
This BOSS was at least 100 to 200 meters tall, and its random movement was enough to cause changes in the surrounding environment.

When it began to move after being attacked by Lu Chen, the surrounding ground began to tremble.


Then, although Lu Chen turned on the acceleration, the BOSS still found Lu Chen's trace.

There was a piercing roar, and a small avalanche appeared in the surrounding snow-capped mountains. Several huge snowballs flew towards Lu Chen's position. In the accelerated state, Lu Chen easily avoided these attacks.

At the same time, he put on a shield for himself, and took advantage of the gap to send another holy light flame explosion to the BOSS!

After this flame explosion, Lu Chen was sure that he had attracted the BOSS's attention, so he began to evacuate in the direction of the camp. Anyway, his purpose was only to lure out the BOSS and then pass through this road. Let them worry about the things over there on Xinghe. Xinghe didn't care about his own affairs, nor did he care about the safety of his father, but facing such a BOSS, they probably couldn't help but"wait for news."

After the BOSS continued to move, the BOSS member in charge of observation also instantly discovered the abnormality of the BOSS.......

"Something happened! The boss has been awakened!"

"Everyone prepare to defend, retreat!!"

"Go inform the leader!!"

"The team leader is not here. He has entered the secret realm. Are there any front-line professionals left? Please help out. There are also logistics personnel in the team!!"

In fact, there was no need for the observer to remind everyone. The tremors of the surrounding snow-capped mountains alone had already let everyone know that something had happened.

Fortunately, not everyone in the galaxy had entered the secret realm to rush for the first kill. There was still an emergency team arranged outside. Under the command of one of the team leaders, a large number of people began to retreat. The combat members outside the secret realm were ready to welcome the BOSS at any time.

However, because the incident happened suddenly, the whole scene was very chaotic, and everyone didn't understand why the BOSS was awakened at this time.

The main team had already entered the secret realm. If they took on the monster at this time, the loss would definitely be huge!

"Why is it starting to become weird at this time?"

"Not sure, the boss appeared suddenly."

"It seems that someone attacked the BOSS. I saw a figure at the snowy mountain just now, but I can't see him anymore. It might be a thief."

"Was it the people from the East Lake Guild who did it? I seemed to see a team from the East Lake Guild coming this way this morning."

The whole team was already in an uproar over the sudden activation of the BOSS, and since the Xinghe Guild had grown so big, it must have offended many small guilds.

But everyone couldn't care less at this time, as the BOSS was clearly coming towards the camp. The highest level outside was a level 48 warrior, who was holding a half-man-high shield, with a huge afterimage on his body, and activated his defensive skills to help the team resist the snowball attack from the BOSS.

"Fight and retreat at the same time, this kind of BOSS cannot be resisted head-on."

The size of the lord-level BOSS is really too big.

Any random movement may crush some professionals to death.

Therefore, the most important thing to do when facing this kind of monster is to carry out a pulling attack and slowly grind the monster to death.............

The BOSS was launched suddenly, but fortunately, the professionals who could reach level 30 or above had survived the battle.

With the catch-up of the healing professions and the output professions, the battle line was slowly formed. Because the camp was still a certain distance away from the BOSS, except for a few unlucky people who were seriously injured by the BOSS attack, no casualties had occurred so far.

After more people joined the battle, the monsters' hatred also disappeared from Lu Chen.

Lu Chen found a suitable position to cancel the stealth state, and quickly observed the battle situation.

"There are a lot of people from the Galaxy Guild."

Lu Chen knew that the main force of the Galaxy had entered the secret realm.

But he didn't expect that they could take down the BOSS with just these people outside.

Especially the high-level warriors in the front row, whose equipment was definitely not bad.

With the support of more than ten healers, they were able to maintain full health all the time!

But in contrast, due to the absence of the main force, the output professions of the Galaxy Guild seemed to be missing a lot.

Lu Chen only saw more than ten long-range outputs attacking, and there were not many melee professions in the front.

After a brief thought, Lu Chen also found a suitable angle to read the Holy Light Flame Explosion.

Although his damage was reduced by more than 90%, the damage value of more than 2,000 was still not low, and it was even higher than some level 40 professions with poor equipment!!




Holy Light Pyroblast takes five seconds to cast. Lu Chen stood behind the crowd and continued to attack. Occasionally, snowballs and other attacks gathered. Lu Chen could easily dodge them after releasing the Holy Light Shield and accelerating.

In addition to the snowballs that appeared from his body, the BOSS also summoned a lot of elite snow elements to attack.

However, this was when Lu Chen's advantage was reflected.

His Holy Light Pyroblast was a range attack. When it spread, it could burn three to four thousand damage to the elite snow elements at once. These snow elements did not have as high resistance as the BOSS. After only three or four minutes of continuous attack, Lu Chen was locked by the BOSS again. The damage he caused to the BOSS was too high, exceeding the threat value caused by the front-line tanks!!


The BOSS roared violently again. Everyone felt that the ground was not stable, and frost had appeared around them. Everyone was losing blood.

The treatment of the Xinghe team began to increase blood.

At this time, Lu Chen's advantage was reflected again.

His Holy Light Shield had no reduction effect when it was put on his body, and it could directly reduce the damage value by more than 20,000.

Therefore, the surrounding environmental damage basically had no effect on Lu Chen. Others were retreating to avoid it, but Lu Chen could still cause damage!!

The only inconvenience was the problem of mana consumption, but this time Lu Chen came with enough mana. In addition to the warriors in front who were still resisting, Lu Chen was still reading the Holy Light Flame Explosion!!......

"Who is that person? Is he a wizard?"

"It looks like Pyroblast, but it feels wrong."

"His Pyroblast is so smooth, and his aim is so high!"

On the battlefield, as Lu Chen continued to output, some people had already discovered Lu Chen's presence.

There were many mages in the team in the galaxy, and just by watching Lu Chen's smooth casting, these mages knew that he was definitely a big shot.

Because the mage profession does not mean that you can hit the boss completely by just reading the bar, you also need to consider the aim like a bow and arrow, and you also need a stable reading bar.

But Lu Chen's movement and hit rate are too smooth. Even if there are more than ten snowballs attacking Lu Chen, Lu Chen can easily speed up to dodge and counterattack, just like dancing on the tip of a knife!!


Perhaps Lu Chen attracted the attention of others, and some priests behind him also tried to throw some buffs to Lu Chen.

Although many people did not know who Lu Chen was, they subconsciously thought that this big guy should be a new and powerful member of the Galaxy Guild...

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