Chaos Fiend

Chapter 259: Catwoman

..Fastest updated chapter of Chaos Demon!

"It's really speechless. (((Catino Novel Network ))) I just want to go back to Phoenix mainland, but why can't I go back? "Ye Chen was a little depressed." Yes, ask them if they know where it is, and if there is any chance to go back. "

With that said, Ye Chen released the three great beast lords, "Do you know where this is? Don't you see these monsters?"

The three big beast lords looked at each other and looked at the mantis demon. Although the mantis demon was taken by Ye Chen with a sickle and a back shell, he could still see the general shape.

"We don't know each other. Could the host explain the situation here in detail?"

Ye Chen said what Xiao Hei had just said to the three great beast lords.

"What? Can't get out? Is this the legendary island of death?" The Great Lord of the Three Beasts was somewhat uncertain.


"It is said that there is an island on the sea. Everyone who enters and sea beasts never come out again. Over time, the legend of an island of death in the sea has spread." The three big sea beast lords brought panic emotions. This requires It's really an island of death. How can they survive, are they going to die here?

"Island of death? It looks a bit like it." Ye Chen muttered to himself, savoring the words of the six-armed demon youth before, here are all such unconscious praying mantis demon, it should be when you see the enemy If you attack, you will kill, and if you cannot get out, you will really become the death island of the weak.

"Yes, it must be." The three great beast lords heard Ye Chen say so, and they were all sure.

"That being the case, then I'll take a look. I also want to know what happened to the six-armed demon clan." Ye Chen thought, he was already moving. He felt that the six-armed demon youth had just left, it should be OK Easy to catch up.

But after walking past, it was discovered that the six-armed demon youth had disappeared and there was no trace at all.

He could still hear the sound of his feet stepping on the vegetation, but now it has become silent, and at least the six-armed demon youth cannot be seen in the field of vision.

Since it's easy to get lost here, Ye Chen can't separate the three big beast lords. After putting up the three guys, he looked at the direction. This time, there was no battle. Ye Chen at least determined the direction of the six-armed demon youth and left. Walking in that direction.

Because there is a natural trap, Ye Chen leaves a mark every time he walks a distance.

But two hours later, Ye Chen looked depressed at the first mark he had left, and he was really lost.

In addition, he did not encounter the six-armed demon clan and the praying mantis demon for two hours, and even the humans and sea beasts that disappeared on the island of death did not meet, as if entering a deserted land.

"Xiao Hei, do you know anything about this kind of sleepy array?" Ye Chen said.

"Master, I do n’t know about these things, but it seems that when refining medicine and refining craftsmen to refining elixir and refining equipment, they must join the formation. They should be involved in these things. If you do n’t feel late, you can Practise refining and refining, then slowly unleash the array yourself. "

"It looks like this can only be the case now." Ye Chen nodded, and found out the basic method of the refining pharmacist and refining chemist in his space admittance. This was the place in the Western Regions that Zhao Lao from Babaoxing sent him. of. He had watched it before, but then he did n’t study carefully because he did n’t have time and materials. Now he is trapped here. Ye Chen can only study the things of the pharmacist and the chemist.

However, what Zhao Lao gave him were all basic methods, just the ordinary use of spiritual power to control the flames, the fusion of all the materials, and then the formation of elixir or weapons, did not involve the formation method.

In order to hurry up, Ye Chen looked at all the contents, knowing that there is no way to learn matrix formation in the elementary method.

Since there was no way for the primary method of refining medicine and refining equipment, Ye Chen could only get up again, but this time he walked at random, and did not deliberately follow the direction of the former six-armed demon youth.

What Ye Chen didn't expect was that this random walk really met someone. It seems that in the face of this difficult array, it is better to be blind than to look for it seriously.

Of course, what he saw can also be said to be not a person, but a girl with two playful cat ears, which should be a catwoman of the demon tribe.

However, Ye Chen is right behind Catwoman, and Catwoman is in the bush, ten meters away from Yechen. I do n’t know what to do.

But Ye Chen's focus is not here, but on Catwoman's dress.

Catwoman was wearing a tight gray-yellow animal skin skirt and animal skin wrapped chest, exposing a large area of ​​wheat-colored skin, because she was lying on her back, and Ye Chen could just see the wheat-colored thighs and convex under the catwoman animal skin Starting arc.

"Yeah!" Ye Chen saw the catwoman dressed up, and her original hidden breath leaked out.

"Catwoman instantly noticed Ye Chen's arrival, but she didn't get up and didn't speak, but looked back at Ye Chen.

Catwoman's eyes were extremely bright. After seeing Ye Chen's appearance, she was relieved when she found that Ye Chen was a person.

However, I was still a little cautious. I slowly backed away, staring at Ye Chen's movements. When I was about to approach Ye Chen, I got up, stood up to face Ye Chen, and didn't seem to put Ye Chen in his eyes.

And Ye Chen has been staring at Catwoman, and when Catwoman got up, Ye Chen also thoroughly saw her appearance, extremely beautiful, looks very well-behaved, and is about 15 to sixteen years old.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you here before?" Catwoman asked again.

"Before asking others, shouldn't you introduce yourself?" Ye Chen asked.

Catwoman suddenly became angry when she heard what Ye Chen said. A wild breath emanated from her, and she glared, "I asked you first! If it wasn't for you to be personal, I would have been Now! If you don't answer me now, don't blame me for being polite to you! "

"You can answer, you can answer." Ye Chen didn't expect Cat Girl to have a wild breath to deter him. He didn't want to fight Cat Girl, he waved and explained, "I accidentally encountered the sea beast overlord and was caught by the sea beast overlord. Came here with a single blow and didn't know where it was. "

"Oh, your luck is really good or bad." Catwoman didn't doubt Ye Chen's words at all, just looked at Ye Chen more, "You can survive the random hit of the sea monster overlord, you are very good. But came to this Island of Death, your luck is really bad. "

"Is this really the island of death?" Ye Chen said.

"Yes, it is the Island of Death." Catwoman glanced sympathetically at Ye Chen. "No one who comes to the island can go out alive and can only die here."

"I want to know what's going on here? Do you know?" Ye Chen said, "I met a monster like a mantis before."

"You met all those mantis demon?" Catwoman began to look up at Ye Chen, "I didn't expect that you could escape from those demons. It is really amazing."

"I also found a strange human with six arms." Ye Chen did not say that he knew about the six-armed demon clan.

"You have reached the six-armed demon clan?" Catwoman was even more surprised. "Why are you still here? Now that you have met him, he should have taken you back to Haicun."

"What do you mean? I don't understand." Ye Chen was startled.

"Every newcomer who comes here, they will know, and then they will send someone to invite, hasn't he invited you?" Catwoman stared at Ye Chen's eyes and wondered, "No way, everyone who comes here is The living force against the mantis demon, how could they let you out? "

Of course, Ye Chen would not say that there was a conflict in words with the six-armed demon youth, so he didn't want to go, and later wanted to find the six-armed demon youth, but couldn't find it, just nodded, "Then why are you Also outside? Don't you worry about getting lost? "

"Hey, it looks like you've been here for a long time, and you all know how to get lost. Rest assured, I won't get lost afterwards." Catwoman laughed.

"Well, what are you doing here?" Ye Chen asked.

"Don't you say I forgot it!" Catwoman patted her head and stomped back to the original bush.

Ye Chen was also very curious, and the hidden breath followed Catwoman, and the past was overwhelming, because behind the bushes there was actually a huge slope. Before, his attention was on Catwoman and he did not notice the slope. I have noticed and noticed that there are about a dozen praying mantis demon scattered under the slope. The pupils are emitting red light, seemingly looking for something!

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