Card Maker: My Cards Infinite Chain

Chapter 485 Two Heirlooms

This piece of "Lost Home and Pilgrimage" can only be said to be very strong, but Yu Cang doesn't know how strong it is.

After all, he is not a myth yet, and has no idea of ​​the strength of the myth realm... In short, he must be very strong.

This soul card has seven "cut" characters in its five ability names. It's simple and crude, just cut it off and it's over.

Moreover, you can tell by looking at this ability... there is no one who cannot be killed by Feng.

Seeing your location, knowing your name, knowing which space you are in... there is always a way for you. Want to hide? nonexistent.

Moreover, with each slash, Feng can learn another layer of information.

[Name-cutting] can know its location, and then it can launch [Killing-body] or [Robbery-cutting] on it, and [Killing-body] is even more exaggerated... You can immediately know its logical relationship!

At first glance, this description seemed a bit confusing, so Yu Cang asked Feng... It refers to the names of all targets that have a direct logical relationship with the attack target.

For example, if Yu Cang summons Ye Lai, then there is a logical relationship between Ye Lai and Yu Cang.

So if Feng activates [Slaying the Body] on Ye Lai, he can know Yu Cang's name...The result is obvious, [Slaying the Name] will come soon.

The opposite can also work - if Feng attacks Yu Cang with [Severing], then he will get a bunch of names, such as Jie Ying, Ye Lai, Chao Ci, Xing Chen, La...

There is no way to detect names that are slightly distant, such as Shishou Hetuo, Ren Zheng, and Yu Cang's parents, who have no strong relationship.

However, all [Zhan Shen] can perceive is the if the logical relationship is more complicated, the information obtained will be a mess.

For example, if you want to kill Yu Cang to learn the name of the princess, there will be a lot of them... and it will be difficult to find them.

Overall, Maple's first three abilities can be linked to each other.

The information obtained from [Beheading] can trigger [Beheading], the information from [Beheading] can trigger [Beheading], and the information from [Beheading] can trigger [Beheading] and [Beheading]. If you don’t know yet, Information doesn't matter, you can first chop down the relevant targets, and then based on the information obtained, use reasoning to find the target to chop down.

Therefore, the way of fighting this soul card is to use the first three slashes to find the detailed information of the target, and then use the [Fang Slash Must Slash] three slashes at the same time. Ideally, there will be a total of six swords - each ability contains slashes. And path slash twice, the damage is amazing.

And because of the [should be cut as cut], as long as the name of the target is known, he cannot actively activate his ability when cutting this target... Want to rely on passive skills and body panels to resist Maple's six swords? It can only be said that it is difficult.

For example, when he was in Tianmen, Feng used [Name-cutting]. He declared that "Jie Ting should be killed", and then even if Jie Ting was hiding deep in the Bloodline Empire, he would still be hacked to death without even being able to use his ability to save his life.

But the sword that instantly killed Jie Ting was not the full force of [Name-killing].

You know, after this ability, there can be a path slash.

If this path slash is triggered, then from Feng's position to Jie Ting in the Bloodline Empire, the connection between these two points in the absolute space will be separated by a knife... Ao Hai is also on this path. Up.

Therefore, it couldn't be used at that time - but even if it was only a partial injury, it was enough to make Jie, who had no body, die and could not die anymore.

In fact, this path slash is the main source of damage of Feng Sanzhan... Although it is just a light word to describe it, but if it is really used, it is definitely a blow that is enough to cut the sky!

After one knife blow, the talent goes north and south!

Due to the side effects of tearing apart the power of chaos, Lost Home Pilgrimage will directly return to the extra deck when there are no materials, so [Fang Zhan Must Slash] will definitely not be used. If you want to use this soul card Full strength must wait until Yu Cang is truly promoted to Shinhwa.

"How handsome." Yu Cang stroked the soul card.

This is the second truly mythical soul card in his hand.

Before that, Ether God Ra also counts as one.

Looking at the introduction of this soul card... I can only say that it is indeed Maple who has a complete rhythmic body in the field of starry sky!

Although the skills are simple and crude, Yu Cang can feel a hint of the elegance of a wise man in them.

It's like... Feng is using slashes to sense the world?

By the way, that’s it!

Whether it's a weird spatial position or a complicated logical relationship, let me chop it, and I will understand it naturally... In Feng's hands, slashing is already a far more useful and effective sensory organ than vision and hearing!

Although Feng rarely spoke, Yu Cang could already realize from the soul card how high his level of swordsmanship was.

As a super soul card, Kaede is also limited by materials when fighting. If it were the perfect Kaede, it would be hard to imagine how powerful it would be when slashing was used casually.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Cang put the card away.

Feng is very strong, but this level is something that he must reach and surpass one day.

My own ambition is as high as the sky. If I don't work hard to become stronger, I might not even be able to match my ambition... That won't work.

Yu Cang clenched his fists.

Since it is ambition, leave it to the beast, he will come to an end on his own path.

He leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes, and various strange rhythms flashed through his mind.

The battle just now was exciting.

The mythical abilities of all parties are competing against each other, and the conspiracies of all parties are plotting against each other. If he had not occupied the right time, place, and people, he would have died countless times.

It is true that returning home will not make you die, but when you are there, you can't think of this.

Talk about it.

I can be considered as walking through a mythical battlefield calmly.

What does this mean?

Yu Cang moved his fingers slightly and took out a writing pen and a high-quality blank soul card from the portable crack.

For Yu Cang now, money is just a number... Not to mention the copyrights of various soul cards, the remuneration received from those bubble worlds alone is already an astronomical figure.

Therefore, the blank soul cards in his hand now are all of the highest quality, made from various rare treasures, and even blank soul cards with different attributes and categories are prepared.

It is just to improve the success rate of implantation even a little bit at critical times.

But now, it is not for entry implantation.

He is about to burst out with inspiration!

Tianmen is originally a primitive world built by the power of myth. The environment that was born not long ago and is extremely close to chaos makes the rhythm here almost obvious and obvious, and it is a high-level rhythm at the slightest perception.

Moreover, it is very pure, so pure that it can accommodate the current spirit beasts to survive in it... That's why the quota to enter the Tianmen is so precious.

Being in it, the card maker can feel a steady stream of inspiration. For ordinary people, after only a few days, the inspiration they get is enough to use for the rest of their lives.

And Yu Cang, just experienced a divine battle in such an environment!

For card makers, this is a God-given opportunity.

Therefore, after calming down, countless inspirations began to flash in Yu Cang's heart. At this time, he had to do something!

Unparalleled dreamy starlight flashed in his eyes, and everything in the world seemed to have gradually faded away. In Yu Cang's eyes, only the blank soul card was left at this moment, and his ears could only accommodate the rhythmic flashing strange sounds. ring.

The writing pen has become a part of his limbs. Under the tip of the pen, high-grade ink mixed with various heirloom-level materials is constantly flowing. It sparkles like a galaxy, forming mysterious and abnormal rhythms on the blank soul card. texture.


The inaudible rustling sound became the only sound in the Lingxiao Tower, and time passed slowly in this sound.


Feeling groggy, Qi'er slowly opened his somewhat heavy eyelids. seems like I slept for a long time...

Oh, by the way, the chess pieces also fought just now! And defeated many, many enemies!

Finally, I seemed to hear Brother Ye Lai's voice... So that means... Brother Yu Cang must have known about his performance, right?

My brother will definitely be happy for himself!

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, Sister Shuang will definitely tell her brother!

I have already fallen asleep. The battle must be over, right? My brother must have come back from that secret realm...

No, you have to wake up quickly. After fighting hard, of course you have to listen to your brother's praise!


The girl opened her eyes and tried to dispel the sleepiness in her mind, and then she realized that her brother was right in front of her!

That's just right.

There was a smile in the girl's eyes, and she wanted to say hello to Yu Cang, but at this moment, she suddenly felt a soft hand gently covering her mouth.


Gu Jieshuang's cautious voice came from above.

"Brother is working, don't disturb him..."


Qi'er blinked, and then he knew what happened.

No wonder I could see my brother right when I opened my eyes.

It turned out that it was Sister Shuang who was hugging her and looking at her brother.

Then, I'll be good.

The girl stretched out her little hand and placed it on the back of Gu Jieshuang's hand, indicating that she understood.

Gu Jieshuang smiled, and then looked at Yu Cang again.

Appeared! The boss at work!

The serious boss is so handsome.

When she woke up, it was already evening.

Yu Cang was sitting at the door of Lingxiao Tower, and the setting sun shone in slantingly, giving Yu Cang a halo like a god.

Outside the tower is the ground burned by the dawn dragon's breath. There are glass-like crystals everywhere. The soft light of the setting sun passes through it and is refracted, and then shines with countless radiant colors.

Duan Zai's head had long been taken away by the subsequent association staff, so the picture in front of him no longer had any out-of-place features, and was as beautiful as a painting.


Yu Cang's writing strokes passed by, and his voice was continuous.

Qi'er quickly became immersed in this beautiful scene.

I don’t know how long it took.

The tip of the pen paused, and Yu Cang seemed to be stunned.


It should be done.

A smile appeared on Yu Cang's lips. He looked at the thing in his hand and felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction filling his heart.

Two soul cards! They are all passed down from generation to generation!

Soul Card Name: Blow of Chaos

Category: Spell Card

Quality: handed down from generation to generation

Attribute: dark


[One strike]: Causes a slashing blow, disconnecting all field cards, spell cards, and summoning cards within the range. Those soul cards cannot be reconnected until the death cooldown of that soul card ends.

Soul Card Name: Tyrant’s Name

Category: Spell Card

Quality: handed down from generation to generation

Properties: none


[Crime of deceiving the king]: Activate after declaring a card name, disconnect all cards with the same name and invalidate their effects before reconnecting.

[Before the End]: If there is no summoned beast on your field, the soul card can be activated without consuming soul energy. The soul card activated with this ability will be disconnected.


Two heirlooms!

Yu Cang let out a long breath.

These two are both spell cards. Obviously, the inspiration for these two soul cards is the two scenes in the battle just now - the card maker is especially good at making such impressive scenes into soul cards.

The "Blow of Chaos" comes from Maple's slash from outside the world!

This soul card is a complete reappearance of that scene.

Because Maple's perception is blurred and his slashing cannot be accurate, this soul card does not take a target and is only activated in a certain range - this certainly increases the possibility of being avoided, but it can also ignore the influence of some characteristics.

For example, Ye Lai's [Jian Yuan] allows the enemy to only choose Ye Lai as the target to attack, while Chaos's attack does not target Yu Cang, so he can bypass Ye Lai and attack Yu Cang.

This is a strike against the world itself!

If it is successfully hit, it goes without saying that everything will be instantly killed. This is a regular instant kill! Only targets with higher quality than this soul card can be immune to this instant kill - but the damage will still be taken.

The second picture, "The Name of the Tyrant", is the scene at the end where Yao Qi, as the Demon King, sentences Jie Ting for the crime of deceiving the emperor.

At that time, although Yao Qi no longer had the ability to actually carry out this crime, and the sentence was only lip service, but Kaede's subsequent slash seemed to really make Yao Qi guilty of the crime he pronounced. Average.

By coincidence, this famous scene was achieved, and Yu Cang was able to use the ability of a card maker to transform it into the corresponding soul card!

That is the name of this tyrant!

[Crime to deceive the king] Needless to say, a simple and crude expulsion is ineffective, and the really powerful thing about this soul card is the second effect [Before the end], which can be activated directly without consumption when there is no summoned beast!

This means that before the fight begins, Yu Cang can 100% cut off a key soul card of the opponent. While the opponent loses resources, he consumes nothing, which is perfect!

And when being suddenly attacked, this soul card can work wonders, directly banning a card name, and paired with the desolate remnant consciousness, it can be said that the disadvantage is reversed in minutes!

These two soul cards are both simple, crude and powerful. The Tyrant's name does not even have attributes, which means that it can fit into almost any deck.

Different from the soul cards represented by Ye Lai and Feng, these two soul cards are soul cards that he can make at will and give them to people around him.

Moreover...the quality of these two soul cards is only ordinary. This does not mean that the quality can only reach this.

The upper limits of those two scenes are too high. These two soul cards can definitely be upgraded to mythical.

The reason why it is a legendary card now is because Yu Cang wants to add him to his and Gu Jieshuang's deck now. Of course, the quality cannot be too high.

In fact, Legend is a bit high... The quality that can be used directly at level 6 should be epic... and then you can use the knife later, just lower it.

When your strength increases in the future, you can upgrade these two soul cards to a higher quality.

Yu Cang put away the two soul cards with satisfaction.

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