Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4355: Soul-Calming Sound!

"Han Xiao!"

Yifeng clenched his fists tightly and looked at this close friend who had fought side by side with them, but now he was transformed into countless monsters burning with the evil fire of Burning Sky!

His mood is undoubtedly very complicated, including worries about his brothers and fear of unknown forces.


Han Xiao's body let out a bone-chilling roar.

The half-human, half-dragon monster clones that split from Han Xiao's body all stared at Yifeng and Ling Ruoshui.

When the Burning Sky Evil Fire surged, the monsters all rushed out like a torrent.


Thunder surged, and Yi Feng activated the source of the sky survey, and the evil thunder exploded, turning into giant thunder dragons and crashing into countless clones of Han Xiao.

However, each of the monsters spawned by Han Xiao had a power that was completely comparable to his own body. The evil dragon's fire actually completely suppressed Yi Feng's evil thunder.

In the blink of an eye, one of the split bodies broke through the realm of thunder and claws and clawed hard at Yifeng's chest.

Even though Yifeng's reaction was already at its peak and he put his arms in front of his chest to block the blow, the terrifying force coming from the sharp claws still tore both of his arms into five deep holes. Bloody mouth.


The arrogant and overbearing power penetrated the whole body from both arms, and the energy and blood in Yi Feng's body surged, and a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and the whole body was shaken away heavily.

The Ancient Evil Dragon is indeed an existence at the level of the Ancient Overlord known as the "Eleventh Ancestral Dragon".

Han Xiao, who was in a state of madness, had almost unleashed all the ferocity of the ancient evil dragon bloodline.

Yifeng has inspired the power of Tianxie's dark thunder, and he is not Han Xiao's enemy!


Ling Ruoshui exclaimed and quickly flew to support Yifeng, "Are you okay?"

Yifeng raised his hand to wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said: "Weoshui, retreat quickly and go back to Xuandi City to bring in reinforcements! Leave it to me here!"


Ling Ruoshui grabbed Yifeng's arm tightly, "You alone are no match for them!"

There was a trace of bitterness on Yifeng's face, and he saw that more split bodies had rushed out of the thunder field, like monsters that were choosing people to eat, with blood-colored pupils staring at Yifeng and the two.

The shadow of death has already fallen.

And at this critical moment, a ray of sword light fell from the sky, directly crushing the split body that was rushing forward into powder.

Immediately afterwards, a figure whose whole body was burning with blazing flames stood in front of Yifeng and the others.

Surprisingly, it is Ling Feng!

The situation was so critical that Ling Feng couldn't care much.

After all, even according to the course of history, Yifeng and the others should not have died here.

And he also needs to use the power of Yi Feng to open the source of time and return to the future time and space.

No matter what, he must not die!

Ling Feng's long sword was burning with the Divine Fire of Heaven Refining. The blade of the sword was swept away, followed by raging fire, which instantly ignited the mountains and plains.

In an instant, the split bodies were burned to ashes by the Heavenly Refining Divine Fire, and the situation was instantly reversed.

With Ling Feng's cultivation at this moment, it is more than enough to suppress Han Xiao, who is only at the Immortal Emperor level of the Wheel Realm.

However, although Ling Feng destroyed most of the split bodies with one move, there were still countless black lights pouring out of Han Xiao's body, and he couldn't kill them all no matter how hard he killed them.

Unless, Han Xiao’s true self is directly eliminated.

However, whether considering the brotherhood between Yifeng and Han Xiao or the fact that his future son-in-law Han Tian also belongs to the ancient evil dragon lineage, Ling Feng is absolutely unwilling to kill Han Xiao unless it is absolutely necessary.

He could only keep taking action to deal with the attacking split bodies. However, this almost endless battle gave Ling Feng a headache.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Looking at Ling Feng's back, Yifeng was a little curious. He seemed to have never seen this person before. There seemed to be no such master in Xuan Emperor City who could kill a strong man of Han Xiao's level with one blow.

I'm afraid even if Xu Zun is here, he may not be able to face hundreds of completely out-of-control evil dragon descendants so easily.

"This is not important!"

Ling Feng didn't look back, but reminded in a deep voice: "If you don't want me to kill that guy directly, then quickly find a way to wake him up!"

Ling Ruoshui gritted his silver teeth and said, "He is right, Feng, we must find the source of Han Xiao's loss of control as soon as possible!"

Yifeng nodded, knowing that what Ling Ruoshui said was true.

However, the scene in front of him made him feel powerless as never before. If this mysterious person hadn't suddenly appeared in front of him, he and Ling Ruoshui might have died here today.

After a moment of silence, Yi Feng said in a deep voice: "Han Xiao sent me a message before, saying that he might have found the source of the Time Plague. His loss of control must also be related to the Time Plague. There is something that inspired his evil dragon bloodline. His ferocious nature made him completely out of control, but what I don't understand is that even the evil dragon bloodline is not enough to allow him to split into so many clones, and each one has almost the same power as his original body. ”

"It's a disordered timing!"

Ling Feng stared at Han Xiao who was out of control, and said in a deep voice: "I can see something similar to the tide of time and space in him. His body is like the exit of a time and space channel, and every split body that emerged from that exit is actually him! Maybe he was in the last second, or maybe he was in the next second! He at countless time points was thrown out of that exit all at once by that disordered time sequence!"

Ling Feng was silent for a moment before continuing: "It's like forcibly stripping off his existence in all different time and space, and all of them are concentrated at this moment!"

"Other time and space existences are stripped off..."

Yi Feng murmured, and suddenly, his eyelids jumped, "Wait! This... isn't this the opposite of the time plague disease?"

In the time plague disease, the time of the infected seems to be taken away by a special force, making them stay at a certain moment in their own perception.

And Han Xiao's situation is equivalent to Han Xiao at all times, all concentrated in that paused moment.

That is, at this moment!

"Could it be... that he is also suffering from the time plague?" Yi Feng took a breath of cold air. In the past six months, many of his clansmen and companions have died from the time plague.

But it was not until this moment that he discovered that the time plague had another manifestation.

"So, maybe it is because he found the source of the time plague that he became like this!" Ling Ruoshui gritted his teeth and analyzed: "We have to wake him up first!"

"How to do it? We can't even get close to him!"

Yi Feng clenched his fists, feeling extremely regretful.

If he had known earlier, he would not have entrusted Han Xiao to investigate the damn time plague, otherwise, Han Xiao would not have become like this!

"Why not..." Ling Ruoshui stared at Yi Feng and said in a deep voice: "Try your Requiem!"

Yi Feng's face darkened, "But... but the Requiem is not yet completed, I'm afraid..."

"Then complete it now!"

Ling Feng turned back to look at Yi Feng. At the time in the Chaos Scale Death Swamp, Yi Ting relied on the Requiem to suppress the final curse of the Demon Soul Hall Master Ning Kun at the cost of his life.

Ling Feng has personally experienced the power of the Requiem.

If Yi Feng can play the complete Requiem, perhaps, he can really wake up Han Xiao.

"If you want to save your friend, don't hesitate!"

Ling Feng waved his sword to suppress the split bodies that rushed over one by one. After seeing that those split bodies might be from Han Xiao at other times, Ling Feng did not dare to kill them directly.

After all, he didn't know what price Han Xiao would pay for killing these split bodies.

If he didn't do it well, he might really kill Han Xiao.

This was something he never wanted to see.

But in this case, Ling Feng is naturally more restrained.

After all, the Han Xiao in front of him is by no means a weakling. He not only merged the Dragon Emperor Relics of the Evil Dragon lineage, but also possessed the sacred object of the Evil Dragon lineage, the Evil Dragon Burning Heaven Wheel.

Hundreds of Han Xiaos activated the Evil Dragon Burning Heaven Wheel at the same time. Even Ling Feng, who had reached the sixth level of Broken, felt a little scalp numb when he saw it.

After all, the opponent's moves were fatal, and Ling Feng didn't dare to kill him.

Han Xiao's split bodies were still increasing, and Ling Feng's pressure would only become greater and greater.


Dragon Emperor Relics, Evil Dragon Burning Heaven Wheel...

For a moment, Ling Feng seemed to think of something.

He had found these treasures of the Evil Dragon lineage in the Ruins of No Fall and passed them to Han Tian.

And another treasure that was also buried in the Ruins of No Fall was the Source of Time!

Could it be...

Is this time plague actually related to the Source of Time?

"Feng, you can do it!"

At this moment, Ling Ruoshui took out the Tianshang Guqin. The next moment, the melodious sound of the guqin sounded. Ling Ruoshui wanted to use his own music as the foundation to pave the way for Yi Feng's "Requiem".

Using his own music to lead Yi Feng into the realm, if he can break through Ruoshui's realm, he will naturally break and then stand up, reaching a new realm.

Yi Feng looked at Ruoshui deeply, a smile appeared on his face, and then he took out the soul flute.

The reason why he created the requiem was because of his own Tianxie power, which was actually a very uncontrollable power.

In order to keep his mind clear, he learned music.

Later, under Ruoshui's guidance, the prototype of the requiem was gradually born.

It can be said that this requiem was actually completed by the cooperation of the two since its birth.

The next moment, the sound of the flute sounded.

The integration of Ruoshui's music really has the magical effect of cleansing the soul and washing away evil spirits.

Han Xiao's original body also gradually recovered from a completely out-of-control beast.

A trace of pain and confusion flashed in his blood-red pupils, and then he held his head tightly with both hands, as if he was trying his best to control the countless other split bodies.

A quarter of an hour...

Two quarters of an hour...

Gradually, Yi Feng's requiem completely broke through Ruoshui's piano realm, and Han Xiao, who was infected by the sound of the requiem flute, also sat cross-legged in meditation on the spot very calmly.

Although Han Xiao from other time and space would continue to split out of his body, all Han Xiaos sat quietly in the same place as the original body, and even completely restored their human form from the half-human, half-dragon form.


Ling Feng let out a long breath. He didn't expect that the Great Evil King's requiem was completed under such circumstances.

But in the end, it was a waste of money for that old dog Yi Ting!

Ling Feng looked at the many Han Xiaos and saw that their breaths had basically stabilized. He then walked quickly towards Yi Feng and said in a deep voice: "You can stop now. Your friend can already control the power in his body."

After hearing Ling Feng's words, Yi Feng stopped playing.

The soul-soothing flute had already been stained with Yi Feng's blood.

For his friend, Yi Feng had spent countless efforts.

And Ling Ruoshui's breath was obviously very weak. In order to guide Yi Feng, it can be said that she had endured most of the backlash of the soul. Otherwise, Yi Feng would never have been able to complete the soul-soothing song so smoothly.

When they were together, they supported each other and never left each other. Even if they were separated for tens of millions of years, they remained consistent and accompanied each other through life and death.

Such emotions are truly moving.

"Thank you very much!"

Yi Feng stared at Ling Feng, then helped Ruoshui stand up, and said in a deep voice: "Are you okay, Ruoshui?"

Ruoshui shook her head and smiled, but her pale face could not deceive anyone.

Ling Feng sighed lightly, took out a pill and handed it over, "This is a pill that can nourish the soul, it should be of some help to you."

"Thank you very much!"

Yi Feng thanked again, took the pill and put it into Ruoshui's mouth. Seeing that Ruoshui's complexion had recovered a little, he was surprised and said: "That's great!"

He turned back to look at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Who are you? You have helped me many times, but I don't know how to thank you!"

"Don't be busy."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, "I also have something to ask you for help, but before that, you should go see your friend first."

Ling Feng looked back at Han Xiao.

Although his condition was temporarily stable, the time plague disease on his body, or the reverse time plague disease, did not improve at all.

Almost every breath, another Han Xiao would be forcibly stripped from the original time and space to this place.

This also means that the Han Xiao in the future time and space may have been deeply trapped in the time plague.

"Han Xiao, what's going on?"

Yi Feng walked quickly to the side of this good brother, "What did you find?"

Han Xiao raised his head with difficulty, looked at Yi Feng deeply, and said in a deep voice: "There is a strange light in the mountain! I don't know what it is, but I saw many dead shadows appear in the light. I think it was that light that took away everyone's time and made them suffer from the time plague."

"I have sent people to investigate Bingfeng Ridge many times, why have I never seen the light you said..."

"The evil dragon vision of my evil dragon lineage can see some energy fluctuations that ordinary people cannot see. That rare time and space energy fluctuation is hidden in countless twisted time and space tides. Ordinary people, naturally, cannot see it..."

As Han Xiao spoke, the hair on his temples suddenly began to turn white, and the symptoms of aging began to appear. (End of this chapter)

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