Chaos Fiend

Chapter 360: Run away

"What should we do?" Tian Nanfei, Manxingtian and Dragon Snake King finally thought of this problem. (((Catino Novel Network )))

On this trip, they dealt with Ye Chen with confidence that they would win. They never expected to lose. After all, they are the most talented people among the hundreds, barbarians, and demons. What the Empire means to kill chickens and tamarins, but what do they lose? They never thought what would happen if they lost.

"Yes, I have to ask you this, what will you do if you lose?" Ye Chen laughed. "It's always been you who are provoking me. Now I have seen your strongest means. There is nothing I can do about it. You still do n’t know. Do you know your strength? "

"We can't lose! Everyone shot together, you also shot!" Tian Nanfei looked at the Cyclops, the Golden Man, the Giant, the Ice and Fire Girls, and the demons and the barbarians, although the barbarians only left The two weak demon emperors, Bingchan Demon Emperor and Bingbi Emperor Scorpion, "I don't believe he can be our opponent when we shot together!"

"Yes, let's do it together!" Dragon and Serpent Emperor Road, "Combined with all our attack methods, even the peak strong we can hurt, why can't he die!"

"Not only must you shoot together, but you must also take out your life-saving cards!" Said Bruce Xingtian, "I don't believe that the people behind you will let you come here without giving you life-saving cards!"

"No." Tian Nanfei and Dragon and Snake Emperor refused at the same time. "Once you take out your life cards, even if you kill Ye Chen, once Dongfang Wuji waits for someone to do something, we will all die here and we will not escape. . Maybe he would care about his face before he shot, but if we killed Ye Chen, wouldn't he have a reason to do it? It can be said that he avenged his son-in-law, and then killed our geniuses justly! "

"That way, just follow you!" Barbara Tiandao, "Then we will try our best to kill! Barbarian fist! Foot on the world!"

Man Xingtian once again condensed two fists in the void and pinched against Ye Chen, and at the same time his two feet joined in, and the void merged to form a huge big foot, stepping on Ye Chen.

After the two moves were released, the savage breath dropped directly to the freezing point, and it was no longer possible to release such a big move.

Seeing that Xing Xingtian made such a move, the Dragon and Snake Emperor turned into a dragon again, "Blasting Dragon Breath!"

Although it is also Dragon Breath, this time the earthy yellow Dragon Breath of the Dragon Snake Emperor is also doped with silky black spots. This is a toxin formed by his essence and blood. The power of the previous Dragon Snake Whip Poison may not work. But adding his essence and blood this time, the toxin will definitely cause damage to Ye Chen.

"I am heaven, heaven is me, my word is heaven, I say you die, you die!" Tian Nanfei must not be outdone, the eyes of heaven opened again, this time he did not use the power of space, but With pure spiritual power, he gave people a feeling of being integrated into the world, and exerted the strongest power he could really exert. An inexplicable power was born in the void and killed Ye Chen.

After the attack was released, his third eye was closed directly, his breath was directly faint, his face was pale, and even his standing was unstable. It can be seen that his killing of Ye Chen was the heaviest among the crowd. He was completely Consumed ninety-nine percent of his mental strength.

The other people of the hundred races saw Tian Nanfei desperately, and were not willing to show weakness. The one-eyed troll, the golden man, and the giant all came up with their housekeeping skills, the power was doubled again, and they killed Ye Chen.

The same is true of the ice girl and the fire girl. The two girls also showed their good looks at the first time. They came out of the ice fire. Of course, the surface of the body was covered with a layer of ice and fire. ** But they were barefoot. All the fire and ice of the gushing out, combined again to become the ice and fire Nine Heavens, although previously blocked by Ye Chen, but this time they used almost all the power, and increased their power by quantity.

The combination of attacks of the five races that took another five days was comparable to the silver seven stars. You must know that their strength is only the silver five stars.

Genius geniuses are not to be outdone, they all add their own blood, after all, the life of the monster tribe is ten times higher than that of humans.

Finally, the remaining two demon emperors of the barbarians, the ice toad demon and the ice emperor scorpion are desperate. The hatred of the ice toad demon and ye chen cannot be resolved, he directly consumed 90% of his essence, can Said Ye Chen would not die if he could not be killed.

The Bingbi Emperor Scorpion turned into the body. Seeing the appearance of the Bingchan Demon Emperor, he also consumed 90% of the blood. After all, he almost killed Ye Chen last time. If Ye Chen had a bit of revenge, he would certainly die. !!

"Ice emperor's chew!" The faint green barb on his tail stabbed out, and it seemed to be extremely poisonous.

"It's all poison!" The Ye family was frightened, very worried that Ye Chen would have a terrible end if he couldn't resist the poison.

However, the masters such as Dongfang Wuji are looking at Tian Nanfei. Tian Nanfei's eyes are really strong. If they are replaced by their masters of the same level, maybe they will see who is the second. After all, Tian Nanfei is silver. Five stars released the peak power of the silver eight stars.

As for the strong Xingtian and the Dragon and Snake Emperors, they are still far behind Tiannanfei.

But think about it, Tian Nanfei is now the only genius that is similar to Ye Chen. When I first met, it was the level of the green martial artist to the blue general. Now Ye Chen is silver, and Tian Nanfei is also silver. There are several levels of fighting, so Tian Nanfei has already matched or even surpassed Ye Chen in his talents, which is naturally much better than Man Xing Tian and Dragon and Snake Emperor.

"Let's see how you resist this time!" All the three major ethnic groups all have the same idea. If Ye Chen can still resist this, then they would rather die.

"Hey." But in the face of so many powerful attacks, Ye Chen smiled. He was not a fool. Tiannanfei's attacking method that consumed 99% of his mental power was as good as his full blow against His Holiness the Dead. , Is also his strongest strength now, even if he releases all attacks to resist the attack of Tian Nanfei, but what about others? The Dragon and Snake Emperor, the Barbarians, and the geniuses of various ethnic groups, Ye Chen, they released the attack could not resist.

Although Ye Chen is confident, he also knows that his physical body cannot resist so many attacks. If he resists forcibly, he will be severely hit if he does not die, so this time he directly resisted with a sea boat and pulled all his attack power into the sea boat. The power of Zhongshenjing does not need to be used in vain, anyway, it cannot be consumed on the Phoenix continent.

"You, our attack? How is that possible ?!" Tian Nanfei had seen Ye Chen Haizhou in secret, but at that time the sea boat was not so strong, why was Ye Chen pulled in to attack it?

Ye Chen ignored the Nannan Fei, and looked directly at the Emperor Bingchan and the Emperor Bingbi Scorpion. "You two can die!"

After that, Ye Chen attacked and attacked in the past. The two demon emperors were the weakest. In addition, it was already the end of the crossbow and was killed by Ye Chen.

"How about you? Do you still want to resist?" Ye Chen looked at Tian Nanfei and others.

"Don't we resist being caught by you obediently?" Until now, only the final hole cards can be used, and Tian Nanfei can't help it anymore. It is the most important thing to be able to leave here. This last hole card is also what he used to face. The reason for confidently escaping the three peak powers, of course, there are obviously no three peak powers in the dark empire, and there are also Xing Xing Tian and Dragon Serpent Emperor, the three of them finally took out the cards, and it should be appropriate to escape here Yes.

"Do you have any other cards, use them!" Ye Chen said.

Tian Nanfei heard the words and sent the voice to the Dragon and Snake Emperor He Xing Tian Dao, "Now don't think about killing Ye Chen. Use any hole cards as soon as possible. After I go back, my hundred and barbarians will attack the darkness together. Empire, for the shame of today. "

"I said earlier that you should use your respective hole cards. You have to be so." Xing Xingtian is slightly upset. If you use it early, maybe you can kill Ye Chen, now you can only use it to escape.

"All blame me, run together!" Tian Nanfei first blamed himself, then took the lead, and his mouth was still arrogant, "Ye Chen, forgive you today, we have a chance to see you again! Your next life will take your life, Emperor Tianyan , Twist space, drive! "

Tian Nanfei's voice dropped, a Tian eye appeared on his palm, Tian eye fell with his voice, Tian eye self-destructed in the palm, a dark space was formed in situ, and then he disappeared with all the other people.

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