Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 52 I am the legitimate master









In the disciple room where Zhen Junzi spent huge sums of money to redeem, Bian Yuanzhi was trying hard to follow his master to learn symbols that were very strange to him.

Twenty-six pinyin letters were drawn with charcoal on the simple wooden board. In Bian Yuanzhi's eyes, it was like a book from heaven.

Outside the door, four or five players were quietly eavesdropping at the door, and two were even crowded under the window.

While Zhen Junzi was teaching Pinyin to his NPC apprentice, he threatened him in the team channel: "If anyone exposes his true nature in front of my apprentice and scares my apprentice, I will kill him to death! Do you understand?"

Jia Xiaoren, a player who has always been good friends with Zhen Junzi, pointed: "What Lao Zhen means is that you all should at least pretend to be human beings!"

In the room, after reciting the first seven pinyin letters several times, Zhen Junzi asked gently: "Do you remember it?"

Seeing Bian Yuanzhi nodding, Zhen Junzi said: "Then you should think about it more and get familiar with it. I have some things to deal with as a teacher. I will teach you how to write when I come back later."


Seeing that the cheap disciple was very well-behaved and obedient, Zhen Junzi nodded slightly with satisfaction, took the steps he had learned online all night, and pushed out the door.

After gently closing the door, Zhen Junzi let out a sigh of relief, then kicked Jia Xiaoren with a ferocious expression, and shouted in Tuan Mai, "You shut the door! You are the culprit!" It’s all your fault!”

Jia Xiaoren spread his hands and said: "You must be reasonable. I only asked you to sell spiritual herbs, and I didn't ask you to tease the NPC. It's obviously you who is a bitch."

Of course, Zhen Junzi knew that this matter was entirely his own problem. He was just relying on his good relationship with Jia Xiaoren to vent to his relatives and friends.

After he finished venting, he asked the players gathered at the door dejectedly: "What should I do now? I have to raise a son to play games in the future! This son is still so old!"

Jia Xiaoren comforted him calmly: "Look on the bright side, it won't take long for such a big boy to take care of you, right?"

"Thank you! How about I ask him to come out and call you Second Master now, and share half of your things with my apprentice from now on? Don't worry, when you are 80 or 80 years old, I will let him help you carry out your excrement and urine, and provide for you until the end of your life!" "

The Jade Emperor, who came to join in the fun, interrupted: "It's not impossible, we are all brothers. Your son is everyone's son, and your apprentice will naturally be everyone's apprentice!"

"You have to think this way, as long as you ask your apprentice to find a few reliable players to call him master, are you afraid that no one will help you take care of your apprentice in the future?" Jia Xiaoren came up with a bad idea with a smile: "Besides, you are in the library The second senior sister knows all the basic exercises that you haven't learned after staying up all night! You take your apprentice and ask your apprentice to call the second senior sister, senior uncle - in short, let the second senior sister be the senior uncle? Senior sister teaches your apprentice how to practice, and you will definitely make money without losing anything!”

The Jade Emperor also said: "That's right, when your apprentice becomes the best in the world in the future, we will all follow the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven!"

"Don't dream, my apprentice only has five spiritual roots. He has no chance at all. He can only practice talisman cultivation and weapon cultivation that do not require spiritual root qualifications..." As he said this, Zhen Junzi suddenly became excited and looked at a group of people. The lively players gritted their teeth and warned: "You are not allowed to bully my apprentice! You are not allowed to chicken him! If you want to chicken your own baby!"

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he pretended to shake his head and said: "If a young man doesn't work hard, he will be miserable!"

Jia Xiaoren also pretended to be heartbroken: "A loving mother often loses her son! You will harm him if you do this!"

"Hmph! Just be silly!"

As he said that, Zhen Junzi glared at everyone and realized that he had stayed outside the house for too long, so he hurriedly opened the door and returned to the house.

"Are you familiar with everything? If you are familiar with it, I will teach you how to write next. Well, the kind of writing we learn does not require a brush, just use a charcoal pen to practice it first. These are some wooden boards that I cut for you. You can use them first. , I will cut it for you once it’s worn out..."

Listening to the faint sounds in the room, Jia Xiaoren and other eavesdropping players laughed non-stop in Tuanmai.

"On the surface, I am extremely disgusted, but in fact, I prepared lessons all night long and even whittled down a room full of wooden boards for my apprentices to use!"

"Ouch, ouch, 'I'll cut it for you after it's worn out', tsk!"

"He really made me cry to death! Hahahaha!"

Ever since he followed his master to the Taiyin Sect, Bian Yuanzhi always felt like he was in a dream, which was still a very strange dream.

The Taiyin Sect's main hall is very grand, and the food served by the public chef is also very delicious. He has never tasted delicious food. He even has his own house.

It was the master who seemed to love cleanliness to the extreme. Not only did he have to take a bath every day, he also asked him to brush his teeth three times a day...not even with wicker, but with a precious brush he had never seen before, and even the tooth powder he used was the same one he had never used. Wonderful stuff!

Are all immortals so particular?

On the first day of his arrival, Master took him everywhere to identify people. Master Guang called out dozens of people, and he was so dizzy that he could not remember a few of them. This gave him the familiarity of visiting relatives with his parents during the New Year. feel……

He was a little homesick.

The master is often absent, and most of the time he only comes to see him in the afternoon and evening. However, a very gentle elder in the Taiyin Sect is very kind to him, and says that if the master is not here, he can go to her if anything happens.

The immortals of the Taiyin Sect are all very good, but their walking postures are very strange. They are either jumping or flying. Sometimes you can see immortals shouting something like "Fredwood" and jumping off the cliff... Chapter He was shocked when he saw it once. It was after his master explained that it was faster to travel this way that he suddenly realized that he didn't know how long he would have to practice before he could jump off the cliff like that... uh, fly out.

The days on the mountain were leisurely and leisurely. In addition to studying the characters of the Heavenly Book every day, I also practiced martial arts using the methods taught by my uncle. After two or three days, Bian Yuanzhi even gained a lot of weight.

On that day, after finishing the task of practicing calligraphy, Zhen Junzi hesitantly told Bian Yuanzhi: "Apprentice, tomorrow the master will...well, he will go into seclusion. He will not be there all day. You can write well by yourself." Practice well and wait until Master comes back to test your skills. If there is something urgent, go to the elders and Master Baili."

Bian Yuanzhi responded simply. Anyway, he had to write and practice whether the master was around or not. Now he has learned twenty-six symbols called "Pinyin subtitles" and also learned several poems, which are the few that the master gave him. The story of the writing that was originally used to read is very strange, about the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit, a bit childish... By the way, Bian Yuanzhi also discovered that the language he learned from the immortals was pronounced very similar to the Zhongzhou dialect. ! This made it not too difficult for him to learn - except for the twenty-six symbols that were really difficult to remember!

On the other side, Zhen Junzi, who had settled his apprentice, was anxiously walking back and forth in the disciple's room where Jia Xiaoren exchanged money: "What should I do? The game will be updated and maintained tomorrow, and it will take a whole day! It doesn't mean that all NPCs in this game are autonomous. Evolved, can they still live as usual when we are not online? Then will something happen to my apprentice? Damn it, I forgot to tell him not to run around, he is not like us, he can be resurrected. , What if the pig gets bucked by running around?"

Jia Xiaoren rolled his eyes: "Are you a dead person as a sect NPC? The second senior sister said it. She personally asked the sect elders that your apprentice is now a registered disciple of the Taiyin Sect. As long as he can draw Qi into his body, he will A second-generation disciple of the Taiyin Sect has a disciple token just like us! What’s more, rabbits are almost extinct within a dozen miles of Taiyin Mountain, so you still want pigs?”

"Of course you don't have to worry if I'm not your apprentice!"

"Why is he not my apprentice anymore! This kid is now the apprentice of all players in our server!"

"You are all descendants! You are concubines! I am the only one close to you! I am his direct master!"


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