why Ling Feng stopped suddenly, which caused another sharp pain in her lower abdomen. Suddenly she heard the erratic voice and shouted quickly: "Uncle Wei, Isn’t it you?”

"You girl, I'll settle the score with you later!" There was a trace of concern and reproach in that erratic voice, and then it became cold again, "Boy, let the woman you kidnapped quickly, otherwise our shadows will surely I will fight you until death!"

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid you have misunderstood." Ling Feng put Jiang Biyi down casually and said calmly: "Since there is someone to take care of me, I won't bother to say goodbye!"

After saying that, Ling Feng spread out his body skills and flew directly towards the direction of Cambrian County.

"Huh?" The shadow lurking under the shadow of the tree was slightly stunned. Originally, when he saw Jiang Biyi being held on Ling Feng's shoulders, he thought Jiang Biyi was kidnapped by Ling Feng.

The figure flashed, and a middle-aged man appeared from under the shadow of the tree. He walked slowly to Jiang Biyi and glared at her angrily, "Girl Yiyi, I want you to follow Ye Xingnan. You actually sneaked away. If something happens to you, how do you want me to explain it to the Lord?"

"Tch, you don't want to explain anything to her!" Jiang Biyi stuck out her tongue, "It's her first time to carry out a mission, so she wants to complete it by herself! Besides, although Ye Xingnan is a C-level member, she has already With the strength of a Class B member and his help, what else do I need to do!”

"You girl, you're not very good at what you do. You almost lost your life this time. Why don't you learn well?"

At this moment, another white shadow flew out from the dense forest behind him.

If Ling Feng were here, he would definitely find that Ye Xingnan was not the "shadow" who received the mission to steal the mirage crystal core at the General's Mansion that day.

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