Bright Era

Chapter 825: Minglian summoned

Lin Qi and Princess Qingli had a chat in the Houyuan for a whole night, and Elysium also watched on the big tree outside the courtyard for a whole night.

When the morning sun began to rise, Lin Qi took Princess Qingli's hand and walked out of the back garden. According to the marriage customs of the Blood Qin Empire, today Lin Qi had to send Princess Qingli back to the imperial city to see her biological mother, and there were some odds and ends to complete. But Ying Zheng was too lazy to trouble. Jinkou Yuyan gave Lin Qi a three-month vacation to walk around at will, which made Lin Qi happy to be lazy.

It must be admitted that Yingzheng's personality has too much rashness. It was him who gave Lin Qi the marriage, he who personally attended the wedding, it was him who asked the Blood Qin Empire to uphold the original local marriage customs and traditions, and it was him who was too lazy to bother to break the rules himself.

This is an emperor who has no rules and does whatever he wants. Those who fit his appetite will live well; those who are not right with him will die miserably.

Just walking out of the back garden, Elysium stood in front of Lin Qi with a gentle smile: "Does the prince want to take a bath and change clothes? Elysium has already prepared hot water and changed clothes. Why not take a bath together with the prince and the princess?"

Princess Qingli's pretty face blushed, and she looked a bit sullenly at Elysium. Where could anyone talk to the princess like this? But thinking about Lin Qi's father and those two ancestors, Princess Qingli suddenly felt that all of this was forgivable.

Lin Qi grabbed Elysium and hugged him in his arms, then hugged Princess Qingli in his arms, and then whispered in the ears of the two of them: "Okay, Elysium must not make trouble, Qingli must not be jealous, it's me. The woman who lives in harmony, everyone gets along. Who dares not to be obedient..."

Before Lin Qi's words were finished, the sound of earth-shattering skin and flesh clashing came from the side room, and then Galina's cry came over: "It's impossible for you to kill me. I will definitely give good luck. In my body, save me from this boundless hell; you are the demon of my **** bestowed me, as long as I uphold the right way of my god, you will eventually be put under the door of my **** and receive the supreme grace."

There was a loud'slap', and another violent clash of flesh and blood, and Lin Po's rough voice roared: "Hard-mouthed lady, I've been tossing you all night and you are not convinced? Yes, it depends on your mouth. It's still Lao Tzu's slap, and I will beat you every day from now on to see when you lady can learn what is called a husband and a child, a good wife and a good mother, and a husband who sings and sings!"

Galina screamed: "You are not my husband!"

Then Galina's mouth seemed to be blocked by something, and Lin Po's triumphant laughter came out: "Yeah? Are you married? Hey, who is your husband? I will gather a lot of brothers to do it. I said, you are my woman, and you are my woman! You can still be saved if you haven’t been planted into the seed of God. That’s why I'm so nonsense with you. If you are planted in the seed of God, I would be early I just slapped you to death."

Princess Qingli, who was in Lin Qi's arms, trembled suddenly, and Lin Qi hurriedly hugged her.

The door of the wing suddenly opened, wearing only a pair of trousers, and Lin Po, who exposed most of his furry body, strode out carrying a big sword. As he walked, he whispered: "God? What **** god? Huh? Madame with a broken brain, or stiff mouth, first beat you for three months. If you are still not convinced, take it to blackmail the Milo Cult to see how much they are willing to pay for you!"

I was muttering here, and suddenly I saw Lin Qi standing in front of the door with Elysium and Princess Qingli in his arms. Lin Po threw down the long sword with a thunderous motion and didn’t know where he came from. A long gown was quickly put on the body, and then put on a face that the elders should have.

Nodded majesticly to the three of Lin Qi, Lin Polang said: "The autumn is high and airy, just right to travel. This Shuangyang Chilong City is well-known for a long time, but the ancestor has never been here. Today, I have to go out and stroll around. Lin Qi , Take good care of your wife and this girl, eh, this girl?"

Lin Po blinked his eyes desperately, looked at the two young girls in Lin Qi's arms in amazement, slapped his forehead forcefully, then grabbed the big sword and walked out. As he walked, Lin Po whispered: "Young people these days, this is the second day in the bridal chamber. It's really unbelievable. It's even more ridiculous than Lao Tzu back then... The woman in this room looked at her. Don't let her run out."

Having reached the gate of the yard, Lin Po suddenly turned around and said something that made Princess Qingli and Elysium both beautiful.

"Lin Qi, this wife, you still have to beat when it's time to beat, or they'll have a quarrel! Tsk, no matter who is right or wrong, they must be obedient after being beaten up for three months. This is a lesson to the wife, but it is a skill, and the use of it is single-minded, and you will have a good life in the future."

After saying a few bad words, Lin Po strode out triumphantly, not knowing where he was going to harm people.

Princess Qingli and Elysium raised their heads at the same time, looking at Lin Qi pitifully, and the two women sighed at the same time: "Master (husband), are you willing to beat us?"

Lin Qi touched the pretty faces of the two women and shook his head gently. This old fellow Lin Po, what kind of environment does he have to live in to develop such a twisted psychology? Are you okay to beat your wife? If his wives are pretty girls like Princess Qingli and Elysium, Lin Po can still fight?

It wasn't until a long, long time later that Lin Qi saw his respected grandma, and he was stunned to realize that Lin Po's words were so reasonable. If he had such a wife and beat her every few times to calm her down, that would be a wise saying-of course, the premise is that you are sure you can beat her?

Looking at Lin Po's back, Lin Qi was about to go to the wing to see Galina's current situation. After all, this is also a strong man in the realm of demigod, although it has just stepped into the realm of demigod, but a demigod really breaks out, the lethality is terrible. And Lin Qi was very curious that Galina could infiltrate the Shuangyang Red Dragon City. What method did she use to cover up her breath?

Lin Qi is more interested in this prop that can hide her breath than Galina herself.

But before Lin Qi went to trouble Galina, a small jade ornament suddenly flashed with a faint light on the head of Elysium. Elysium was taken aback, and then looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "The God Lord Empress is outside Shuangyang Chilong City? She wants to see you!"

"God Lord Empress?" Lin Qi and Princess Qingli asked at the same time?

Lin Qi looked at blissful sky blankly.

Elysium chuckled and said: "It's the Minglian Empress, she actually came to the Blood Qin Empire."

Princess Qingli's body was shaken, and she obviously asked with a bit of fear: "The current **** of the patron saint palace, the goddess Minglian? It was in order to step into the semi-god realm that year, he did not hesitate to set off three hundred tribes in the eastern subcontinent to kill each other, gathering hundreds of millions. The man's blood, blood and soul sacrifice to the gods, and the goddess of the goddess who forcibly pushes herself into the semi-god state with her divine power?"

Elysium nodded gently: "Of course it is the Dark Lotus Empress. There is only one Dark Lotus Empress in the entire patron saint palace."

Princess Qingli's face turned pale. She looked at Lin Qi in despair and asked in a low voice: "Husband, she knows Empress Ming Lian, then she is..."

Lin Qi suddenly woke up, Princess Qingli's body was trembling violently, apparently she was already terrified to the extreme. He hurriedly hugged Princess Qingli's body with both hands, and leaned to her ears and whispered: "Have you heard of the great blessing of the soul guard? I have been blessed by the elders in the family with this magical technique, so all soul attacks I am ineffective. And Elysium is the guardian goddess of the guardian temple. She once wanted to plant a **** seed on me, but unfortunately, that **** seed was swallowed by me."

Before Princess Qingli could speak, Lin Qi had already sneered: "Not only that, Elysium has also become my loyal woman. I don't know the so-called Dark Lotus, she just wasted the guardian temple so big. energy."

Princess Qingli's trembling gradually subsided, and she looked at Lin Qi like a ghost.

Lin Qi nodded firmly: "What kind of **** guarding the temple, what the **** is the goddess of the gods, what the mess of the gods of the Miras, those things have nothing to do with me. If you don't believe it, my name is Lin Yu The ancestors accompany us and chopped off the dark lotus lady with one sword."

Elysium looked at Lin Qi sweetly: "Wang, are you going to kill the Dark Lotus? Then Elysium can help you."

Princess Qingli was dumbfounded, she knew the viciousness of the soul-cultivation technique of the three major divine palaces, and she knew what kind of existence the guardian goddess of the guardian divine palace was. But when these things that once made her nightmare really appeared before her, she suddenly felt that the scene before her was so funny.

To a human soul who has a god-level secret soul guardian blessing technique to protect the soul?

This is the biggest mistake the patron saint has made in countless years, right?

Princess Qingli suddenly had an urge to laugh out loud. How could all this make her happy?

"Then, let's meet her?" Princess Qingli asked courageously in a low voice.

Lin Qi slowly nodded: "Go to see her, anyway, I am the most pious guardian of the patron saint, the most loyal **** concubine, and you are the most loyal creation goddess of the founding temple, you see , Our identity is impeccable, so what if we go to see her?"

Princess Qingli showed a charming smile. Just as Lin Qi said, the three of them were joined together, which was really funny. Even if Empress Ming Lian had great magical powers, she couldn't think of the three people in front of her in her dreams. None of them was truly loyal to the Myra religion, right?

He hugged Lin Qi's arm hard, which would make her feel more secure. Princess Qingli nodded earnestly: "Then, let's go and meet her."

Lin Qi immediately whistled: "Two ancestors, there is work to be done! Hey, are any of you interested in the contemporary lord guarding the shrine? No surprise, it should be a great beauty?"

The wall of Lin Yu's bedroom collapsed immediately, and Lin Yu, who was 2.5 meters tall, screamed and rushed out carrying a big axe. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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