Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 3946 Crimson Blood Moon!

"As expected of the boss!"

Ling Feng flew back to his teammates. Fatty Huang immediately came up to him with saliva on his face, gave a thumbs up and said: "Invincible!"

Yu Qiubai scratched the back of his head and called Yu Bingqing fearfully, "Auntie."


For a moment, Meng Chong and other soldiers all stared wide-eyed.

Naturally, they still knew the eldest princess Yu Bingqing.

Yu Qiubai had called Ling Feng "uncle" one after another before.

Is it possible?

Everyone gasped. This amount of information was too much, but they had never heard that Her Royal Highness the Princess was married.

Moreover, it seems that she did not refute!

In fact, Ling Feng was still holding Yu Bingqing's shoulders at this moment!

Ling Feng's old face felt hot, and he quickly let go of Yu Bingqing, coughed a few times, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone rush on at full speed!"


Meng Chong looked back at Yu Bingqing and said with a dry smile: "Is Her Royal Highness the Princess also with us? The Commander-in-Chief did not seem to have mentioned it before..."

"Is it considered a secret if I mention it to you?"

Yu Bingqing glared at Meng Chong angrily, "This is my princess' secret mission, of course you don't know!"

"I see……"

Although Meng Chong had doubts, he did not dare to question Yu Bingqing. He could only laugh a few times, and the group of people spread out their body skills and moved forward quickly.

In the space of this extraterrestrial battlefield, there is no distinction between day and night, but the positions of the three blood moons on the horizon will continue to change.

So much so that during the first quarter of the crimson blood moon, the temperature plummeted, almost to freezing point.

And when the light red blood moon hangs in its first quarter, the temperature will skyrocket, and the earth will almost be burned into magma.

Only when March is on the same line are temperatures relatively normal.

According to external time conversion, each transition from extreme cold to extreme heat lasts about five days.

That is, five days in the outside world is approximately equal to one day in the battlefield outside the territory.

Even at full speed, it would take nearly a day and a night (outside time) to reach the Quexie Fortress of the Xuantian Mountain Clan.

Of course, this is without any obstacles.

If you encounter harassment from demons every now and then, this time will be extended a lot.

However, this is not a bad thing for Ling Feng.

The more demons he kills, the faster his mass killing technique improves.

Although Ling Feng was using the Ice Law, the Great Killing Technique was circulating in his body, and the killing energy became even more intense.

After previously refining the killing blood of the Blood Hell Dragon, the condensed killing mark became more condensed and complex.

I have to say that we have come to the right place for this extraterrestrial battlefield.

If it were any other place, there wouldn't be so many demons for him to kill.

After half a day.

Ling Feng flew over and landed on a hill.

Looking around, everything he could see was desolate and decadent. The ground was bare and dark, and even the blood sprinkled on it had a strange dark brown color.

The erosion of demonic energy is indeed terrifying.

"The crimson blood moon is about to expire!"

At some point, Meng Chong flew to Ling Feng's side and said in a deep voice: "Brother Shui Han, everything will freeze soon and the temperature will drop to freezing point. The cold air in this world is different from ordinary ice laws and can freeze monks Even the powerful Immortal Master is not completely immune to his soul."

After hearing this, Ling Feng looked back and saw his other teammates, and as expected they all started to tremble.

Looking up, the crimson blood moon exuded a strange luster.

Although this kind of cold air will not affect Ling Feng, other teammates will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

The speed of traveling will also be greatly slowed down.

Ling Feng frowned, but heard Meng Chong continue: "This is the first time for you to come to the battlefield outside the territory, and you don't know the situation here. When you arrived at the battlefield outside the territory, it happened to be the first line of March, and the temperature was relatively Suitable, but in extremely cold or hot conditions, corresponding demonic life will grow rapidly.

"Demons who have adapted to the extremely cold climate, such as those frost trolls, will begin to become more violent and their strength will be greatly increased."

Meng Chong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "As far as I know, if we want to reach Quexie Fortress, we must pass through a frost troll station. We just happened to catch up with the Crimson Blood Moon."

"It seems that it is indeed difficult."

Ling Feng watched the crimson blood moon rising higher and higher in the sky, and the temperature became lower and lower.

Together with several of Tong Xing's fellow immortals, their bodies began to be covered with a thin layer of frost.

Once you stop moving, your hands and feet will slowly become stiff.

They were still Immortal Lords. It was unimaginable how much suffering the Immortal Lords would suffer in such a climate.

"Oh my god, what a damn weather!"

Fatty Huang let out a breath of cold air and shivered, "I'm going to freeze you to death, fat man!"

"Second...Second cousin, are just fat, I...I am the one who froze to death!"

Yu Qiubai was trembling all over, and his upper and lower teeth were fighting desperately.

"You know what the heck, this... this coldness, it's getting deep into your bones!"

Fatty Huang cursed and could only jump back and forth in place, barely keeping his body from being numb from the cold.

Ling Feng thought for a moment, then took out a bottle of elixir from the Naling Ring and handed it to Meng Chong, "General Meng, this elixir can mobilize the power of life energy and blood in the body, so it should be able to resist this cold air."

"Thank you!"

Meng Chong poured out a pill and drank it. The next moment, a warm current escaped from his dantian.

Sure enough, with this heat flowing through the body, it can actually dispel the cold.

"This elixir is really magical!"

Meng Chong sighed in admiration and immediately distributed the elixir.

However, when it was sent to Yu Bingqing, Yu Bingqing waved her hand and refused.

She possesses the energy and blood power of the Blood Hell Heavenly Dragon, so this bit of cold air has almost no effect on her.

When it comes to having a monster physique, Ling Feng is the first among those present, and she can be considered the second.

After a while, everyone recovered a little, and Ling Feng led everyone on their way.

At this moment, two figures flew from a distance.

" me quickly! Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Everyone looked at them, but they were clearly Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang.

"It's really haunting!"

Yu Bingqing cursed in a low voice. She didn't expect that she had already sneaked out of Wangshu Fortress, and these clinging guys actually followed her all the way here.

In a short time, Du Yutang and his two men had already rushed in front of everyone.

Both of them looked very embarrassed, with wounds on their faces and bodies, and their clothes were filled with a strong smell of blood.

That is the blood of the demons!

"Your Highness the Princess!"

Qi Yunchang panted and looked at Yu Qiubai, and said anxiously: "It's great that you are all here. Go and save Brother Wang. We followed you all the way here, but we encountered a large group of frost demons. There is also a mutated frost troll among them, and the three of us are no match! Huh...huh..."

Seeing that Qi Yunchang was still panting, Du Yutang hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Brother Qi and I managed to escape with great difficulty, but Brother Wang was stopped by the mutant demon. We thought to ourselves, Your Royal Highness Princess, you and Brother Shuihan." , must be nearby, I can only come to you for help!"

Ling Feng glanced at Du Yutang. The two men were covered in injuries, and they didn't look like they were lying.

"Help me!"

Yu Bingqing frowned and said, "Do you know how heavy our mission is! For the sake of you guys who are not successful enough and are prone to failure, why should we miss the big event of asking for help!"


Du Yutang's expression changed slightly, "Even so, after all, we are doing this for your Royal Highness, the eldest princess..."

"Huh, did I, the princess, ask you to follow me?"

Yu Bingqing snorted softly. She had no good impressions of these three young masters at all, and wished they were all dead.

What's more, Du Yutang is sinister and vicious, who knows if he is harboring something evil.

"That's fine!"

Du Yutang clenched his fists, turned around, and gritted his teeth and said: "It's fine that Her Royal Highness the Princess is unwilling to rescue, but I can't just sit idly by. Brother Wang is the great-great-grandson of Situ Gong, and he can't just die on the battlefield like this!"

With that said, he was going back the way he came.

Qi Yunchang also immediately echoed: "Brother Du, I will go with you. The worst is that our three brothers will die on the battlefield together!"

"You! You! Are you bringing Sangong out to suppress me?"

Yu Bingqing was so angry that her teeth itched. These three people were the direct descendants of the Three Dukes of Dayu. If they all died, the Three Dukes would be furious.

When the time comes, it will be difficult for her, the eldest princess, to explain.

After all, the reputation and status of the three princes were so great that even Emperor Yu was afraid of them.

"I don't dare!" Du Yutang shook his head, "I just don't know what Guild Situ will think when the time comes."


Yu Bingqing gritted her teeth and her brows almost turned into an inverted figure.

Ling Feng naturally saw Yu Bingqing's difficulty, patted her shoulder gently, and said warmly: "It doesn't matter, just go and take a look."


Yu Bingqing pursed her lips and lowered her voice: "I'm afraid they are cheating and it will be bad for you!"

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to solve the hidden danger directly?"


Yu Bingqing's eyes narrowed. Yes, she has gotten close to Ling Feng recently and feels that he seems quite easy to talk to.

I have almost forgotten that back in the Imperial Gate ruins, he was a ruthless man who killed everyone and killed everyone with great force.

If Du Yutang and the others dare to plot against Ling Feng, they are really seeking death themselves.

"Okay, I know what's going on."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, and immediately stopped Du Yutang and said loudly: "Brother Du, after all, we are all colleagues of Dayu Immortal Court now, how can we just sit idly by and do nothing! Let's do this, we will divide our forces into two groups."

After a pause, Ling Feng looked at Meng Chong and said slowly: "General Meng, lead the army and continue to advance. Her Royal Highness the Princess and I will go with Brother Du and the others to rescue Brother Wang!"


Meng Chong frowned and sighed softly, but he had seen Ling Feng's strength before, so he said no more, "Okay, then, brother Shuihan, be careful, we will wait for you in front!"

Fatty Huang and Yu Qiubai looked at each other. Although he wanted to show off and go with Ling Feng, his strength did not allow him.

"Very good!"

When Du Yutang heard this, he immediately turned around with a smile and said, "Brother Shui, I really saw you right! You are such a warm-hearted, heroic and courageous person!"


Ling Feng sneered a few times and didn't bother to make excuses with him. He just said in a deep voice: "Lead the way!"

"This way!"

Du Yutang's eyes narrowed, and a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes, but he hid it very well.

Not long after, Ling Feng and his party arrived at a gathering place of the Frost Demon Clan.

These low-level demons all look similar, they are some hideous dwarfs, only about one meter tall, but they move very fast, making it hard to guard against them.

The difference between the frost demons and the low-level demons encountered before is that most of their skin is blue.

Under the influence of the crimson blood moon, the ice blood in the frost trolls is greatly amplified, and their strength will become more terrifying.

"That's over there!"

Du Yutang pointed to the front, and Wang Anyi was surrounded by the frost demons at this moment.

The one fighting with him was a huge monster with a body size of more than five meters away.

Generally speaking, only one frost troll will mutate among hundreds of thousands of ordinary frost demons.

And this frost troll is so tall and majestic, his aura is infinitely close to the realm of the Demon Emperor, and even surpasses some ordinary immortal emperors with weaker foundation.

No wonder Du Yutang and the other two were unable to do anything to this troll and fled in panic.

Wang Anyi faced the troll, and although he used numerous magic weapons, he was still in a mess.

Behind him, a huge golden war god statue stood tall, facing the rounds of attacks from the frost troll, but it was already very strenuous.


The frost troll, holding a thick frost pillar in his hand, smashed heavily at Wang Anyi.

Wang Anyi manipulated the golden war god statue to collide with it, but was still bounced away, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

If no one rescued him, he would die of exhaustion in three more moves.

"Brother Shui Han, the power of this frost troll has mutated to a level comparable to that of the fourth-level immortal emperor in the Moon Wheel Realm, and it is not something we can fight hard. You are the fastest, you go to rescue my brother, and we and Her Royal Highness the Princess will attack the frost troll from behind to give you a chance to escape!"

Du Yutang said in a deep voice with an anxious look on his face.

"Okay!" Ling Feng nodded, and agreed to Du Yutang's plan very happily. Du Yutang was so happy that he was stunned. This guy, doesn't he suspect that there is a trick? He is really a fool! Du Yutang sneered in his heart, and then he said loudly: "Let's act without delay!" "Of course!" Ling Feng nodded, and then his figure immediately turned into a flash of lightning and rushed down directly. Du Yutang and Qi Yunchang looked at each other. After all, Yu Bingqing was here, so they had to act in full. At the same time, they drew their weapons and flew towards the frost troll. Yu Bingqing also shouted, clenched her fists, and a blood-colored dragon rose from her back! It was the Blood Prison Dragon Dharma! After a period of running-in, her control over the blood and qi power of the Blood Prison Dragon has reached the level of perfection. In an instant, Yu Bingqing's figure flashed, accompanied by a dragon roar. This was not a sneak attack from behind, but an attempt to suppress the frost troll with her own strength!

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