Chaos Fiend

Chapter 304: Run away with dead wood

Within the boat. +++ Girls must go to the website

"Huh? What did you pull me into here? Do you think you're great here?" Said His Holiness. He has seen the sea boat. After all, Ye Chen used the sea boat to defend his attack. At that time, the defense force was only the remaining power of the sea boat. Now that the **** crystal is available, the sea boat has no shortage of energy.

"Oh, if not, why did I pull you in here?" Ye Chen chattered and took out the two swords of the demon god. This is also the first battle after refining the two swords of the demon god. , But simply relying on the quality of the artifact is also equivalent to two silver peak weapons.

"Arrogant !!" Lord Deadwood has consumed his blood and vitality, whether it is defense or attack, has reached the peak of the Phoenix continent, what is Ye Chen fighting with him?

During the talk, Lord Wither's thin, blood-red, dry hands grabbed Ye Chen again, and he wanted to give Ye Chen a hard lesson.

"Huh!" Ye Chen snorted softly, jumping off the back of the praying mantis demon leader, letting the praying mantis demon leader stand aside, and he lifted the devil's double sword and chopped it up.

"I look down on me? Seek death!" Lord Deadwood was angry and angry, but Ye Chen dared to do it with him in person. Where did this courage come from? Who gave him the courage?

"Crunch!" At the moment of the collision, Lord Witherwood found that he was wrong. Ye Chen was as strong as him. His dead hands collided with Ye Chen's two swords, making the sound of metal cutting. No one on either side could do anything. It shouldn't be said that Ye Chen had the upper hand and cut a scar from his palm, but he recovered without blinking.

"You, how can you be so strong? The artifact can still be used this way? You are invincible here?" His Holiness was a little surprised and asked a series of three questions!

"Haha, you asked too much, I don't want to answer, but you can understand it this way, I'm invincible here!" Ye Chen laughed.

After hearing the words, Lord Deadwood finally realized that "I finally understand why Brother Tianming hasn't shot anymore. It turned out to be a jealous artifact for you."

"That's right, he is really afraid of me." Ye Chen nodded. "But he is very clever and has never dared to take action. Even if you, Xuanli and Dongfang Zhige shot together, he didn't do it. If he shoots, hey, his end is obviously an opinion. "

"You are so arrogant! Brother Tianming has almost the same strength as me after he came in, and the two of us can't deal with you?" Said His Holiness.

"Oh, you know immediately if you are arrogant!" Ye Chen grinned.

"Well, even if you have any other cards, but my vitality is invincible, why can you kill me?" His Holiness snorted.

"Haha, this is the funniest joke I've heard." Ye Chen laughed. "You are now fighting me again by consuming blood and vitality. Can you persist for a lifetime? Here is my strength Endless, it will kill you sooner or later! "

"Really? If you have the ability, you can try it!" His Holiness did not believe it, and in the meantime he was able to attack the interior of the island. Big deal break the defense here and leave here.

"You are invincible now, but what if there are four to five strong men of the same level? You will be able to defend by then? Even if you are defending, will you consume it? You can afford this consumption of vitality and blood. Ye Chen had long wanted to use the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, and with six arms out, he could be comparable to two silver peaks, plus the mantis demon leader was comparable to two silver peaks. At least it is also equivalent to five strong players of the same level. It is not simple to deal with His Holiness.

"Ha? Are you telling a joke?" His Holiness was shocked first, and then thought of the ice dragon that appeared before. If he counted the ice dragon again, he seemed really unsatisfactory, but he still cheered himself, "If you are There are so many silver peaks, just release them all. Any golden swordfish and any enemies will be destroyed by you. You are just scaring me now! Do you think I will be timid? Huh, joke! "

"Just me and it, both of us will be enough." Ye Chen pointed at the leader of the praying mantis demon.

"Only you two?" Lord Deadwood already knew the strength of the praying mantis demon leader and Ye Chen, and was disdainful.

"That's right, it's up to us!" When speaking, Ye Chen directly used the blood of the six-armed Demon Clan, his body was raised, and four arms were poured out from under his arms. The upper arms held the demon swords, and the central arms used a virtual god. The illusion turns into an ice dragon gun, and the lowest arms are the lions in the roar.

"You, aren't you human?" Lord Deadwood was shocked to see Ye Chen's changes again, and Ye Chen's surprise to him was wave after wave.

"When you die, you'll know." Ye Chen didn't want to answer, shouted, "The two swords of the demon god, the dragon gun of heaven and earth, the elephant fist of the hell!"

The triple attack is extremely beautiful and beautiful, but it also kills His Holiness with deadly killing power.

On the other hand, the leader of the praying mantis monster also rushed to His Holiness of the Dead Wood. Although it did not have any moves, it relied purely on instinct, and the power of instinct could only be stronger, because it would only look for the weak points of the enemy to attack.

In the face of the attack of Ye Chen and the praying mantis demon leader, Lord Withering Wood had the feeling of being at a loss for the first time, and he didn't know how to avoid it. In the end, he could only stand on the ground and defend with all his strength.

"Boom boom!" The full power of Ye Chen and the leader of the praying mantis demon was released on His Holiness of the Dead. His Holiness was broken open for a moment, and then the power destroyed His Holiness of the Dead. Strong vitality keeps recovering his injuries.

But after this blow, the breath of Venerable Deadwood dropped significantly. After all, the attack power of Ye Chen and the praying mantis demon is about the equivalent of the attack of the five top peak strong men. Such strong men are few in the entire Phoenix continent. Now five attack the dead wood lord at the same time. Can't carry it.

"Continue!" Ye Chen is also welcome, anyway, there are endless additions in the sea boat, and he still gives a full blow. The leader of the praying mantis and demon cooperates, His Holiness the dead body is directly blown this time, and his vitality is halved again.

Now he said nothing and broke the sea boat and escaped. He couldn't even defend himself. Where could he escape?

"Well, it seems that you have no means to turn the cards, what about your hole cards? If you don't use them, I'm afraid I will be killed!" Ye Chen thought that His Holiness had said before that he had hole cards, said.

"Abominable, just because you want to kill me? I won't let you succeed!" His Holiness knew that if he went on like this, he would be directly consumed by Ye Chen, then it was really dead and unclear. Take out the disc. Object, and enter the element force into it.

"This is it?" Ye Chen was somewhat surprised, much like a flying saucer in previous lives.

"You can't guess yet? Do you think you have an artifact? I have it too!" After withdrawing the artifact, Lord Deadwood calmly calmed down and said, "Aren't you wondering why I would let the dry dust deal with you? Then It was because I was just feeling the power of space and felt the fluctuations in space, thinking that the treasure was born, which made the dry dust go out, but I did n’t expect that the treasures with space fluctuations were on you. Maybe you do n’t understand the power of space. . "

"I don't understand that the power of space has nothing to do with you, or do you want to say that you know the power of space?" Ye Chen was a bit surprised, but did not expect that the evil spirits at that time used chaotic magic beads to run away, but the Venerable Deadwood felt the spatial fluctuations. Did he succeed in training the power of space? It's unlikely, if Lord Deadwood practiced, then why not use it now.

"I won't, but it will!" His Holiness pointed to the UFO artifact in his hand and finally said, "I admit that I despise you, but I will come back!"

When speaking, His Holiness has never stopped inputting his power, and the UFO artifact has been shining. When the light is brighter than the sun, His Holiness has penetrated, and then the UFO artifact passes across the sea boat. The space disappeared with His Holiness.

Ye Chen could only look at Yang Xing and sighed. It was really not expected that His Holiness the Dead had such a space artifact similar to the sea boat, but it seemed that the sea boat was powerful and could only be used to escape.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't know that it wasn't because the UFO artifact had no attack power, but because His Holiness could only use it to escape, and could not use its attack ability. As for Ye Chen's escape last time, it was because His Holiness did not respond, Ye Chen ran away, and there was no way to chase it. Otherwise, Ye Chen would not be escaped.

Of course, His Holiness also possesses a bit of space power because of the UFO artifact, which can be used to induce cultivation, but there is no way to attack, but as long as he continues to cultivate, His Holiness can fully learn the power of space.

After seeing the UFO artifact, Ye Chen was even more eager for the power of space. If he can control the space and block the space, where does His Holiness of the Dead run? Kill him in seconds.

But now is not the time to think about those things, thinking that Ye Chen went straight out of the sea boat and closed the island. The sea boat was hidden under the island, and Ye Chen had no way to control it. It was only the island that was exposed outside every time it was used.

When the skeleton thief saw Ye Chen appearing, his face was in disbelief, and some even shouted, "Why did you come out? Our lord ?!"

"Why didn't I come out? As for Your Holiness? I still need to explain to you?" Ye Chen snorted and ignored these people.

While everyone else was shocked, Ye Chen came out, and His Holiness did not come out. Could it be said that His Holiness was killed by Ye Chen? It now looks like it really is.

Ye Chen saw the reactions of the people, knowing that these people had not seen His Holiness, and it was determined that His Holiness had broken the sea boat space, and then directly moved to other places. He did not know how His Holiness was Got a flying saucer artifact.

"Ye Chen, how about we kill the swordfish together now?" Just now the Emperor Tianming laughed. He didn't see His Holiness, and thought that His Holiness was caught by Ye Chen and the mantis demon in the sea boat. The leader is gone. It ’s normal to think about it, even if Lord Witherwood consumes essence and blood and raises his strength to his level, but is n’t it consumed by Ye Chen in Ye Chen ’s artifact? Now he can only please Ye Chen even more. At least, before finding a way to deal with Ye Chen, he can't show any hostility.

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