Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 4027 Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror!

Three years later.

Tianbing Sanctuary.

In a field of frost-frozen ice and snow, an iceberg suddenly exploded.

Then, from under the iceberg, a long knife with cold light shot out. The light of the knife turned into tens of thousands of punches, almost completely annihilating the entire ice and snow world.

The next moment, a figure rose into the sky from the ice lake under the iceberg.

Dressed in white like snow, there is an extremely complicated divine pattern condensed between the eyebrows.

This person turned out to be Yan Jinghong!

After the battle of Tianfengyuan, Yan Jinghong returned to the Xantian Ice Clan to practice.

Time flies, and it has been more than three years.

"Jinghong, congratulations to you. It seems that your sky patrol pattern has unlocked the eighth seal!"

At this moment, an old man in a blue robe floated over, with transparent black ice under his feet. Every step he took, a layer of ice flowers automatically condensed.

And when his figure walked by, the ice flowers dissipated on their own and turned into frost air, surrounding him.

"Disciple Yan Jinghong, meet Mr. Bing!"

Yan Jinghong bowed to the old man.

In fact, since he entered the Xantian Ice Clan, although he was accepted as a registered disciple by Immortal Emperor Hao Cang, in fact, it was the old Bing in front of him who had been responsible for teaching Yan Jinghong's cultivation.

Since Yan Jinghong returned from Zangtian Fengyuan three years ago, he deeply felt the gap between himself and those top geniuses and peak immortals, so he began to practice hard day and night.

He stayed in this land of frost and snow for three full years.

In the past three years, he has actually unlocked several layers of seals on the Sky Patrolling Divine Mark, and his cultivation has actually reached the peak of the Immortal Realm.

Transformed by the original power of the ancient powerful divine pattern of the water system, the power of the Xuntian Ice Soul has become more and more powerful, and it is completely comparable to the direct bloodline of the Xuntian Ice Clan.

No, it has surpassed the ordinary direct lineage.

Not only that, he was only one step away from the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

The Sky Patrolling Mark that he accidentally obtained in the battlefield of all races has helped him completely transform, making every step he takes extremely smooth.

In addition, he obtained some dragon jade fragments of Taixu Zhoulong, especially the eyeball fragments, which made his soul source increasingly powerful, far surpassing that of his peers.

Of course, this is also due to the resource tilt and investment from the senior leaders of the Xuntian Ice Tribe. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to progress so quickly.

It has to be said that Yan Jinghong's choice to directly join the Xantian Ice Tribe was indeed a very wise choice.

"You're making very good progress."

Bing Lao nodded with great satisfaction, "Now, you can leave the border and go to the battlefield outside the territory to seek opportunities for breakthrough."

"Yes! Bing Lao!"

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

In the past few years, although he has been in retreat here, the news has not been blocked.

As the battles on the battlefield outside the territory became more and more frequent, more and more immortal-level geniuses among the seven major forces joined the battlefield.

Even Lan Bing'er and Lan Xiaoyu, two siblings, went to the battlefield not long after being promoted to Immortal Lord.

"Get ready. The fortress of the Ice Tribe that I patrol has been attacked frequently by demons in recent days. In three days, you will enter the battlefield with the new batch of reinforcements. Think about it, with your current strength, you may be able to surpass three Years ago, the Shuihan God of War, who appeared like a comet, became one of the Gods of War in a shorter period of time!"

Yan Jinghong nodded and said solemnly: "Disciple must do his best."

"But there's no need to force it."

Bing Lao shook his head and smiled, "The faster you rise, the faster you fall. After all, Shui Han's reputation is just a flash in the pan..."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath and remained silent.

However, he had a vague feeling in his heart.

Maybe, it won't be long before I meet Ling Feng on the battlefield outside the territory!

Chaos has arrived, and all the geniuses have gathered on the battlefield outside the territory.

Ling Feng, I'm afraid, is no exception.

If we meet again this time, I will definitely surprise you!

In just three years, he has become one of the top Immortal Lords, and has even been able to kill the ordinary low-level Sun Wheel Immortal Emperor. This strength is enough to be proud of!

Indeed, this kind of progress can be regarded as first-rate throughout the entire Immortal Realm.

It's a pity that compared with Ling Feng, he is destined to become a foil.

After all, no one can imagine what kind of cruel devil training Ling Feng has experienced in the past three years.

"Jinghong, I am going to the battlefield outside the territory. The old man will take over as Immortal Emperor Haocang. I will pass on your magic weapon. At this critical moment, you may be able to save your life."

Yan Jinghong's eyes narrowed and he saw Bing Lao take out a breast shield from his sleeve and hand it over.

"This is the Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror. It is a great source weapon. It was once a magical weapon left behind by a powerful person in the Ice Tribe."

Yan Jinghong's eyelids twitched, "Could it be..."

"That's right, it's Shui Ruowu who is the owner of the Sky Patrolling Divine Mark you got."

Bing Lao nodded slightly, "The Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror was originally his magical weapon. Unfortunately, it was damaged during the Demon-Slaying War. When it was left in the clan to rest, it fell on the battlefield again. Therefore, this treasure , and have been free."

After a pause, Bing Lao continued: "Immortal Emperor Haocang has been keeping this thing sealed for a long time. I never expected that he would hand it over to you."

Yan Jinghong heard the origin of this treasure and quickly took it with both hands.

Somehow, he seems to have a special connection with the senior named Shui Ruowu. First he got the inheritance of his original divine pattern, and now he got his natal avenue source weapon.

"Normally speaking, only a strong person who can control a trace of shattering power can control a great avenue source weapon, and the minimum level must be half a broken level. However, there are exceptions to everything. There is still a ray of water left in this ancient mirror of Xuanxiao. Ruowu's will, since you have obtained Shui Ruowu's original divine pattern, then Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror will naturally regard you as its master."

Yan Jinghong nodded slightly and injected a ray of mana into the ancient mirror.

Sure enough, soon, Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror resonated with him, and after a while, he felt that the origin of his soul and Xuanxiao Ancient Mirror seemed to be bound together.

The next moment, the ancient mirror turned into a golden light and merged directly into his body.

In an instant, Yan Jinghong's whole body was filled with golden light, and his whole body shone like it was forged with gold.

"It seems that this treasure has recognized you as its master. This black gold battle body is the symbol."

Bing Lao stroked his long beard, nodded slightly and said: "Jinghong, if you can use this Xuanxiao ancient mirror properly, unless the other party also controls the source of the avenue, even if it is broken in half a step, there will be nothing you can do! Wait for you If you succeed in being promoted to Immortal Emperor, you may have the strength to compete with half-step experts."

"Thank you, Mr. Bing!"

"If you want to thank me, please thank Master Hao Cang!"

Bing Lao narrowed his eyes, "I never expected that a foreigner would become Lord Hao Cang's most valued disciple."

Yan Jinghong took a deep breath. Indeed, he was able to achieve his current achievements thanks to the training of the Xantian Ice Clan.

Originally, he only wanted to help Ling Feng get some information. By the way, he also felt that he was more conducive to his own cultivation among the Ice Clan, so he joined the Xantian Ice Clan.

But today, to say that he has no gratitude at all to the Xuntian Ice Clan would be too cold-blooded.

Maybe in the past, he only felt that he deserved all this, but after being influenced by Ling Feng, he has become a little more humane.

If Ling Feng really kills the Xantian Ice Clan in the future, he doesn't know how he should deal with it.

Shaking his head and sighing, Yan Jinghong clenched his fists. He could only wait until the future to talk about the future.

Seeing Yan Jinghong's frown, Binglao thought he was worried about the situation on the front line. He shook his head and said with a smile, "You don't have to worry too much. Although the demons have been very aggressive in the past few years, they haven't taken any big advantage."

"Also, there is one more thing I need to remind you."

Binglao stared at Yan Jinghong and said in a deep voice: "In the past few years, Emperor Yiting has secretly sent out the elites of the Thunder Clan to recover the fragments of dragon jade scattered in various places. I am afraid that most of the fragments have been gathered in in his hands."

After a pause, Bing Lao then continued: "Jinghong, although you are a disciple of the Ice Clan and a strong man from the Thunder Clan that patrols the sky, I dare not do anything to you for the time being, but after all, you still have dragon jade fragments hidden in your body. Proceed with caution."

"Disciple understands!"

Yan Jinghong nodded. In fact, everyone with a discerning eye knew it well.

Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's so-called "treasures can only be found by those who can possess them" is just nonsense.

His purpose is to make all the monks in the entire fairyland become his "treasure hunters". Once these scattered fragments are collected, he will send a small group of people to take them away from the people who collected the fragments. For him, it naturally saves him a lot of trouble.

But despite this, the monks in the Immortal Realm still couldn't resist the temptation of the dragon jade fragments, and they would all search for this treasure.

Even if he ends up becoming Immortal Emperor Yi Ting's wedding dress, at least during this period of time, he can gain the power of the dragon jade fragments and improve his cultivation level, so it is not in vain.

In addition, everyone has a sense of luck. As long as you hide it deep enough and well enough, the Thunder Clan who patrol the sky may not be able to find it.

"Next step, his goal may be the relatively complete fragments in the hands of the major forces."

Bing Lao sighed softly, "Although the major forces are probably unwilling to give up such treasures, the demon clan's big move this time has given Emperor Zun a legitimate opportunity."

Bing Lao said it quite implicitly, just a few words. As for whether Yan Jinghong can understand it on his own, it depends on his own understanding.

Yan Jinghong was not stupid, and he quickly figured out the reason.

This time the demons invaded in a large scale. Although the war was still spreading on the battlefield outside the territory for the time being, as more and more monks entered the battlefield, the casualties continued to be heavy.

More and more of the elites and geniuses that the major forces have cultivated with great effort are falling.

If this war drags on, it will most likely be as tragic as the ancient wars between demons.

In that era, even the ten great ancestral dragons were in decline.

Later, the Tiandao clan rose, but due to the huge losses in that war, they were eventually betrayed and ended up almost extinct.

Nowadays, it is impossible for major forces not to consider these.

And if Immortal Emperor Yi Ting takes this opportunity, let the other major forces hand over all the fragments of dragon jade, and he will refine the complete power of the ancestral dragon and the dragon source, and advance to the supreme realm of immortality.

He will have the strength to turn the tide and completely defeat the demon clan.

And looking at the entire Immortal Realm, he is indeed the only one who has this qualification.

After all, he is the most powerful person in the Immortal Realm, the supreme being who stands at the pinnacle of the Immortal Way.

Therefore, the more fiercely the demons fight, the more Immortal Emperor Yi Ting is happy to see. In the past few years, he has only practiced in seclusion in the Tianchu Thunder Territory, and has almost never appeared in any public places. On the surface, he is practicing, but in fact, he is putting pressure on the seven major forces.

Although Yan Jinghong was not interested in the previous open and secret fights between these high-level powerful men, he also knew that if Immortal Emperor Yi Ting really obtained most of the dragon jade fragments and his cultivation level improved, then Ling Feng would The situation is probably even more dangerous.

Although what he can do is very limited, first, he must keep his fragments.

"Okay, I won't go on nagging anymore. You are a smart man and know how to protect yourself."

Bing Lao gently patted Yan Jinghong's shoulder. After many years of getting along, the two of them were more like real masters and disciples.

Yan Jinghong watched Bing Lao leave, feeling the gentle energy fluctuations coming from the Xuanxiao ancient mirror in his body, and tightened his fists.

After many years of seclusion, Yan Jinghong was finally able to go out and show off his skills. At this moment, Yan Jinghong was excited and a little expectant.

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng, I wonder how we will meet again?"

Foreign battlefield, Wangshu Fortress.

"Hey, it's been three years."

On top of the city tower, a handsome man wearing armor strode to the side of a woman in front of him, "He hasn't come back for three years, I'm afraid..."

After hearing what the armored man said, the woman standing in front of the crenel turned back and gave him a cold look.

The terrifying murderous aura scared the man to the point where he collapsed to the ground.

Under the weight of terror, the armored man felt a little out of breath, and quickly raised his hands to beg for mercy, "Auntie, I am your eldest nephew!"

But it turns out that this armored man is actually the useless prince, Yu Qiubai, who was once known as "the shame of the Immortal Lord".

These years of experience on the battlefield have made him grow a lot.

His demeanor and demeanor were vaguely like a general's.

It's a pity that after being frightened by Yu Bingqing, his true colors were revealed.

"Yu Qiubai, do you know how to speak with your bad mouth?"

A muscular man with a slightly rich figure and a strong back also walked over.

But seeing his resolute face, sharp edges and corners, and his breath as thick as a mountain, who would have thought that this guy is actually the former Fatty Huang, Huang Yuan!

After the big changes in his life, this fat man was completely transformed.

In just a few years, he has started from scratch, and now he has become a commander based on his military exploits.

Now he should be considered the pride of his father.

"See Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Huang Yuan stopped seven steps away from Yu Bingqing. Now Yu Bingqing's temperament has completely changed from before.

If we say she used to be like a passionate red rose.

Now she is more like a proud red plum standing in the cold wind.

The same beautiful face, but a completely different temperament.

Part of this is due to the influence of the essence and blood of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, and the other part may be due to the painful waiting, which gradually becomes numb and deep.

"Second cousin, don't I just want to comfort my aunt? My uncle has been gone for three years, and he will not live until he is alive... ahem..."

When Yu Qiubai said the word "death", he quickly raised his eyelids and glanced at Yu Bingqing. Seeing that she didn't get angry, he breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: "Anyway, it's been so long, it's not good to be so depressed all the time. "

Yu Bing gave him a clear look, "I'm very fine, and he will be fine, he will definitely come back!"

"I think so."

Fatty Huang nodded heavily, "Who is Boss Shui Han? Even if he is a real monster, he still has to fight his way back from the eighteenth level of hell!"

"You have something to say."

Yu Bingqing glared at these two guys angrily, "You've been sneaking around behind for a long time. Do you think I didn't notice you?"


Yu Qiubai scratched the back of his head and then said with a smile: "Actually, it's like this. Auntie, please don't be angry after hearing this."

"Do I look like someone who gets angry for no reason?"

"Just... that's right. Didn't you get promoted to the three-star God of War not long ago?"

Yu Qiubai hesitated and said: " that..."

Yu Bingqing glared at him, then turned to look at Fatty Huang, "Huang Yuan, tell me!"

"Hmph, it's not the Xuntian Lei Clan. Those bullies covet your qualifications, Princess Eldest, so they sent a half-step elder and then brought some Immortal Emperor to come and talk about marrying us, the Great Yu Immortal Court. This No, everyone is already here, and Prince Su and the Grand Governor are waiting for me. Your Highness, please consider the overall situation, why don't you come forward to deal with it?"

The more Fatty Huang spoke, the softer his voice became, "If...if you really don't want to, I...I'll go back and resume my life right now."


Yu Bingqing smiled coldly, and in her beautiful eyes, a ray of coldness flashed away, "See you, why don't you see me? The overall situation is more important!"


Fatty Huang was stunned for a moment. Yu Bingqing's demeanor looked a little eye-catching.

"Let's go!"

Yu Bingqing's figure swept away and jumped directly from the tower. She knew very well that as a woman, from the moment she aroused the colossus of the gods, some things were inevitable.

Instead of causing trouble again and again, it would be better to get rid of it once and for all!

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