Chaos Fiend

Chapter 241: Let go, change face

◇ OM, wonderful free! However, Ye Chen had taken control of the powerful force, how could she show cowardice, and said immediately, "Here, I am God, and you have to take me back by whatever means!"

Thinking of Ye Chen controlling the powerful force, the transfiguration hand grabbed Lan Feng and Lan Yu and suppressed them directly. The two wanted to break Ye Chen's repression, unless they offered the ancestral fist intentions like Man Xing Tian. Otherwise it is impossible to break through Ye Chen's repression. --- End of the story, romance between Hong Kong and Taiwan )))

If the two really have that kind of thing, fleeing out, Ye Chen won't go after them either. He is terribly because it is inside the artifact and how much power he can exert to the outside world is a problem.

However, after Lan Feng and Lan Yu were caught by Ye Chen, they did not resist. Even if they wanted to resist, they couldn't move, because Ye Chen could prevent them from using things like the brutality of the wild ancestors. Yuanli is suppressed.

But the two looked indifferent and actually sang a song.

The singing is beautiful and bright, the sound is very penetrating, but it is not lethal, but the sound is very penetrating, and even penetrates the entire artifact.

The people on the island were also very surprised and didn't understand why the song suddenly appeared.

But at this moment, Ye Chen's expression changed.

In his perception, a giant sea beast like the battle fortress attacked the artifact island more than ten times larger than the three silver one-star sea beasts he had previously captured.

The giant sea beast spit out a bit of water, just like a big pillar soaring into the sky, directly breaking the fog around the artifact, and even spraying on the island, piercing the big tiger hole. This is to break the artifact directly with great brute force.

"Boom!" The whole island made a sound like an earthquake, even shaking.

However, Hukou Dadong is still tough and has not been broken by the attack of giant sea beasts.

But this was only the first hit of the giant sea beast, and the second and third hits came again.

The huge power caused the island to shake, and everyone on the island thought that something was going to happen to the earth, and all panicked.

Even the people in this hall can feel the shaking of the island.

Ye Chen frowned. Although the large hole in the tiger's mouth has not been broken, the power of the giant sea beast is almost endless, so it's a matter of time to let it attack like this.

Lan Feng and Lan Yu also stopped singing at this time, and laughed, "Well, this card is strong enough."

"Hehe, the two of you are still the flesh of my hand. I can kill you directly. Will you continue to attack when you die? Or, after killing you, we can just run away." Ye Chen heard , Brow opened his eyes and laughed, since the two were still talking to him, it was time to talk about the conditions.

"Hey, as long as we don't issue an order, it will never stop attacking." Lan Feng laughed. "As for the escape, if you can escape, you will still say it? I'm afraid it will kill us and run away! Now and We spoke to prove that you must have had a reason we had to compromise without knowing it. "

Ye Chen also did not expect that he had revealed a flaw. Yeah, if he could control the artifact to leave, he would talk nonsense with the two. Now that he hasn't figured out the artifact, he can't take it at all, and can only talk about the conditions first.

If giant sea beasts have been attacked, everyone here may have to be buried for two sea people. In Ye Chen ’s eyes, the lives of Honglian and others are much more precious than the two of them.

"That being the case, talk about your conditions. Presumably you also know that its attack will not break here for a while and a half. But its movement is too loud and quiet, and it will attract the stronger." Ye Chen said.

"Freshly, we like to talk to refreshing people." Lan Feng said, "People caught by our ring tie, we want to take them away directly. We also need to take away this dragon, and you need to help us suppress."

"Haha, it's impossible! Ye Long is my younger brother and my loved one." Then Ye Chen went straight to the east, "He's my girlfriend's brother, and that's my sister-in-law!"

"And this is my little brother." Ye Chen said is the first Su Yunzhe who rushed out and was suppressed.

At last Ye Chen pointed to Honglian again, "She is my girlfriend! Do you think I will give them all to you?"

"Then you mean we don't have to talk anymore?" Lan Feng said with a gloomy look.

"Nothing to talk about!" Ye Chen resolutely said, "Otherwise, I'll lose both. Now I will kill you! Big deal, I will leave with my friend, do n’t stay here. Of course, even if we may not escape, we can pull two noble men. The funeral of the Blue Ocean tribe is also a good choice! Do you want to die with us? "

"Okay, very good, very good." Lan Feng said angrily, "You let us go, we'll stop!"

"Yes!" Ye Chen agreed, and immediately let go of the repression of the two.

"You have the right to know my name. My name is Blue Maple!" Blue Maple said, "What's your name, one day, sooner or later, today this hate I will find you to end."

"My name is Ye Chen!"

"Very well, I remember you." Lan Feng wanted to take back the celestial ring that suppressed everyone.

However, Ye Chen stepped away the bundling rings first, "these things are treated as compensation!"

Ye Chen took four in total, Honglian, Dongfang Batian, and Situ Ming, and one was used by Lan Feng to suppress Ye Chen. As for Ye Long, he had already been broken.

"Very good, you are good!" Lan Feng stared at Ye Chen for a while, never spoke again, and turned away with Lan Yu.

Then He Jiaqi chased after him, "Master, bring me!"

"Go!" Seeing He Jiaqi still willing to follow, Lan Yu brought He Jiaqi.

Ye Qifeng said, "Let her go like this?"

"She has already been willing to worship her as the host in order to survive, and her mentality has changed, and it is no longer a concern. I will take her for the life next time I meet her, and now she will live longer." Ye Chenbu Carefully said, now He Jiaqi really became a little person in his eyes.

Lan Feng and Lan Yu walked on the artifact, still as if they were in their own home, which made Ye Chen a bit upset and didn't know what went wrong. Unfortunately, the spirit of the instrument had been swallowed up by the demon. Otherwise, you should ask for the spirit of the instrument. ask. Now the blue maple and blue rain are like the masters here.

After the two went out, they passed through the fog and stood on the backs of giant sea beasts.

But when standing on the back of the giant sea beast, Lan Yu changed her face, "Is Ye Chen? Everything you just talked about with Lan Feng, so in my eyes it doesn't count! What's more important is that you dare Leave our sheaves and remember that the person who killed you is called Blue Rain! It is a noble and insultable sea aristocrat Blue Ocean! Attack! "

Originally, the giant sea beast had stopped attacking when the blue maple and blue rain came out. Now he heard the blue rain's order and continued to launch the attack.

This time the power is stronger than the last time, because part of the power of the blue rain merges with it.

The blue water column continued to attack the island artifact like a laser. This time the water column fired wildly and the island was in chaos.

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