Chaos Fiend

Chapter 317: Dark world

Seeing Dongfang Zhige and others with serious expressions, Ye Chen also stared at them carefully and wanted to see what they were going to do?

Dongfang Tianqin and Dongfang Batian are also very curious. I do n’t know what cards Dongfang Zhige and others have. Dragon horns, dragon teeth, dragon claws, and dragon scales have been snatched by Ye Chen. Without these, they still have what?

But then Dongfang Tianqin didn't feel right. He had contacted the father emperor before, and now they come back again, does it mean the father emperor? Or what cards did the Emperor give them?

While everyone was thinking, a black ball appeared in the hands of Dongfang Zhige. Dongfang Jade, Dongfang Qing and others instantly gathered their whole body power to Dongfang Zhige. It was through the previous martial arts team that Dongfang Zhige Strength and breath are also increasing. After reaching the limit, Dongfang Zhige yelled, "The dark world is coming. --- End of the United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance ))) "

The black sphere in his hand instantly zoomed in, enveloping the surrounding 100 meters in the black sphere.

"How is it possible that the Father Emperor will give you the dark world." After being enveloped by the dark world, the Oriental bully did not dare to give way, "Why would he give you this."

"Why did you give it to us? You still asked us?" Dongfang Zhige was furious. "Still, return our things to us, or else, you have to kill Ye Chen. You know , The previous order of the father emperor was only to suppress Ye Chen, but now it doesn't matter whether he lives or not, we can see how angry the father emperor was after hearing that our dragon horns, claws and other things were snatched by Ye Chen! "

"Ye Chen, otherwise you can take it out, you won't need it anyway." Dongfang Batian was a little worried, but he thought of Xuan Li and others looking at Ye Chen's eyes and thought that he should be a bit nosy. Ye Chen seems to be the existence of the master of Tianyinmen.

Ye Chen shrugged his shoulders. After all, it was stolen by the Ice Dragon Dragon Spirit, and he couldn't command. It was impossible to get the Ice Dragon Dragon Spirit, so Ye Chen shifted the topic and said, "What is this dark world?"

After speaking, Ye Chen looked around and found that except that it was a little darker than the outside world, except that he could clearly see the circular enchantment, there was nothing special. If he said something, it might make him feel a bit depressed.

"This is our dark empire that has been passed down for a long time." Dongfang Tianqin said, "It is rumored that before the death of our Oriental family Valkyrie-class strongman, he forcibly condensed his realm into this dark world. He also died afterwards. It can be said that the dark world was a martial arts-level strongman who used his life's strength to condense. Within the dark world, the children of our Oriental family can enhance different strengths according to the strength of their bloodlines, like me and My siblings are about ten times more powerful. "

"That was the case." Ye Chen nodded, in his cognition, it seemed to be equivalent to an artifact of increasing strength, which is somewhat the same as Haizhou. After all, Haizhou was left to Ye family by Ye Feifan, and this dark world is also an Oriental family. His ancestors left it to future generations of the Dongfang family, "but it looks like they are not ten times stronger than my opponent."

"Hehe, pretend to be strong! We have improved our strength through the Wuhuang formation, and we are using the Dark Realm to increase our power tenfold. What are you fighting with us? Here we are almost invincible! Then do you see them?" Dongfangzhi Ge pointed to those soldiers and said, "Why are they the elites carefully cultivated by our family, because they have more or less blood from our Eastern family in their bodies, they are the elites of our Dark Empire in the East China Sea, and I have already The martial arts team passed them on, plus oriental jade as a carrier, hum, their total strength is not weaker than us. And you are relying on a silver peak, and our strength is beyond Under your silver pinnacles, you still have a good grasp! "

"Then let's try it out!" Ye Chen has not had much interest in the people of the generation of Dongfang Zhige after experiencing the battle with Qian Qianyue, not that he pretends to be a force, but fights with you. They are all big-class characters, and suddenly there is a junior, he is not as interested as before, and summoned the mantis demon leader directly.

"Huh, come on!" Dongfang Zhi Geben accepted the increase of Wu Huang Zhen, plus the increase of the dark world, the strength has approached the silver peak of the imperial field. At this time, he also swelled to the extreme. Just now The humiliation suffered is also to be found.

"Roar!" On the other side, hundreds of elite warriors roared. They were almost all the most marginal figures in the family of the Eastern family and had very little blood, but the education they received from childhood was to give their lives to the royal family. Their highest honor, now the royal family not only gave them tasks, but also taught them such a powerful array of martial arts, they even want to fight for the royal family, and even give their lives.

Hundreds of elite warriors formed a torrent, and Oriental Jade, as a carrier of hundreds of elite warriors, accepted this huge force, and his body involuntarily expanded. After passing through the dark world, his strength was not weak. In Dongfang Zhige, he also understood Dongfang Zhige's state of mind at this time.

If he didn't use these things, he would never know he could be so powerful, and his heart would swell up. Before, he had always tried to provoke the relationship between several people through verbal runs. Now that he has strength, he finds out how ridiculous he has been before. All conspiracy and tricks are paper tigers in front of absolute strength.

Dongfang Zhige and Dongfang Jade took out weapons and hammers one after another. Ye Chen found that the Dongfang family ’s weapons were basically hammers, which looked domineering, powerful, and extraordinary in power. The Dongfang family looked more like a little white-faced family, handsome men , Using a hammer looks awkward.

Of course, this time the hammers are also different. Dongfang Zhige's hammer is a black dragon hammer, and even the shape of the hammer is like a dragon head. When it is waved, it is like a dragon whistling and soaring.

Oriental Jade's hammer is more ordinary. It looks like a heavy two-handed hammer, falling from the sky, and it seems to blast the earth.

The praying mantis demon leader did not show weakness, and rushed towards the two. Its body was his own weapon. His arms sickle chopped to Dongfang Zhige's sledge hammer, and his four arms greeted Dongfang Jade's two-handed hammer from the sky.

"Boom!" The loud voice sounded, and the leader of the praying mantis demon was blasted directly into the ground, punching a deep pit. At the same time, the sand was buried toward the center from all sides, and it was buried in the east. Dongfang Jade may be a little less powerful than the Mantis Demon leader, but after the two combined, they completely surpassed the Mantis Demon leader.

"Ye Chen, did you see it? Your men were killed by us all at once, and we were not arrested!" Dongfang Zhige and Dongfang Jade hit the mantis demon leader into the ground with a single stroke and burst into laughter.

"It's so easy to be killed by you?" Ye Chen said with blank eyes. Although the combined strength of the two surpassed the leader of the praying mantis demon, how could the praying mantis demon leader be equivalent to the silver peak of the emperor level, how could it be so easy? Killed by two? Most injured.

Just after Ye Chen finished speaking, the leader of the praying mantis demon got angry out of the ground pit, and once again wielded his sickle forearm to attack Dongfang Zhige and Dongfang Jade.

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